Re: Why did you pick that Job?
My main jobs for Omgwtfbbqkitten are COR and RNG. I consider them an equal priority since they share a lot of equipment and are ranged attackers. If I were to pick a favorite between the two, I'd probably say COR since its also a nod to the Gambler class which began with the character Setzer in FFVI. You may also be familiar with Gambler through Cait Sith in FFVII and Wakka in FFX, as well as the Lady Luck job in FFX-2.
I like COR because its a job that's always looking to play of the skills of its allies. We don't just buff stats like Bards do, we can take traits from other jobs and loan them out to allies within range through a buff we call Phantom Roll, which is essentially a game of Blackjack. Go over 11 and you bust, and allies within range lose the effect. Hit 11 or the lucky number within the roll and you're golden. There's an unlucky number in each roll, too, so ya gotta watch out for it.
Another way we play off our allies is Quick Draw. We don't natively enfeeble any monster, but when a RDM or other PT member lands a status ailment on the enemy, we can use a matching elemental Quick Draw to enhance it. We do this by using elemental cards that replace the bullet in our gun. Addtionally, our Light Shot sleeps a monster, our Dark Shot acts as a Dispel to remove buffs off of an enemy.
Warrior and Monk. There used to be a time where people laughed at those who played WAR or MNK. They were never weak jobs at all, but Ranger totally overshadowed them in damage and people preferred inviting them over other DD classes. RNG wasn't exactly overpopulated due to high expense, but it was always in high demand.
Then SE nerfed it hard. While RNG was readjusted again later and its power is almost back to what it originally was, people have now begun to prefer WAR and MNK due to low expense and the fact that Haste can helps TP build fast on melee weapons.
At any rate, WAR and MNK have become overpopulated, worse is that most WARs perpetuate the falsehood that WARs can't tank. The class was built to tank, most WARs just refuse to gear themselves for the task and WHMs don't want to cure something that can't cure itself or evade damage. Basically, FFXI is full of pampered WHMs and ZOMGdamage WARs. Its annoying.
I'd love to play WAR if it was allowed to play all of its intended roles, but there's far too much competition in the job and people frown on WARs that want to tank. And that really stinks because a lot of the AFv2s for WAR at endgame are... designed to help WARs tank.
Originally posted by MyNameIsCooler
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I like COR because its a job that's always looking to play of the skills of its allies. We don't just buff stats like Bards do, we can take traits from other jobs and loan them out to allies within range through a buff we call Phantom Roll, which is essentially a game of Blackjack. Go over 11 and you bust, and allies within range lose the effect. Hit 11 or the lucky number within the roll and you're golden. There's an unlucky number in each roll, too, so ya gotta watch out for it.
Another way we play off our allies is Quick Draw. We don't natively enfeeble any monster, but when a RDM or other PT member lands a status ailment on the enemy, we can use a matching elemental Quick Draw to enhance it. We do this by using elemental cards that replace the bullet in our gun. Addtionally, our Light Shot sleeps a monster, our Dark Shot acts as a Dispel to remove buffs off of an enemy.
2. What job do you see as being overpopulated?
Then SE nerfed it hard. While RNG was readjusted again later and its power is almost back to what it originally was, people have now begun to prefer WAR and MNK due to low expense and the fact that Haste can helps TP build fast on melee weapons.
At any rate, WAR and MNK have become overpopulated, worse is that most WARs perpetuate the falsehood that WARs can't tank. The class was built to tank, most WARs just refuse to gear themselves for the task and WHMs don't want to cure something that can't cure itself or evade damage. Basically, FFXI is full of pampered WHMs and ZOMGdamage WARs. Its annoying.
I'd love to play WAR if it was allowed to play all of its intended roles, but there's far too much competition in the job and people frown on WARs that want to tank. And that really stinks because a lot of the AFv2s for WAR at endgame are... designed to help WARs tank.