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Disconnects, anyone?

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  • #16
    Re: Disconnects, anyone?

    Originally posted by Delson View Post
    im not having any disconnection problems...

    but it would be nice if i could at least get past this "Aquiring server information" screen... i keep getting timed out...
    I'm having the same issue now.
    I can't get passed "Aquiring server information".
    Are we the only two who have this issue?
    This sucks


    • #17
      Re: Disconnects, anyone?

      And yet "nothing" is wrong with the servers. :-\


      • #18
        Re: Disconnects, anyone?

        in dynamis today 13 peoples pol crashed at the same time. there is a glitch with aura steal animation apparently


        • #19
          Re: Disconnects, anyone?

          Originally posted by Alshandra View Post
          Ive had it with SE and their "theres nothing wrong with our servers" crap...

          if theres nothing wrong, then why can i log into my bastok mule with no problems, but when i log on to my main which is by the telepoint in yhoator jungle,,, do i get R0 and unable to load map, warp, tele, view friendlist or linkshell?

          *stabs SE again*

          im usually pretty patient but ive had enough.
          I completely agree. Obviously my internet connection is not the problem because I'm browsing here just fine. And I'm even able to at least connect to the game for a minute. If I end up getting my R at 0, that means it's something on their end, the place that I'm receiving from. It's not my S that's the issue.

          I also had a mule who was logged in for hours while I was gone and nothing happened to her. Yet I log my main in for a little while and I can't even check the damn AH.

          Wake up, S/E ... There's definitely a problem on your end, so stop blaming it on thousands of peoples' ISPs, computers, or own stupidity.
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


          • #20
            Re: Disconnects, anyone?

            I can get into the game but I dont see any mobs, map or compass. I do see people's names when I do a /sea all and after maybe 1 min, I get booted out.

            Im definitely not getting any data from their servers. I do get names which probably comes from other servers. My guess would be either the server or the connection of SE's ISP to this server is down.

            If you see the warnings, SE's tech support only works 5 days a week. I do hope someone gets called in because this is pretty bad press...


            • #21
              Re: Disconnects, anyone?

              I've always hated that S/E is not open twenty-four hours for tech support. You're in the freaking customer service business, do you honestly think that you're never going to have problems in the middle of the night? I really just think that, in this day and age, it couldn't hurt to have a even few reps to man the third shift just in case people have issues. Those of us with jobs and kids and whatnot who don't even know there's problems until later at night when we finally get to play don't even get a damn chance to call and have it fixed.

              I'm not just talking about this issue, of course, but others, as well. If I have a problem that's unique to my game and I don't even know about it until after the tech support office is closed, what good does that do me? You can't run a twenty-four hour operation without people to take care of the customers at ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, even the off-peak ones. It would be like having Wal-Mart open at 2 AM but no one there to cash you out, and none of those little "self-checkout" kiosks, either. Hell, S/E tech support isn't even open for most of NA prime time.

              Just seems like poor efforts in customer service as it is, and even worse that they don't even seem to give a rat's ass about fixing the problem.
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #22
                Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                I'm currently in Den of Rancor, where I keep getting disconnected as soon as I even log in, let alone try to move around or do anything else, R goes to 0, I'm checking my comp, and anything else that might be a possible problem, but I see nothing on my side. I haven't tried my other char, only my main.
                Dignified Destruction 死ね 

                NINJA-> AF1{o} AF2(legs){o} AF3(body){o} AF4(feet){o} AF5(head){o} AF6(hands){o}

                NINJA AFv2-> head{o} body{o} hands{x} legs{o} feet{x}

                Limit Break-> 1{o} 2{o} 3{o} 4{o} 5{o} (Maat defeated at 66)

                Main=> 75nin. Rank7 Windurst, Zilart [completed], CoP [completed], ToAU 22, Merits:19 [crits +4]{katana +3}[Ninja tools expertise +1]

                Next up!~>> SMN (I need Fenrir and Diabolos)


                • #23
                  Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                  Personally, I haven't had a problem (I'm on Fairy). I logged in a couple hours ago to mule and check out the new signet updates, decided to screw around and level my lvl 1 RNG, and Mog House, S. Sandy, and W. Ronnfaure all worked ok for me. The one weird thing I did notice was the A.H. was acting really glitchy, I had to back complete out and re-target it a few times because I would get locked into a menu and all the buttons would give me that angry sound when I clicked them. I can't comment on the search functions cause I didn't do any /sea or anything.

                  That sucks, though, after that ridiculously long download, not even being able to connect afterwards seems like a real kick in the ass. Good Luck, hopefully they get whatever's messed up fixed soon... ; ;
                  I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                  -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                  Check out my blog! =>


                  • #24
                    Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                    On my end, I can log in with ease and I made it from holla crystal to lower jeuno without any problems, so that's fine. However, I can't access the AH, I can't do a search at all and I can't view who is logged into the LS, it simply comes up "search failed". I wandered around for a little while but said screw it and logged. I can't form a pt, and I can't buy things from the AH, there goes two very vital components~
                    Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                    • #25
                      Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                      no ffxi for me tonight i guess... still cant get past "aquiring ffxi server list"

                      this is really starting to piss me off...


                      • #26
                        Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                        Originally posted by Delson View Post
                        no ffxi for me tonight i guess... still cant get past "aquiring ffxi server list"

                        this is really starting to piss me off...

                        lol, me too.
                        No ffxi for me tonight.
                        I'm going to sleep after 5 hours of trying and getting stuck at "aquiring ffxi server list".
                        I was watching movies while I was trying, but still, no ffxi really sucks because I finally had enough time to go exp tonight :/


                        • #27
                          Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                          Well, I just got the boot upon entering Southern San d'Oria.


                          • #28
                            Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                            Nope, I can play just fine..not sure might have to do with a damage backbone connection near Asia (been a few earthquakes there lately.)

                            Was gonna say in before SE bashers..but too late lol.


                            • #29
                              Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                              I usually try really hard not to bash S/E ... but this time it just seems so stupid that they really don't believe there's a problem. If it were all concentrated to one region (like Northeastern US, for example), or over one ISP, I could see it, but I really feel like they need to take a look a little further into the issues. Just telling us that, "Everything is fine on our end," seems like a cop-out to me.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • #30
                                Re: Disconnects, anyone?

                                Even though I'm not having <knock on wood> the disconnection problems, the connection process is much slower than usual.

                                That along with various AH issues - "angry" click noises someone mentioned, failed searches - reminds me of previous DDoS attacks.

                                Maybe SE is trying to hide this until they can get it under control? Even so, I wish they'd just say "We're aware several of our customers are unable to enjoy FFXI at this time. We will continue to investigate the matter until the issue is resolved." Saying "nope! not our fault!" doesn't seem like good cusomer service.
                                They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

