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Is my account cancelled?

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  • #16
    Re: Is my account cancelled?

    Originally posted by Nakti View Post
    FFXI still has compatibility issues with some video cards (GTx 8800 comes to mind), there's no reason to assume the Windower (which is against ToS anyway) will be compatible with your system.
    I beleive this was fixed in a recent driver, according to a quick google search (this was of interest to me, as i'm buying an 8800GTX for a new PC soon) automerge?


    • #17
      Re: Is my account cancelled?

      Originally posted by Feba View Post
      I beleive this was fixed in a recent driver, according to a quick google search (this was of interest to me, as i'm buying an 8800GTX for a new PC soon)
      If this is true, that's awesome! When my husband bought his brand new PC 2 weeks ago there wasn't a driver fix yet (and he looked high and low). He ended up using a .dat work around which someone created. automerge?
      I guess not
      They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


      • #18
        Re: Is my account cancelled?

        I'm basing that off

        And the automerge thing, I haven't used these forums in awhile, when I used them they'd automerge post. Dammit Ping! I'm gonna totally bug you about this when you eventually log onto MSN!


        • #19
          Re: Is my account cancelled?

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          I'm basing that off

          And the automerge thing, I haven't used these forums in awhile, when I used them they'd automerge post. Dammit Ping! I'm gonna totally bug you about this when you eventually log onto MSN!
          The issues on XP has been resolved yes. Vista users and 8800GT(S/X) users still have the issue of very low fps rate in ares that displays more then 5 character models at the same time.

          (essentially the fps drops to 5 or below according to FRAPS if more then 5 character excluding yourself is loaded on screen at the same time).
          Keep in mind, sig might be outdated I just update it a few times per week.
          Signature with the usual levels and obtained stuff etc. . .


          • #20
            Re: Is my account cancelled?

            I don't really consider Vista a gaming OS, at least not yet. More of a shiny GUI on top of a lot of stuff that isn't ready yet.


            • #21
              Re: Is my account cancelled?

              Originally posted by Feba View Post
              And seriously, "Got what you deserve"? What the hell are you people talking about? First of all, last I tried (Which I admit was a while ago), windower has a LOT of problems dual boxing. Secondly, it would take a LOT of power for a single PC to run an entire party. It's FAR more likely they're using multiple PCs. Third, Hacking programs have been around FAR longer than windower. Windower might make it possible to access the GUI while ingame, but NO hacking program, and I can promise you this, NO hacking program was impossible before Windower, that is possible after it. Fourth, just because something CAN be used for evil doesn't make THAT THING evil. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Cars don't run over kids, incompetent drivers run over kids. Fifth, I could come up with more reasons why Windower is not malware, but since I have the feeling you're not reading this anyway, this sentence is half space filler.
              And if it was a keylogger, be sure to call SE ASAP, the sooner you act the less of a chance they've changed your personal info.
              Er, there's really nothing to get out of shape about. I don't remember saying anything about hacks, or about the morals of using a windower in the first place.

              It's really a matter of personal responsibility...when you download something on your computer, you're taking a personal risk with the program. So if he did download a keylogger, whos fault is it other than his own?


              • #22
                Re: Is my account cancelled?

                I was referring to both of you.

                And no, just because you're irresponsible doesn't mean you deserve to lose at least a few hundred dollars worth of property. That's like saying if you open the door and the person punches you in the face, runs in and steals your xbox, you deserve it for not checking the peephole. That's just plain silly.


                • #23
                  Re: Is my account cancelled?

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  I was referring to both of you.
                  And no, just because you're irresponsible doesn't mean you deserve to lose at least a few hundred dollars worth of property. That's like saying if you open the door and the person punches you in the face, runs in and steals your xbox, you deserve it for not checking the peephole. That's just plain silly.
                  I don't feel like getting into a 10 page argument discussing Windower, but your example is a little too specific and doesn't even apply to the thread.

                  Think of the windower situation in the terms of the people that try to sue McDonalds because after eating there everyday for a year they get angry after becoming obese. We all know that greasy cheeseburgers and french fries aren't healthy, and we're reminded everyday not to make it a habit getting that junk, but they did it of their own free will, and then have the balls to sue McDonalds.

                  Now, the whole point of me brining that up is, it fits perfectly into what I'm talking about. We all know Windower is against the TOS, convenience of being able to alt+tab aside, it is.

                  We also know the danger of downloading strange programs off the internet from people we don't know. I'm not going around striking down people who use it, but when you do something that is against the rules, and end up suffering for that discussion, that is your just desserts.

                  No offense to the OP, but if there is a keylogger involved, it is there because he put it there, not like someone randomly punching and mugging you.


                  • #24
                    Re: Is my account cancelled?

                    He being? The numerous amount of people who work on Archbell's windower? There is *no* risk in the official Archbell Windower, it is maintained by a team of rather trustworthy people, who could've gotten MANY more accounts than they'd ever dream of if they wanted to. It's like going to a restaurant for dinner. You're expecting food, maybe not the healthiest for you, but still perfectly alright to eat, but after you leave, you get really sick, and find out it's actually a MacDawnalds. Yes, you should check where you're eating, but eating it itself isn't wrong.

                    Not to mention, the TOS is not a letter of the law document. The TOS is designed to be loose, to be at the GM's discretion. If you read your EULA and TOS (I don't remember exactly which one, although probably both), SE and it's GM teams are allowed to ban you whenever they want, for whatever they want, no matter what might be normal. If a GM decided to ban you for being stupid enough to drop a relic weapon, that's entirely his choice. Yes, SE might fire him, and yes, POL might unban you, but there is nothing wrong with the decision in the most basic form. This is why some people get banned for speedhacking when all they do is have their PC overclocked (sometimes unintentionally), and some people get suspended for Argusing KB. It's the GM's choice, and while they do have policy to follow, it's company policy more than TOS.


                    • #25
                      Re: Is my account cancelled?

                      "He" being the original poster...which is stated clearly in my last post. And, no, there's nothing wrong with eating, but if you continue to eat what makes you sick, and you become unhealthy, it's your fault...

                      Feba, what are you talking about? You said all this stuff about the TOS being loose and GMs being are to ban at their leisure, which is all fine and dandy, most of us already know that stuff...but you didn't really say anything. And it still doesn't change that the OP broke the ToS when he got windower...What does all that have to do with the topic of this thread? Seriously, the statements that I made don't warrant this much discussion.


                      • #26
                        Re: Is my account cancelled?

                        Last I checked, he didn't download the keylogger multiple times. Not that we even have proof it was a keylogger.


                        • #27
                          Re: Is my account cancelled?

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          And no, just because you're irresponsible doesn't mean you deserve to lose at least a few hundred dollars worth of property. That's like saying if you open the door and the person punches you in the face, runs in and steals your xbox, you deserve it for not checking the peephole. That's just plain silly.
                          But installing a windower isn't just him opening the door and getting punched in the face.

                          The suspicious looking guy knocked on the door, the OP opened it, then the guy offered him some illegal stuff and the OP said "woo hoo!" and let the guy in. And not only he let the guy in, he let him check out his home and even get a copy of his keys on the way out.

                          And one day the OP came back home only to find his place was empty and no one forced the door to get in.

                          That's the kind of situation with this kinda software and keyloggers. So yeah if that was the case (account stealing due to windower) he is just facing the consecuences of his actions, whether he "deserves" it or not is irrelevant.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #28
                            Re: Is my account cancelled?

                            yes, it is far more like getting punched in the face. It's not like he even left his account offline, he got kicked off. Personally, I think this is a huge hole in POL, as it should say "account is busy" or such, or at least ask the currently logged in client to respond (say, in 30 seconds) before it DCs it.


                            • #29
                              Re: Is my account cancelled?

                              Ok, so the guy went inside the house using the OP's keys and kicked him out.

                              That doesn't change the point of my post, if it's indeed account stealing it was all due to the OP's actions so it's all the same, he made a choice of using a piece of unknown software he wasn't supposed to be using.

                              In that case the OP wouldn't be an inocent victim, just someone who gambled with his account and lost.

                              Although I agree, having the game warning you someone else is trying to log in your account could be a life saver, you could contact a GM and let them know something is going on if you know there's no one else with access to your account info.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #30
                                Re: Is my account cancelled?

                                Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                                That doesn't change the point of my post, if it's indeed account stealing it was all due to the OP's actions so it's all the same, he made a choice of using a piece of unknown software he wasn't supposed to be using.

                                In that case the OP wouldn't be an inocent victim, just someone who gambled with his account and lost.
                                Thank you, I'm glad somebody gets it.

