Sometimes, just out of pure curiosity, I'll plug in a players name into the FFXI AH search. I don't really care what the hell people do with their gil or jobs, but its amusing to see what some people do.
You can go ahead and look me up, I buy lots of scorpion arrow quivers and materials, I use them for NM camping and general farming. I also sell lots of mythril pieces, that's pretty much all I ever do. Anything else I just mule or buy from mules. Got a good deal goin with a little taru mule that sells holy and acid bolts cheap, cheaper than AH.
Anyway, so I plug in a name. RDM I know of with full AFv2 and all sorts of nice widgets.
They finally learned Invisible last week. WHM to 37 two years ago, 75 RDM for well over a year. Full AFv2. God only knows what other spells are missing. Of course, this one liked to hide thier underlevelled BLM sub and went /DRK as often as they could, but kept it /anon. Wonder how they explained not having Escape.
But am I really surprised? I don't know if I can be when the only SAM on our server with a relic GK posted his achievement with a screenshot... which showed him 75SAM/25WAR
Guess that just proves the losers can win after all if they're dedicated enough.
You can go ahead and look me up, I buy lots of scorpion arrow quivers and materials, I use them for NM camping and general farming. I also sell lots of mythril pieces, that's pretty much all I ever do. Anything else I just mule or buy from mules. Got a good deal goin with a little taru mule that sells holy and acid bolts cheap, cheaper than AH.
Anyway, so I plug in a name. RDM I know of with full AFv2 and all sorts of nice widgets.
They finally learned Invisible last week. WHM to 37 two years ago, 75 RDM for well over a year. Full AFv2. God only knows what other spells are missing. Of course, this one liked to hide thier underlevelled BLM sub and went /DRK as often as they could, but kept it /anon. Wonder how they explained not having Escape.
But am I really surprised? I don't know if I can be when the only SAM on our server with a relic GK posted his achievement with a screenshot... which showed him 75SAM/25WAR

Guess that just proves the losers can win after all if they're dedicated enough.