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Duo Static

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  • Duo Static

    So, both me and my friend, decided to create a static duo, in light of the new SIgnet changes, to see how far we can get before we get bored or until it stops working.

    RNG/RDM and WAR/MNK (lvl 20) are our jobs of choice, though unless Im hugely mistaken, higher up we will need a healer to avoid so much downtime. So far we have been successfully duoing worms in Korr Tunn from 18-20, T-VT, around 160-200xp per battle.

    At what point do you think we will need a trio (probably WHM/XXX)?

    It wasnt really thought out too well, we just happened to be lvling the same lvl range yesterday and ended up duoing. It was so much fun we decided to do the same every weekend, and also during the week if we were both free.

    Suggestions, thoughts?

    EDIT= I tested out WAR/NIN as well, and I am doing the same damage with DW Axe or GAxe, so there's no reason I shouldnt use DW Axe now is there?? Plus I get shadows in 2 levels, which will help immensely in a duo...
    Last edited by hongman; 03-19-2007, 04:39 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Duo Static

    Just had an idea, what if we both used our NPC's set as healer types as well. I wonder if the XP loss could be justified and made up through less downtime and also the fact that we get to lvl our NPC's at the same time :p


    • #3
      Re: Duo Static

      I don't know if you need a third pt member at any point, it might make the exp faster or easier Im not totally sure. All I know is at 61 I still like to duo with a blm friend of mine, we kill Qiqirn in Aydeewa and get at least 150 exp per kill and its fast.


      • #4
        Re: Duo Static

        Sometimes my husband and I duo on my RDM and his DRK. Works out fairly well, and since I've got healing magic of my own, we don't really need another person for healing, and he tanks fairly well.

        He is not allowed to use Last Resort and Soul Eater, though. (In combination with SA and a WS, he dips to red so fast!) While my cure-bombing will in NO WAY steal the hate away from him, I can't quite keep up with the heals.
        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
        ~I has a blog~~
        ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


        • #5
          Re: Duo Static

          Cool. Im just thinking that we need a healer (RNG has been subbing RDM so far for cures and some debuffs) but I suppose if we choose the right mobs, we'll be ok.

          Any general duo'ing tips?


          • #6
            Re: Duo Static

            Well if you're going to duo, RDM is one of the best jobs to use, IMO. You have healing support, debuffing support, nuking support, and even a little bit of "whack-a-mob."

            After that, any melee who isn't a complete MP sponge will be fine to pair up with. And we never fight anything higher than Toughs together because the xp gain is so slow and the xp loss would be so great.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • #7
              Re: Duo Static

              Isn't the deffense and evasion bonus from the signet apply to evan match or weaker?
              From duo PT, you get 75% of how much you could get from solo, compared to 60%.
              That's 25% more exp for duo.
              It would've been good if we get defense and evasion bonus from Tough or weaker instead of just Evan Match or weaker.


              • #8
                Re: Duo Static

                Aks, I would of used RDM and I agree it is a good job to duo with, but my RDM is 63 and we are duoing the lvl20's

                I wonder how it will pan out if we went for EM mobs instead of Toughs - I wonder if the increase in kill speed (plus the Def and Eva bonus) would get better XP overall.


                • #9
                  Re: Duo Static

                  the higher you get the more down time and a RDM would be better IMO (mainly becouse i'm lvl 75 RDM) but at 41 they get refresh and at 40 convert which really help, i started main healing on my RDM at lvl 40 so i know it works but i have never duo/trioed on such a low lvl
                  "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
                  "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
                  "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


                  • #10
                    Re: Duo Static

                    Hmm. I think you have NIN30+. You may consider switching to NIN when the level comes. NIN has impressive debuffs, and can handle considerable attention from Tough or lower monsters even with just Ichi level Utsusemi and debuffs.

                    You don't really need to tank full time, so NIN/RDM is a fairly good combination, for Fast Cast and Cure (and Magic Attack Bonus later on). If the RNG sticks to crossbow, and can switch to RNG/WHM for -na spells, the two of you would have a wealth of attack, debuff and healing capability together.

                    Edit: This is what I mean:

                    NIN pulls, RNG shoots with sleep bolts when monster gets to camp. Nin uses the time to reapply Utsusemi and apply Kurayami, Jubaku and Hojo. Range rests up for MP.

                    NIN proceeds to tank when the mob wakes, and RNG gets up to shot Acid Bolt and cast Dia to get defense down. If Ranger gets hit, use Bloody Bolt to get HP back. If NIN/RDM gets hit, try to get Utsusemi back up then cures himself. (Take an occasional juice if necessary.)

                    At NIN40, NIN/RDM can secure the monster better and do more damage with Ni line of -ton spells (The Wheel!)--esp. with Magic Attack Bonus I. At 42, both NIN/RDM and RNG/WHM get Regen, making getting HP back even easier.

                    For monsters with high HP, can use either Dokumori or Venom Bolt to help wear down the target faster. Ranger should take more time to rest, to ensure a ready supply of MP for -na spells and emergency cure, and to let NIN melee solo at the start of the fight to secure enmity.
                    Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 03-20-2007, 05:14 AM.
                    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                    leaving no trace in the water.

                    - Mugaku


                    • #11
                      Re: Duo Static

                      Thanks all.

                      Whilst I really do appreciate (no, really) the feedback, I think you have failed to read the circumstances of this "Duo Static".

                      The Job combinations are RNG/XXX and WAR/XXX - Those 2 specific jobs. Subs can vary. We are at Lvl 20.

                      I know RDM can be really useful here but my RDM is already 63 and I have no intention of duoing with it.

                      My NIN is 33, and whilst I would consider duoing with it when the right level comes, my static partner does not have anything that level anyway.

                      So far, the RNG has been subbing RDM for debuff and cures, and me (WAR) have been subbing MNK.

                      The test I have done in regards to GAxe Vs Axe @ lvl 20.

                      With GAxe capped, I am doing about 36-50dmg on T-VT Worms per swing. With Axe not capped, I am doing 28-30dmg per swing (Dual Wield).

                      So apart from losing the Shield Break WS for -Eva, am I losing out on so much? I am definately sticking to /NIN at 24 anyway for Utsu, which I consider very important for a duo.

                      I dont mean to sound unappreciative here, btw, I am just pointing out the set facts of this static. You could say it wasnt very well planned out, and yes you are right it wasnt planned out at all! XD


