Re: New Assault Area Overview
Activating lamps in order is harder and more time consuming than killing 5 ebony puddings with a 5 person party that includes no BLMs. (Although if you get either one, forget about reaching the 5th floor. In fact, you can probably forget reaching the 5th floor with less than 6 people ever, except with the most extraordinary luck.) My assault static (short one person who couldn't make it last night) spent 15 minutes on a four-lamps-in-order floor - and didn't finish it. When you have only 30 minutes for 5 floors that's obviously not going to work.
SE, please give us some clues on the lamp levels. For example, change the objective to "Activate all lamps simultaneously" or "Activate all lamps in the correct order" so players will know what kind of lamps they're dealing with. For the "correct order" floors, the lamps should have some kind of clues that allow players to figure out the order by some means other than trying all 24 possible orders (for four lamps). A Vana'diel Tribune article explaining the mechanics of lamp levels would be great, except there is no Tribune anymore; but surely there's some other way SE could release this info to players.
P.S. Never go in without a BLM if you can possibly avoid it. Slimes, puddings, ghosts and every possible physical damage resistant monster are all extremely common in Nyzul (except elementals, I haven't seen any of those yet). I haven't seen a single pot, ahriman or colibri. On at least 1/3 of the floors where killing specific monsters was the objective, the target monster(s) were puddings, and when killing all monsters was the objective, some physical-resistant monsters were always present. Unless we had an extreme run of bad luck, it looks like the zone was deliberately designed to very heavily favor manaburns or *at least* RDM+BLM dual magic bursting.
Activating lamps in order is harder and more time consuming than killing 5 ebony puddings with a 5 person party that includes no BLMs. (Although if you get either one, forget about reaching the 5th floor. In fact, you can probably forget reaching the 5th floor with less than 6 people ever, except with the most extraordinary luck.) My assault static (short one person who couldn't make it last night) spent 15 minutes on a four-lamps-in-order floor - and didn't finish it. When you have only 30 minutes for 5 floors that's obviously not going to work.
SE, please give us some clues on the lamp levels. For example, change the objective to "Activate all lamps simultaneously" or "Activate all lamps in the correct order" so players will know what kind of lamps they're dealing with. For the "correct order" floors, the lamps should have some kind of clues that allow players to figure out the order by some means other than trying all 24 possible orders (for four lamps). A Vana'diel Tribune article explaining the mechanics of lamp levels would be great, except there is no Tribune anymore; but surely there's some other way SE could release this info to players.
P.S. Never go in without a BLM if you can possibly avoid it. Slimes, puddings, ghosts and every possible physical damage resistant monster are all extremely common in Nyzul (except elementals, I haven't seen any of those yet). I haven't seen a single pot, ahriman or colibri. On at least 1/3 of the floors where killing specific monsters was the objective, the target monster(s) were puddings, and when killing all monsters was the objective, some physical-resistant monsters were always present. Unless we had an extreme run of bad luck, it looks like the zone was deliberately designed to very heavily favor manaburns or *at least* RDM+BLM dual magic bursting.