Hi all,
My name is jason and i jsut recently as of last night joined the FFXI ranks. I am a Final Fantasy Fanatic and have almost all the final fantasy's in my posession i was playing everquest II prior to coming here and it was a real boring game. I would actually be falling asleep on my keyboard around 2pm just hours after i wake up because of the boringness in the game. I come to FFXI cause i saw alot of the new updates and everything and so i bought the Vana'diel collection 2007 at gamestop and i love the animations when you get to choose your character.
I am currently on the leviathan server cause i have no friends who play but i would like to go to a server that is populated with alot of people cause im a social person. I play a taru taru ( my #1 race choice) as a WHM. I know WHM arent supposed to be for the new person but i really enjoy healing and i am interested in becoming later on of course a WHM/BLU or a WHM/SMN. I would like to join a server in which there is alot of interaction and that i can chat with people while im hunting. A server that can also have people to teach me the ropes once i reach lv 10 since i know its all solo till then ( from readings) i plan on staying with FFXI for many many years, i just want to have a place to call home
I hope to see you all soon in Vana'Diel
My name is jason and i jsut recently as of last night joined the FFXI ranks. I am a Final Fantasy Fanatic and have almost all the final fantasy's in my posession i was playing everquest II prior to coming here and it was a real boring game. I would actually be falling asleep on my keyboard around 2pm just hours after i wake up because of the boringness in the game. I come to FFXI cause i saw alot of the new updates and everything and so i bought the Vana'diel collection 2007 at gamestop and i love the animations when you get to choose your character.
I am currently on the leviathan server cause i have no friends who play but i would like to go to a server that is populated with alot of people cause im a social person. I play a taru taru ( my #1 race choice) as a WHM. I know WHM arent supposed to be for the new person but i really enjoy healing and i am interested in becoming later on of course a WHM/BLU or a WHM/SMN. I would like to join a server in which there is alot of interaction and that i can chat with people while im hunting. A server that can also have people to teach me the ropes once i reach lv 10 since i know its all solo till then ( from readings) i plan on staying with FFXI for many many years, i just want to have a place to call home

I hope to see you all soon in Vana'Diel