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  • LOLffxi

    I'll stick to the "guide" this time.

    Why is everyone leaving FFXI and playing WoW + Vanguard? (besides the obvious answer: ffxi sucks now, probly one of worst MMORPGs out atm, and its used as a chat client with 5yr old online friends.)

    Looking forward to a SE response.
    Kagetoki Odin Server
    75RNG 52NIN 42WAR
    Woodworking 92.1+3 Alchemy 30 Smithing 60
    Elvann Male Rank10 San D'Oria

  • #2
    Re: LOLffxi

    This isn't in the form of a question. And it's not a genuine question.

    And Vanguard sucks.


    • #3
      Re: LOLffxi

      wow did you actually spend time to put that question together yourself?

      speaking of 5 yr old kids...
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #4
        Re: LOLffxi

        Oh I'm sorry, your answer must be in the form of a question. Looks like Kagetoki_ won't be around for Final Jeopardy tonight.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #5
          Re: LOLffxi

          If you don't like the game then quit. Don't bother trying to convince those of us who like FFXI on whats better or not. We play because we enjoy the game, so keep your opinion to yourself.


          • #6
            Re: LOLffxi

            *checks watch* 4PM EST. Sounds about right, most kiddies get home from school around this time apparently.
            Cleverness - Hades
            DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


            • #7
              Re: LOLffxi

              so...ffxi is the greatest MMORPG? yes or no question

              For the record SE doesn't care about you, they care about 12.95 per month, so stop backing them up like their your best friend. IF they really gave a shit about game community, they would have official boards and listen to people. Instead they "Attack the RMT!" and bullshit around with dumbass changes to the game.


              I urge everyone of you to be as creative as you can, but try to keep your questions relatively realistic. Also, don't deviate from the point with extensive discussion.

              And please, if you approve of someone's questions and ideas, you wont be target of spam accusation if you simply post "i agree" in the question thread, this helps SE realize that their community is aware and wants changes. But you might want to ellaborate and perhaps add to the question without deviating from the point, other that please keep discussion to a minimum, im sure you all understand how much your question will stand out if you keep it simple, clean, and concise.

              Another point is, don't attack SE with undesirable comments, you can do that somewhere else, please don't do it here, keep insultuous posts out of this section for the FFXI communities sake and for FFXIOnline's sake.
              This way SE will surely note our questions and who knows, MAYBE your's will get answered.

              BTW, if you have never played another real MMORPG, your biased opinions are not welcomed. thx

              WTF did you just call me a kid, and your sig is from G Gundam????
              Kagetoki Odin Server
              75RNG 52NIN 42WAR
              Woodworking 92.1+3 Alchemy 30 Smithing 60
              Elvann Male Rank10 San D'Oria


              • #8
                Re: LOLffxi

                So angry over such a non-issue. I don't think anyone here is saying "BEST MMO EVER", but they are saying "THE MMO I LIKE TO PLAY RIGHT NOW".


                • #9
                  Re: LOLffxi

                  I disagree.


                  • #10
                    Re: LOLffxi

                    ok so if its the MMORPG you want to play right now.. why not make it the best..? I mean its the MMORPG right now? what happens tomorrow? Any time top LS's on server are shattering because they play WoW now. Something must be done, and its not add anymore dumbass jobs.
                    Kagetoki Odin Server
                    75RNG 52NIN 42WAR
                    Woodworking 92.1+3 Alchemy 30 Smithing 60
                    Elvann Male Rank10 San D'Oria


                    • #11
                      Re: LOLffxi

                      Who cares? It's a fun game. I'm not that invested in making it the best MMO ever. I don't care about how my game compares to other games, so long as I have fun playing it.

                      Maybe if you stop worrying so much about what other people in other games are doing, you can find some time to enjoy the game you are playing. And hey, if you're not enjoying it, you can go play a game that you will enjoy more!

                      It's amazing how that works.


                      • #12
                        Re: LOLffxi

                        Nobody has said FFXI is the greatest MMO ever, so why are you even bringing it up? Farthest someone went was don't waste time trolling, they play the game because they enjoy it. There is no BEST MMO. Each MMO is diffferent, and people are different. Person A may like FFXI, Person B may like Ragnarok Online, Person C WoW, Person D Everquest 1 or 2, etc etc.

                        And if you actually want to be sad and use the logic that more subscriptions means its better, then Maple Story is better than almost everything on the market.
                        Cleverness - Hades
                        DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                        • #13
                          Re: LOLffxi

                          Would you shut up? If you're here, obviously you're incredibly immature, or you like FFXI. Either way, you're trolling, get out.

                          (P.S. It's too late for SE to start official forums. everyone is so settled into these forums we've already got, unless we got paid to post on SE's forums, they would fail pretty bad)


                          • #14
                            Re: LOLffxi

                            You still mad about the rng nerf?
                            Thanks Kazuki.
                            Dragoon Equipment


                            • #15
                              Re: LOLffxi

                              k you guys win, lets keep doing sea, dynamis, sky, and the new 1337 uber Salvage!(met no one who likes it btw) for another 2 years until SE wants to make another expansion!(1expansion, 2yr average). I'm done no further post needed.
                              Kagetoki Odin Server
                              75RNG 52NIN 42WAR
                              Woodworking 92.1+3 Alchemy 30 Smithing 60
                              Elvann Male Rank10 San D'Oria

