This is a copy and paste from a LS forum. These are not my own ideas although I do share a similar view point. So here goes.... Discuss ^_^
1.) Dynamis - Experience points
Player death and experience loss is a certain at some point during the dynamis event. I feel that it would be a major booster to player moral during this event if there were some method for _every_ player to earn some experience (or limit) points.
Examples of such methods:
Killing certain statues (much like time extenders)
Killing Named monsters
Killing the zone boss
I understand that there are experience scrolls currently in place. However that is for such a tiny amount and only effects one of the potential 64/32 players in the event. This would be something that effects every player.
The amount per trigger does not have to be a lot. But something on the order of "if all exp triggers are accomplished it would be enough to negate the loss of 2-3 Raise 1s on a 75 job"
2.) Dynamis currency distribution improvement
Some linkshells use an open lotting for all currency; others use a system where an individual collects for later distribution. This proposal is for those that use the ‘later distribution’ and as such it is for an option when registering to enable an ‘auto-collect’ for the dynamis currency.
Typically whomever is doing the currency collection has to devote a large portion of their time/attention on the treasure pool to lot on currency that drops, however if it was auto-collected these currency would automatically go to that individual OR would be tracked by the system and after the run whomever registered the zone would be able to pull out the lump sum of the currency. Potentially this lump sum could be in singles to further aid in even distribution.
3.) Dynamis - Relic acquisition
The current method to obtain Relic armor is flawed, its common occurrence to have players waiting 6, 12, 18, etc months to complete a set of relic. 18 months, that’s over 150 dynamis events, which equate to over 530 hours. If that were an exp party that same time would equate to obtaining 2 level 75 jobs.
Then there is transference. Let’s say you have something interrupt your play {family, friends, work, war, etc} and you’re gone from game for a month or more. When you return your old dynamis shell may not be around anymore therefore all your effort spent in dynamis to obtain items is null. This is one area where assaults are king; your progress exists outside of who you go with and is clearly visible how far from the goal you are.
Please reconsider how Relic armor is obtained, as right now to have to wait for so long, spend so much gil, and loose so much experience points hardly seem fair.
1.) Dynamis - Experience points
Player death and experience loss is a certain at some point during the dynamis event. I feel that it would be a major booster to player moral during this event if there were some method for _every_ player to earn some experience (or limit) points.
Examples of such methods:
Killing certain statues (much like time extenders)
Killing Named monsters
Killing the zone boss
I understand that there are experience scrolls currently in place. However that is for such a tiny amount and only effects one of the potential 64/32 players in the event. This would be something that effects every player.
The amount per trigger does not have to be a lot. But something on the order of "if all exp triggers are accomplished it would be enough to negate the loss of 2-3 Raise 1s on a 75 job"
2.) Dynamis currency distribution improvement
Some linkshells use an open lotting for all currency; others use a system where an individual collects for later distribution. This proposal is for those that use the ‘later distribution’ and as such it is for an option when registering to enable an ‘auto-collect’ for the dynamis currency.
Typically whomever is doing the currency collection has to devote a large portion of their time/attention on the treasure pool to lot on currency that drops, however if it was auto-collected these currency would automatically go to that individual OR would be tracked by the system and after the run whomever registered the zone would be able to pull out the lump sum of the currency. Potentially this lump sum could be in singles to further aid in even distribution.
3.) Dynamis - Relic acquisition
The current method to obtain Relic armor is flawed, its common occurrence to have players waiting 6, 12, 18, etc months to complete a set of relic. 18 months, that’s over 150 dynamis events, which equate to over 530 hours. If that were an exp party that same time would equate to obtaining 2 level 75 jobs.
Then there is transference. Let’s say you have something interrupt your play {family, friends, work, war, etc} and you’re gone from game for a month or more. When you return your old dynamis shell may not be around anymore therefore all your effort spent in dynamis to obtain items is null. This is one area where assaults are king; your progress exists outside of who you go with and is clearly visible how far from the goal you are.
Please reconsider how Relic armor is obtained, as right now to have to wait for so long, spend so much gil, and loose so much experience points hardly seem fair.