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Proposed Dynamis changes

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  • Proposed Dynamis changes

    This is a copy and paste from a LS forum. These are not my own ideas although I do share a similar view point. So here goes.... Discuss ^_^

    1.) Dynamis - Experience points

    Player death and experience loss is a certain at some point during the dynamis event. I feel that it would be a major booster to player moral during this event if there were some method for _every_ player to earn some experience (or limit) points.

    Examples of such methods:
    Killing certain statues (much like time extenders)
    Killing Named monsters
    Killing the zone boss

    I understand that there are experience scrolls currently in place. However that is for such a tiny amount and only effects one of the potential 64/32 players in the event. This would be something that effects every player.

    The amount per trigger does not have to be a lot. But something on the order of "if all exp triggers are accomplished it would be enough to negate the loss of 2-3 Raise 1s on a 75 job"

    2.) Dynamis currency distribution improvement

    Some linkshells use an open lotting for all currency; others use a system where an individual collects for later distribution. This proposal is for those that use the ‘later distribution’ and as such it is for an option when registering to enable an ‘auto-collect’ for the dynamis currency.

    Typically whomever is doing the currency collection has to devote a large portion of their time/attention on the treasure pool to lot on currency that drops, however if it was auto-collected these currency would automatically go to that individual OR would be tracked by the system and after the run whomever registered the zone would be able to pull out the lump sum of the currency. Potentially this lump sum could be in singles to further aid in even distribution.

    3.) Dynamis - Relic acquisition

    The current method to obtain Relic armor is flawed, its common occurrence to have players waiting 6, 12, 18, etc months to complete a set of relic. 18 months, that’s over 150 dynamis events, which equate to over 530 hours. If that were an exp party that same time would equate to obtaining 2 level 75 jobs.

    Then there is transference. Let’s say you have something interrupt your play {family, friends, work, war, etc} and you’re gone from game for a month or more. When you return your old dynamis shell may not be around anymore therefore all your effort spent in dynamis to obtain items is null. This is one area where assaults are king; your progress exists outside of who you go with and is clearly visible how far from the goal you are.

    Please reconsider how Relic armor is obtained, as right now to have to wait for so long, spend so much gil, and loose so much experience points hardly seem fair.

  • #2
    Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

    i wouldnt mind getting exp in dynamis it stops the bleeding (^.^)b

    relic drop rates were to rise slightly i would enjoy that but the great thing about some of that af is the sense of accomplishment in getting it.

    i would love currency drops to triple... but thats cuz i want my gungir so im partial, tho if you made more currency the people who sell as a means to get by would be hurt in the fact of more supply then demand.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #3
      Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

      I think the point wasn't really about the amount of currency that drops but someway to setup an auto /roll function to gather easier. This would only work on currency and not on relic items or crafting items.

      and the improved drop rate... did they really improve it or just expect more thf's to have thief knifes ergo improving it

      Side note: Good luck on your gungir ^_^


      • #4
        Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

        thf knife is only "1%" ive noticed better drops rates of corse those could all be just luck. And i cant see the auto roll working unless ur dynamis goes with one allaince only =/, tho it would help alot of dynamis ls.
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • #5
          Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

          1) That would be nice, but I have an issue with 'it would be enough to negate the loss of 2-3 Raise 1s on a 75 job'. That's potentially several thousand xp right there. Not that its necessarily a bad thing, but that seems pretty high. Besides, with reraise items, there is no reason other then a poorly timed dispel that a player should have to eat a raise 1.

          2) I can see how this would make things easier. It may be a bit tough to implement though as its a change to the loot system as a whole. Then again, the dynamis system is changed from normal anyway.

          3) There's no reason to change city AF drops. They all drop pretty frequently and can be farmed effectively by small groups if needed. The northlands however, especially Xarcabard, could use a significant boost. I think they tried to address this with the COP zones. However, the COP dynamis zones, especially Tavnazia, are so prohibitive that any AF gained there almost seems like winning the lottery.

          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


          • #6
            Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

            The only real things that need to be done with something like Dynamis is (1) Make it instanced and (2) Make it more like Limbus and Assault.

            The introduction of instancing would do a world of good and enable players for find a linkshell group that is very compatible with their play time. Right now we're forced to work around other linkshells due to lack of instancing and this limits the choice of players by timezone, as if quirky internal linkshell politics weren't bad enough.

            Another problem is that loot distribution was left totally in the hands of players with Dynamis and this is where where said politics come into play. Player-driven point systems and the rules employed - as encouraging as they may be for attendance - can be abused and corrupted very easily for personal gain.

            With Assault, the point system is left in the hands of NPCs and you can easily organize small groups of trustworthy friends to do them. And while Limbus doesn't exactly share that idea, you can go duo/trio and area of the zone to farm materials and coins. Once again, this is simple to arrange with friends as it doesn't require an alliance of people to do it at times.

            Dynamis needs this instancing and progressive design. I think its fine that relic armor is difficult to get, but it shouldn't have to become a second job to obtain it. Limbus and Assault offer players tangible returns and that's why this content is steadily growing more popular of late.

            The old content just needs to get with the times.


            • #7
              Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

              I concur with 'kitten. My beef with Dynamis is scheduling and entry. Experience loss, Relic armor rarity, time limits, I can deal with those. I agree that Dynamis shouldn't have to become a second job to get armor(especially considering that your first set of Artifact-type armor is almost for free), but then since we can only enter Dynamis every 72 hours, it limits how much time we can dedicate to getting armor anyways.

              Relic weapons... the acquisition difficulty on these doesn't need to be changed, they were made to be hard to get. I don't much care about the insane dedication required to get them. But in a game where newer and more special weapons are coming out with every update, I do think the relic weapons' stats could be made more special. I mean, some are just generic, and others useless on what are job specific weapons. It's time relic weapons got some beefing up.

              There is one thing that REALLY cooks my goose. That deathtrap called Dynamis-Windurst. I mean, seriously. wtfizupwitdat?


              • #8
                Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                With an exception of the whole instanced thing, if it ain't broken, why fix it?

                Now it would be nice if Crafters could get some profit off of Dynamis. You should be able to trade synthed items based on Dynamis materials(Wootz Ingot, Koh-I-Noor, Marksmen's Oil, ect) for a small amounts of currency (4-10, based on rarity of the material item). I think that would cover it for making more currency drop.

                Maybe one wouldn't even need to make Dynamis instanced. Making CoP Dynamis more attractive pretty much opens up 3 new zones(at least people who go in with 32 or under people). CoP Dynamis could really use some time extentions, needs to be one or two hours. It wouldn't exactly make things too easy if CoP bosses dropped 1 100 piece currency, they are very challenging. Perhaps Dynamis- Tavnazia bosses(there are 4 of them) can each be aligned to one of the four Hydra sets of armor, being 100% drop of one piece.

                Well to go with above and to make it easier to acquire Relic armor... the whole process of Relic-1 armor should be changed and split into two processes:

                1) Trade in Relic-1, Currency cost(20+ based on armor), and crafting material and you get that piece of the Relic. (NQ)

                2) Trade in Relic-1, Relic, 1-3 Currency, and crafting material and you get the Relic+1 piece.

                All the above could be added easily by SE, compared to instanced dynamis anyway.

                About Relic weapons, to stay ahead of all other weapons, they should get new traits for WS points, much like unlocking WSes from weapons. A lot of them too. Maybe 200=Crit Rate+6%, 400=Occasionally Attacks Twice, 600=Accuracy/Attack+20 (whatever the weapon lacks, and Range Atk/Acc for Ranged Weapons), 800=100 TP Bonus, and 1000= Relic's special WS modifier goes up by 1. You get the point. This is pretty much a pipedream though... since SE seems not to make any plans to upgrade older armor. (I guess daggers was the exception).

                There is one thing that REALLY cooks my goose. That deathtrap called Dynamis-Windurst. I mean, seriously. wtfizupwitdat?
                Awesome farming spot ;p. A lot of fun, like those huge pulls in Dynamis-Xarcabard. How Dynamis should be played.
                Read my blog.
                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                Entry 32: Death to Castro


                • #9
                  Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                  Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                  CoP Dynamis could really use some time extentions, needs to be one or two hours. It wouldn't exactly make things too easy if CoP bosses dropped 1 100 piece currency, they are very challenging. Perhaps Dynamis- Tavnazia bosses(there are 4 of them) can each be aligned to one of the four Hydra sets of armor, being 100% drop of one piece.
                  The Valkurm mega-boss can drop four 100s. Its rare though. Usually it just drops nothing at all.

                  Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                  • #10
                    Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                    In all the times its been done, only happened like twice I think. Maybe even once. It dropped 4 100 pieces once. That is where I got the idea in the first place.
                    Read my blog.
                    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                    Entry 32: Death to Castro


                    • #11
                      Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                      Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                      About Relic weapons, to stay ahead of all other weapons, they should get new traits for WS points, much like unlocking WSes from weapons. A lot of them too. Maybe 200=Crit Rate+6%, 400=Occasionally Attacks Twice, 600=Accuracy/Attack+20 (whatever the weapon lacks, and Range Atk/Acc for Ranged Weapons), 800=100 TP Bonus, and 1000= Relic's special WS modifier goes up by 1. You get the point. This is pretty much a pipedream though... since SE seems not to make any plans to upgrade older armor. (I guess daggers was the exception).
                      i think this may have been the best idea concering relics in a long time.
                      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                      • #12
                        Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                        wow woke up from a hard sleep to write this one down.... well it is something i had heard about sky but could be more probable to adept to a dynamis style.

                        make the gear like assault. you get X number of points just entering, X number of points per mob killed, X number of points for boss kills, etc.

                        Then people with multiple jobs can get the armor they need based on there jobs.

                        A lot of dynamis LS's I've looked into and read about make you declare a MAIN JOB and go for that gear only or if you want alternate gear your point start over and other people with that main get to lot first. you could still have your Northlands (xarc and the glacier) harder to obtain make them a lot more points to get but... if you could these points somehow regulated by SE then it wouldn't matter if you get next in line for some gear and your dynamis ls breaks..... you'd be able to carry those accumulated point over to another ls. this would also make it easier to change dynamis linkshells if your personal life interfered and needed to change the day of the week you went on your runs.

                        just a thought.....
                        if someone else already said this.... i'm sorry... i'm half asleep >.<


                        • #13
                          Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                          3) There's no reason to change city AF drops. They all drop pretty frequently and can be farmed effectively by small groups if needed. The northlands however, especially Xarcabard, could use a significant boost. I think they tried to address this with the COP zones. However, the COP dynamis zones, especially Tavnazia, are so prohibitive that any AF gained there almost seems like winning the lottery.

                          What are you smoking and where can I get some?

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                            What are you smoking and where can I get some?
                            He's right. Cities drop AF at a pretty decent rate.


                            • #15
                              Re: Proposed Dynamis changes

                              Not in my experience, or pretty much all my friends either.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

