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Any good money NMs left?

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  • Any good money NMs left?

    Seems deflation has really hit Titan hard, about the best thing (and possibly most constructive) is starting to camp Stray Mary, Dune Widow or pop Morion Worm over and over. And DW's drop rate is pretty crappy. Stray Mary since I need to get around to leather crafting anyway and dark crystals drop like mad in mire.

    I need to get some gil togther to work out /SAM and /WHM, but I just can't seem to think of another saleable drop NM. Doesn't help that COR and RNG are a constant drain on funds. I get by enough to keep moving on those jobs, just can't seem to find gil to spare to get those subs done.

    All i've been camping lately are the r/e NMs

  • #2
    Re: Any good money NMs left?

    Ya, I sympathize, its been real tough to make any money. When my 700k runs out, I have no idea what I'll do(and I was gonna level ninja too)
    MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

    MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999 - OSS Media Player


    • #3
      Re: Any good money NMs left?

      Huu Mjoo the Torrent
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #4
        Re: Any good money NMs left?

        Yea, all i can suggest is crafting maybe? Things are als going down in price, but not enough to make up for the things ya need, and still some prices are the same. Powders and Oils hit me hard alot.. good luck :D


        • #5
          Re: Any good money NMs left?

          Read my blog.

          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
          Entry 32: Death to Castro


          • #6
            Re: Any good money NMs left?

            Monster Signa I'd also concur with. But yea, making money has become a real chore now with the deflation. I took up logging today for woodworking and to AH Elm logs cause I was down so much from getting RDM to 56 and from buying Erase for WHM. I have 100ish Beastmen Seals to use, but I'm going to need to hold a Ni for personal use, so unless I get 2 I'm SOL.

            Mist Silk Cape is another option, it still goes around for 40k-50k since it's really the best Mage backpiece in XP parties till 32. Mary's Horn goes for 150k-200k here, although I think she's significantly harder to get. That's just my limited knowledge though, don't know of any other ones.
            Cleverness - Hades
            DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


            • #7
              Re: Any good money NMs left?

              I prefer to go the: "Farm EPs with money drops and horde beastmen/kindred seals" route myself.

              Camping stray mary while working on leather isn't a bad idea though. Even if you don't get the horn, it's not like you completely wasted your time.
              Generic Info!


              • #8
                Re: Any good money NMs left?

                Yeah I figure with all the dark crystals I pick up in mire PTs I can afford to do some leather crafting, if only for a small profit.

                I actually horde away a lot of seals on BST, probably should stick with that.


                • #9
                  Re: Any good money NMs left?

                  I'm assuming that it's your corsair/ranger ammo usage that really eats up your gil, but have you thought about leveling alchemy/goldsmithing so that you can make your own silver bullets?

                  Until you can HQ the synths, it may not be really worthwhile, and with dual skill synths I do believe that you need both skills worked up to really HQ the synth, so it may not be that feasible, but getting ingredients for firesand and silver ingots is fairly easy if you want to farm them up, and alchemy is fairly inexpensive and easy to skillup.

                  Otherwise.... I know it would have been slow or people being unable to do it, but I would have recommended the repeatable Rolanberry quest in Selbina, however SE nixed that quest regrettably so now you can only turn in one Rolanberry for a certain amount of time, I don't know if it's per game day or conquest tally or what. Which is too bad, the Gaurdian Crawler had a nice silk thread drop rate.

                  If you are going to go into leather I would recommend working it up and then look at what you can desynth. Possibly look at desynths for skillups. Back in my newb days I saw a lot of japanese players desynthing leather armors in Sandy for skillup and profit. Dirt cheap, aren't leather headbands like 300? Those desynth into sheep leather, as do most other leather armors, so that's something to look into.

                  NMs I have never been that fond of, but you may want to look into the CoP area NMs, most people seem to leave those be.

                  You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                  I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                  • #10
                    Re: Any good money NMs left?

                    I only really camp one NM anymore and its pretty much a 0 competition NM every time. He has an obscure schedule and a mediocre drop rate but the drop is good money.

                    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                    • #11
                      Re: Any good money NMs left?

                      I'm assuming that it's your corsair/ranger ammo usage that really eats up your gil, but have you thought about leveling alchemy/goldsmithing so that you can make your own silver bullets?
                      They actually don't burn that much gil. I generally use holy bolts or marid arrows in merit PTs, both are fairly cheap. Silver bullets I just save for events these days.

                      Iron Bullets on COR are used moderately. Since I pull more than DD as COR these days, I don't use so many bullets. I end up burning more shehei and cards than bullets, which aren't very cheap.

                      Its really gear and consumable items like food, oils or reraise items that burn through my gil.

                      Taking up alchemy and smithing stillmight be the best thing, though. I only took up bonecraft so I could make SHs, which are pretty cheap these days. However, an alternative to doing bullets could be sticking to Woodworking on my Taru and bonecraft on the mithra.

                      Kitten can make arrowheads, Foobar could make the arrows. Scorpion arrows are what I use to farm and NM camp, those are pretty cheap. Holy bolts seem like cheap materials - only requiring low smithing skill and 57+ Alchemy. Holy Bolts require Boltmaker trait, but are a very low level synth otherwise, they'd be easy to HQ.

                      Since Holy bolts are very common ammo for RNG and sometimes the best damage, making these could be the best way to go. I'd just have to sort out by character.

                      Foobar is 50 on cooking, 24 on Alchemy and 22 on woodworking.
                      Kitten is 56 Bonecraft.

                      I probably have cooking at a sufficent level to support alchemy to 60, which would be enought to get decent hqs on holy bolt head with a fair amount of smithing to support it. Then I could go pretty high on wood working. Smithing and alchemy would also let me make iron bullets sufficiently.

                      Bonecrafting could still be very profitable, so I'm reluctant to abandon it, but I do need leathercraft to support it, possibly clothcraft as well.

                      Guess Foobar could be ammo and kitten could do armor.


                      • #12
                        Re: Any good money NMs left?

                        Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                        I only really camp one NM anymore and its pretty much a 0 competition NM every time. He has an obscure schedule and a mediocre drop rate but the drop is good money.
                        This is sort of what I expected as a response from this thread.

                        Unfortunately, if anyone has a NM they make money on they aren't going to say for fear of it not making money for them anymore. It's nice to find a good community site for help and whatnot but sometimes people need their secrets.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #13
                          Re: Any good money NMs left?

                          In alchemy there will only be perhaps two bottlenecks to your crafting, lvl 16 or so if you choose to make Mercury and then again at about lvl 25 if you choose to fix Broken Glass Fishingrods.

                          You can probably get by with making Poison Dust. You can sometimes buy Yellow Globes on the Mhaura-Selbina Ferry, sometimes there are there and sometimes not. I also see that they are sold in Whitegate by a guild merchant, Wahnid, at H-11.

                          Fishingrods though.... You'd probably want to make Echo Drops until lvl 20, then move... I think Minnows (fire crystal, brass ingot and glass fiber, lvl 26 cap) would be your next best option. The lvl 14-30ish stage is probably the hardest and most expensive stage of alchemy from 1-60. There just aren't alot of good synths, although the minnow synths didn't seem to break that often with a very low goldsmithing skill. To minimize breaks I'd synth up a bunch of Bronze ingots or some other low level goldsmithing skill until lvl 4 or so, then go for the minnows.

                          Clothcraft is a little expensive to buy things from the guild merchants, but otherwise it's a very easy craft since you can just buy all your ingredients from NPCs and you *should* more or less break even, when I did it I was able to make a tidy profit while I skilled up but I don't know about today's market, I'm on a three month break due to college (whee!)

                          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                          • #14
                            Re: Any good money NMs left?

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            This is sort of what I expected as a response from this thread.
                            Unfortunately, if anyone has a NM they make money on they aren't going to say for fear of it not making money for them anymore. It's nice to find a good community site for help and whatnot but sometimes people need their secrets.
                            Actually I PM'ed kitten a list with a few of them. There seems to be an avoidance overall of camping CoP NMs. Everyone seems to fall back on the old standard money NMs while neglecting quite a few easy to camp / easy to kill NMs. The point of the post was to show that there are some great NMs out there still.

                            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                            • #15
                              Re: Any good money NMs left?

                              Hmm, anything for a whoring SMN to kill?
                              I've been hunting moblinium ingots, trying to make something that probably requires more goldsmithing than I have. I need to raise GS so I can get that item made
                              Hacked on 9/9/09
                              FFXIAH - Omniblast

