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How do i get to Kazham??

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  • How do i get to Kazham??

    alright so i'm lvl 25 now and i'm getting bored with Quifim. to be honest this is the farthest i've ever gotten in the game because last time i got this far i was going off to school and i quit playing..............ANYWAYS i'm being told the place to go lvl is in Kazham. but i need someones help to get there. i know i need to get some keys or something in Ghelshelba, Palabourgh Mines, and Giddeus......but the problem is idk what i'm looking for, where to look, and basically what to do!!! so if u could please help i'd appreciate it!

  • #2
    Re: How do i get to Kazham??

    Please check the Wiki before you post. Answers to most questions regarding quests, areas, missions, jobs, abilities, spells, items, etc. are all found here.


    • #3
      Re: How do i get to Kazham??

      You know what would be cool? When you click on the "New Thread" button, people should get a couple prompts saying, "Are you asking how to do something?" If they click yes, "Have you used the Search feature?"... yes... "Have you checked Wiki?" ... yes... "Are you sure?"... yes...

      Then I guess they can proceed to make the thread, but it'll be cool if they got the hint that way.


      • #4
        Re: How do i get to Kazham??

        Wouldn't that be great? I also wish that there was a "Do we really need this thread?" question. Because there are some folks who just can't seem to stop starting new threads that we don't need.


        • #5
          Re: How do i get to Kazham??

          wouldnt it be nice, that when a new person comes to this site and creates a thread, asking a question we all have asked someone at some point and time, instead of getting omg cant you search thru 97343864629466163 threads and find out this without wasting our time. how about just answering his question! if you think he should search for 3 weeks first on his own, just back arrow and dont say anything. i myself have tried to use the search function and i have bad luck with it. if you cant make a positive post dont post! this isnt that other site .
          you will need some help from friends to get your keys. most of the time there are people in those areas that can and will help you get keys. the mobs you need to kill in each area will agroe you at level 25.
          A common mistake for new players that have reached this level is the absence of their Expansion Registrations. If you've made it this far, be sure to check the Content ID section in the FFXI menu within the Playonline Viewer; the menu that you see before you click the first "Play" button to launch the game into full-screen. Be sure that you see Rise of the Zilart and, if applicable, your Chains of Promathia and Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansions in the list of registered Expanded Services. Guddal will not respond to you if you attempt to trade the keys prior to registering the Rise of the Zilart expansion.

          You have 2 options when you first talk to him, pay 148,000g or do a quest.
          The quest requires you to collect a Giddeus Chest Key, Ghelsba Chest Key, and Palborough Chest Key.
          Giddeus Chest Key drops from Yagudo Priest, Yagudo Votary, and Yagudo Theologist in Giddeus.
          Ghelsba Chest Key drops from Orcish Fighter, Orcish Serjeant, and Orcish Cursemaker in Yughott Grotto or Fort Ghelsba.
          Palborough Chest Key drops from Old Quadav, Brass Quadav, Copper Quadav, Mine Scorpion and Scimitar Scorpion in Palborough Mines.
          Once all three chest keys are obtained, trade them to Guddal for a key item.


          • #6
            Re: How do i get to Kazham??

            You might want to edit. When you preview a post before posting it, it scrunches everything together. I'm sure you didn't intend for your post to look like that.


            • #7
              Re: How do i get to Kazham??

              Originally posted by Minimee View Post
              wouldnt it be nice, that when a new person comes to this site and creates a thread, asking a question we all have asked someone at some point and time, instead of getting omg cant you search thru 97343864629466163 threads and find out this without wasting our time.
              This is why I recommend the Wiki instead of the search feature. Searching a forum is a chore for those familiar with the forum, and if you hadn't noticed, the one for this site doesn't produce very good results--for some reason I always get current but unrelated content mixed in...


              • #8
                Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                thanx minimee.....


                • #9
                  Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                  Originally posted by Sabaron View Post

                  Please check the Wiki before you post. Answers to most questions regarding quests, areas, missions, jobs, abilities, spells, items, etc. are all found here.

                  Remember also that some of us are posting at work where most of the sites that people link are blocked. Also, I konw I am guilty of asking repeat questions but only because I don't always have time to search at work and don't always have access to a computer at home(I play on the X-box). Lets not forget, the purpose of this site is supposed to be a informative site where players can get better answers to their questions than at some of the other sites. Instead of getting on someone for asking something why dont we just answer what they are asking.

                  Remember, everyone was a noob at somepoint and just because a lot of people have already asked how to do it, does not mean everyone knows what they have to do.

                  A solution to this problem would be to make a link for the most common questions and make it so it is broken down by subject(make it easier for people to find some of the info that was already discussed.

                  Lastly, just because something has been discussed already doesn't mean that it cant be brought up again. Doesn't it?
                  u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


                  • #10
                    Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                    Originally posted by DR2D2 View Post
                    Remember also that some of us are posting at work where most of the sites that people link are blocked. Also, I konw I am guilty of asking repeat questions but only because I don't always have time to search at work and don't always have access to a computer at home(I play on the X-box). Lets not forget, the purpose of this site is supposed to be a informative site where players can get better answers to their questions than at some of the other sites. Instead of getting on someone for asking something why dont we just answer what they are asking.
                    If you're posting at work, but you can't research on Wiki, odds are you can't play. So why not just wait until you get home?

                    If you have time to post here, you have time to go to wiki. It's not terribly difficult to search there. The navigation is rather simple.

                    Yes, this is an informative forum... but when people ask the same repeated questions that have been asking 29108491274 times before, it gets tiresome.


                    • #11
                      Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                      Because there are some folks who just can't seem to stop starting new threads that we don't need.
                      Fine, I get the point.

                      But seriously, when you're asking a question, think. "Is this something that's so common it's probably been asked a dozen times and will piss people off?". If it has anything to do with a quest, mission, area, leveling, the answer is most likely yes, which means you can probably find it in wiki.

                      If the answer is no, you should probably rethink your question, as pretty much everything has been askeda dozen times before you even hear about it. Trust me. It applies to just about everything.


                      • #12
                        Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                        Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
                        If you have time to post here, you have time to go to wiki. It's not terribly difficult to search there. The navigation is rather simple.
                        Would you be refering to a Wiki that maybe the original poster did not know about until Sabaron mentioned it? Oh yeah, possibly.


                        • #13
                          Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                          Wiki isn't the only other website out there for info...


                          • #14
                            Re: How do i get to Kazham??

                            Yeah, there's google too.

                            And honestly, if you haven't heard of google...


                            • #15
                              Re: How do i get to Kazham??


                              Is that something new in the name that involves Moogles? o.O


