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High Pop server

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  • High Pop server

    Hi I've started to play the game again and I've decided to start up with a new race. Any servers out there with a lot of beginners?

    Also looking for a very social server people in my server don't really talk. Used to be a very active server but now it seems kinda boring :-(

    Currently on Diabolos.


  • #2
    Re: High Pop server

    The population on the servers seems about even across the board. I can't think of one that would have a significant number of newer players compared to other ones.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: High Pop server

      This is just gonna turn into a big fluff fest where everybody says "Oh, you should come play on my server..."...

      I've played on 4 different servers over a few years (Garuda, Midgardsormr, Siren, and Kujata). Out of those 4, I'd say Kujata is easily the friendliest of them. I don't know about NEW player population, as I play at off times, but the lowbie population is healthy. Valkurm Dunes isn't a ghost town, unlike some servers. Siren was a great server as well. Garuda I didn't play on for long, but it wasn't too long after launch, so everything was kind of chaotic. And Midgardsormr...well, I'm just gonna say I wouldn't recommend that one.


      • #4
        Re: High Pop server

        With players being able to choose the server to go to. Over time the balance will start getting thrown off, for now all the servers are fairly balanced on players. So it'll be unclear which gets more lower levels playing then the others right now.

        Also it isn't that Valkurm Dunes is the popular spot for every server to level low jobs. Some servers were they level changed as there were WHMs that decided to PL people, in those cases the players often went somewere a bit tougher since they had someone that could keep them alive. It's sort of a trade off, more exp but a longer battle (When it's clear that players are just looking at big numbers and not considering the net gain).
        Last edited by Macht; 03-29-2007, 04:57 PM.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          Re: High Pop server

          I'm pretty sure there's at least one heavily populated server. Check the last Census from the Viewer in the developer's room.


