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RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

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  • RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

    ok... i see they adding these gobs to kill RMT fishers but if rmt can take the time to lv jobs for sky farming and other places why cant they lv someone on each server to kill these new fishing gobs? Unless they are un targetable by other people , but even then im not sure it will work.Loopholes are everywhere and in my time playing i have seen tons of anti-RMT thing implemented just to fail; ;

  • #2
    Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

    You could of posted this in the same thread where everyone else is talking about the gobs >_>;;

    Fair enough its not like they're really solving the problem by sending some gobbies for a stroll across the beach buts it one more thing against RMT then we had yesterday.

    As Tesco would say "Every Little Helps" (probably have to be from the Uk to get that joke >_>;
    Last edited by fallenintoshadows; 03-28-2007, 03:01 PM.


    • #3
      Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

      Where was it stated that these were to combat RMT fishers? Most of the fish botters are regular people that do it afk whilst at work or school, and have multiple accounts (that are well over level 10).

      I'm not advocating fish botting, i'm just saying that this seems to be more fourm speculation than actual purpose.

      Maybe they are just new mobs? On Kujata, there are next to no fishers (botter or otherwise) in the dunes in the first place, but there can be a serious lack of things to level up on. If you get three partys at one beach, that seriously reduces what your puller can grab for exp. Maybe they are a counter measure for that as well as adding a new mob to the game with the new jobs?

      They would have to prove someone is a bot in the first place, then have a mob that won't attack regular parties, but can one-hit a potential level 75 bot. There is WAY too many variables for this to be to combat RMT.

      What if i am fishing off the beaches in Valkurm 100% legally, and i get owned by these supposed "RMT Bounty hunters" because of some un found bug? With the level of bots and such nowadays, coding your bot to send back a "I am a PC not a afk bot" or "completely hiding yourself from it in the first place" packet seems like a pretty likely solution that could arise to that problem.

      Again, I do not advocate botting of any sort. But i know how that community works. Every new soultion to a problem is just one more challenge to overcome.

      I actually hope these things are part of some quest, only popping when the quest holder is near. Kinda similar to the Void/Nictus/Quantum in City of Heroes. Or maybe they are similar to an NM but instead of it having an awesome drop, it just wants to kill people. Sort of like "Oh shit! a Bounty Hunter! GTFO <That way> -->!!!" similar to the undead.

      Either way i think it's pretty unlikely that they are to combat RMT, but then again, i have no idea. All we can do is datamine and collaborate our experience or wait for an official explanation.


      • #4
        Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

        Goblin Bounty Hunters have

        If Target is less than or equal to level 10, attack with weapon + 10000
        else wander;
        This is what i was referring to when i said

        They would have to prove someone is a bot in the first place, then have a mob that won't attack regular parties, but can one-hit a potential level 75 bot.
        Taken from another thread that i didn't realise was about a similar topic


        • #5
          Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

          Most of the fish botters are regular people that do it afk whilst at work or school, and have multiple accounts (that are well over level 10).

          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

            The reason the listed areas are so widely fish botted is because there is no danger there. Adding in this danger of GBHs changes things - maybe they will start botting with toons that are above aggro range, but when those toons get banned, they will be harder to replace.

            There will never be a 100% perfect solution to any sort of RMT - small counter measures like this add up though and create an environment that is not bot/RMT friendly.
            FFXIV Balmung Server
            Tenro Matashi


            • #7
              Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

              Originally posted by Sharkelberry View Post
              Most of the fish botters are regular people that do it afk whilst at work or school, and have multiple accounts (that are well over level 10).
              It needs to be said here:

              If you are truly a legitimate player of FFXI, you will not resort to botting, no matter how little time you have to play. Botting = cheating = someone I don't want on my damn server. Enough said.
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #8
                Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                Originally posted by Sharkelberry View Post
                This is what i was referring to when i said
                Taken from another thread that i didn't realise was about a similar topic

                That first quote in there was just a joke that omniblast posted. No one knows anything about the new mobs yet.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                  Probably GM will take control over the mob from time to time and manually hit the RMT with a banning sword.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                    I just saw a couple in Batallia. According to a 32 pld, it read as tough, so the Batallia gobs must be... ~35? I ran and saw another one that literally stayed along the edge of the cliff, and it looked to be moving faster than normal; maybe not flee, but it wasn't just walking around. Either way, it's hilarious to see.


                    • #11
                      Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                      Originally posted by Cometgreen View Post
                      I just saw a couple in Batallia. According to a 32 pld, it read as tough, so the Batallia gobs must be... ~35?
                      Sounds about right for a BD Gob.
                      FFXIV Balmung Server
                      Tenro Matashi
                      PLD|GLD - MIN|BOT - ALC|ARM|BSM|CRP|GSM|LTW|WVR


                      • #12
                        Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...


                        Well this explains things.

                        I was wondering where good ol' Smithiy form "A Smithy's life" had gone too.

                        Must have been secret training for the Speed Running- RMT killing spree that is the Bounty Hunter

                        Art done by Fred Perry.


                        • #13
                          Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                          posted it in another thread, but here goes anyway.

                          These gobs have rather high DEF for their level and double attack 50% of the time. Their movement speed is rather high and they almost move in rotation like the mirror NMs in ToA zones. they hardly sit still for more than two seconds.

                          And to those that say "They'll just level a job past aggro level and start again." Its plausible, but not practical considering the instant returns they used to get just sending a level 1 bot out there.

                          These goblins are a tool of discouragement toward RMT and they've been blatently placed on common fishbot zones. I wouldn't be surprised to see more GBHs placed in other problem zones in the future.

                          The Goblin Bounty Hunter, though spiteful, is not an evil beastman. They are crusaders for justice, making Vana'diel safer for legitimate fishermen everywhere.


                          • #14
                            Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                            Ran into a couple of these last night while lev. Bst in Bub. Penn. They move very fast and they patrolled the entire length of the coast continuously. At 23 they agrro'd and did a fine job of killing me off even with pets. Also they seem to have a fairly high def and hp. Also I ran into a player, anon, in lev 1 gear, wandering around the Penn. looking fairly lost. Stood by me for a few minutes while I was killing dhamels but didn't say anything
                            I'd love to see a video of these guys working over a RMT fishing coast.


                            • #15
                              Re: RMT fishers gonna leave? Yeah right...

                              Other then what seems to be some difficulties with levelling in the dunes or qufim, this seems like a great fix. Then again, if those two areas are considered tougher to level in, maybe people will finally consider branching out a bit.

                              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039

