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Any good money NMs left?

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  • #16
    Re: Any good money NMs left?

    Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
    Hmm, anything for a whoring SMN to kill?
    I've been hunting moblinium ingots, trying to make something that probably requires more goldsmithing than I have. I need to raise GS so I can get that item made
    If you're in Oldton, then look up Bugbear Strongman. I don't remember the exact pos, but there are two tunnels leading away from the area. One goes South, another goes West. Looking SWish at the tunnels there is a Bugbear on the inside edge of each one. On the outside edge of one tunnel there will be a 2nd Bugbear. That's the PH. Kill it and either a PH or the NM will pop on one of the tunnels. Trust me. Its a lot less complicated when you can see it.
    The NM or PH will be in one of the blank spots. The repop on the PH's is about 12 minutes.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #17
      Re: Any good money NMs left?

      Orctrap and Intulo are two others that are rather easy to find PHs for. They have decent money drops and are hardly ever camped.

      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


      • #18
        Re: Any good money NMs left?

        I camped that thing lots of times and it never dropped the SAM pants for me. However killing bugbears gave me lots and lots of kopparnickel ore for making Paktong ingots, I just made ingots and made enough money to buy the pants.


        • #19
          Re: Any good money NMs left?

          Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
          Orctrap and Intulo are two others that are rather easy to find PHs for. They have decent money drops and are hardly ever camped.
          I feel bad camping Intulo sometimes since bsts use the efts as pets. I have killed orctrap a few times and it has only dropped a leaf or whatever. If you could get those flytrap leaves to drop they npc for around 1,200 gil each.
          Thanks Kazuki.
          Dragoon Equipment


          • #20
            Re: Any good money NMs left?

            Originally posted by Skoal View Post
            I feel bad camping Intulo sometimes since bsts use the efts as pets. I have killed orctrap a few times and it has only dropped a leaf or whatever. If you could get those flytrap leaves to drop they npc for around 1,200 gil each.
            lol yeah when I was camping the ferry I usually just made money off of the damn flytrap leaves

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #21
              Re: Any good money NMs left?

              You can always camp King Arthro over and over again just for the Damascene Cloth drops..

              I feel your pain Kitten.. Ramuh's economy is in the toilet too. It's gotten so bad that even reliable stuff like Quadav Backplates and Goblin-drop items have halved in value.
              Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
              Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
              Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


              • #22
                Re: Any good money NMs left?

                On Ifrit, the Monster Signa dropped from 200k to 140k... Everyone's camping Mr. Hoo Joo whats his face nowadays. It's almost impossible to claim him with the nine thieves poised over their claim macros in Giddeus. Mary's horn is around 250k still, which is good, but thus far hunting her while leathercrafting = 0/1 on the horn. She's a tricky mistress that Mary...

                I think I need to level THF/RNG...


