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Dynamis shell questions

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  • #16
    Re: Dynamis shell questions

    Should be up to the sponsor. If the LS is going into a low-return zone like Xarcabard or Beaucedine as far as currency, the risk is up to the sponsor to assume.
    Besides unlocking new areas, what are the rewards of beating the zone? As I understand it you clear zones by beating some super hard NM type mob, which may or may not have better drop rates or drop rare items like the Dynamis Shadow Lord, is there any other benefit?

    It usually lands, but gets partial resisted a LOT since Dynamis is perpetually in 2xDark weather.
    It is? Good to know, that explains alot about the whole sleep vs lullaby issue.

    Get an /assist macro. When the melee assist calls out "Melee attack Vanguard Hitman" and there's two of them, don't just pick one at random and start hitting it. You risk hitting the wrong one, waking it up, and risking the life of the person that slept it.
    I don't think I've heard about this /assist macro, how does it work and just what does it do? Targets the mob that is attacking another team mate? If so what happens with multiple mobs like in a link?

    Speaking of running... If your group is wiping, don't run away. The dynamis monsters will hunt you down, and then people have to wait even longer for the monsters to go back to their homes so they can reraise.
    Makes sense, besides, that's kinda the whole point of the reraise items, I'd rather eat dirt and get it over with quick than run around like a chicken with my head cutoff.

    I will probably see if I can go on a few dynamis runs with a friends dynamis shell, although I probably won't stay in it. Last I heard they did not allow members to have the currency and sold it to fund more runs, and I think members still have to pay, not entirely sure on that one, and there are a few other rules that would kind of prohibit me from starting work on my relic lance for awhile, for instance you have to be lvl 75 before being able to lot on anything, which makes sense, but if I can't fund runs I would want to get a relic lance at least and buy the currency to start working on it.

    And that is kinda relevant since I could probably join the dynamis shell now, they've let in a few other lvl 67ish melees from what I've been told who were friends of members.

    I may look more into starting my own dynamis shell, that does appeal to me because then I would be the firm yet benevolent ruler And I could make sure things were run fairly, and maybe organise some other events to help pay for the dynamis fees, but I think I'll leave the discussion on how to setup a dynamis shell and rules for another later topic when I know a little bit more.

    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


    • #17
      Re: Dynamis shell questions

      I don't think I've heard about this /assist macro, how does it work and just what does it do? Targets the mob that is attacking another team mate? If so what happens with multiple mobs like in a link?
      /assist macro does exactly what it says, it assists someone. As far as I know, all dyna linkshells will have a main caller (and several back ups should the main die). The main caller's job is simply to pick a monster, engage it, and let the LS know that is their target, once done, all other members (usually only the melee) will push their /assist macro, and it'll automatically lock on to the main caller's target, allowing everyone to hit only one monster to make kills more efficient. This way, you can avoid targeting the wrong monsters, even if everything links, there will only be one target, and that would be the monster the main caller is killing.

      /assist "Main caller's name"
      for example: /assist "Seraph" every time you push that, and I have a mob targeted, you'll automatically lock on (not engage) to that target.
      Dignified Destruction 死ね 

      NINJA-> AF1{o} AF2(legs){o} AF3(body){o} AF4(feet){o} AF5(head){o} AF6(hands){o}

      NINJA AFv2-> head{o} body{o} hands{x} legs{o} feet{x}

      Limit Break-> 1{o} 2{o} 3{o} 4{o} 5{o} (Maat defeated at 66)

      Main=> 75nin. Rank7 Windurst, Zilart [completed], CoP [completed], ToAU 22, Merits:19 [crits +4]{katana +3}[Ninja tools expertise +1]

      Next up!~>> SMN (I need Fenrir and Diabolos)


      • #18
        Re: Dynamis shell questions

        Seraph explained the whole /assist thing. Went on my first run yesterday and basically you just spam that macro until it targets, then engage and do your thing. If he died or went afk, he'd spam the /l chat with "/assist whoever was main now". Just change your macro and continue.

        Always watch your chat log. Important things can be said in the log, and with a lot of spam flying by, it helps to always keep an eye on it.

        Stay with the group, stay with the group, stay with the group. If you're melee, stay with the melees, if you're a mage, stay with the mages. You won't be pulling your first few times out (atleast), so always stay with the group and follow the leader and or puller's directions. If you get too far away, you can get aggro, create numerous links and quickly have 20 mobs on your party at once.

        Little things I was unaware of until yesterday:
        The item pool is for everyone in the zone, and lots are listed next to the item when you look at the treasure pool. (Not a biggie, but just different)
        All mobs are red. There are no purple mobs even if its being attacked by someone in another alliance. All mobs are attackable by everyone. This means you should never use anything with <bt> in the macro. You'll very likely attack the wrong mob.

        Basically, best advice is to stay calm, think ahead, and listen to directions. Most shells always have a perpetual influx of new players who are all learning the ropes. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask.
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #19
          Re: Dynamis shell questions

          Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
          Besides unlocking new areas, what are the rewards of beating the zone? As I understand it you clear zones by beating some super hard NM type mob, which may or may not have better drop rates or drop rare items like the Dynamis Shadow Lord, is there any other benefit?
          In cities and in CoP zones the megaboss is frequently also a time extend, so everyone gets more time to farm for coins and AF. Dynamis Lord is not a time extend and going for him takes up quite a bit of time, but he has unique drops that don't drop from anything else. Pretty much the only reason to fight Angra Mainyu (the Beaucedine megaboss) is because people need the win; going after him eats up a lot of time that could have been used to get AF, or go after the attestation mobs.

          I don't think I've heard about this /assist macro, how does it work and just what does it do? Targets the mob that is attacking another team mate? If so what happens with multiple mobs like in a link?
          /assist (playername) targets the mob that playername is attacking. If that player isn't attacking anything then it does nothing.

          This is very useful when the pull is a Vanguard Ambusher, a Vanguard Ambusher, a Vanguard Ambusher and a Vanguard Ambusher.

          for instance you have to be lvl 75 before being able to lot on anything, which makes sense
          Not really. Most drops aren't level 75. Requiring that you be high enough to wear the drop makes some sense (unless, of course, everyone who *is* high enough to wear it already has it, which will often be the case with DRG anyway); requiring that you be 75 to lot on level 71 pieces is excessively rude to newbies.

          And anyone who makes players pay for the run and then takes the currency anyway is running some kind of scam. If they're really using it to fund more runs, why are the players funding the same runs the currency was supposed to pay for?
          Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
          RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
          All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


          • #20
            Re: Dynamis shell questions

            As to your question about what clearing the zone does, by clearing the zone you get access to more areas. In order to go to the glacier, you need to clear Windy, Sandy, Bastok and Jeuno. You then need the Glacier to get to Xacabard. The same with the alternate reality dynamises, you need Valkrum, Bub<tab> pennisula, and Qufim to be able to go the Tav<tab> Safehold.

            The rewards for Beating the final areas I believe are just a chance at a rare drop, like in Xacabard the Dynamis Lord drops the Shadow Mantle, (which I think is a nice piece for any paladin, procs about 1 in 10 attacks).

            As for trying to run a dynamis shell, I wish you the best of luck, not something I think I would want to deal with. While you may think your rules are fair you are bound to get members from time to time that gripe and moan that they are getting shafted, and have to occasionally break pearls when people are lotting things they're not suppose to, and just the general drama that can arrise when you have 30+ people and a million gil on the line.

            But I certainly wouldn't want to discourage you from running one. Just saying something I wouldn't want to deal with on a normal basis. And once you get a strong foundation of members that you can count on I'm sure you'll exceed in you shell.

            (oh, another thing, please have mages have a /linkshell Raising <t> macro, I've wasted so much MP because people are raising people I'm raising and stuff like that. Usually it shows up in the chat log, but depending on how your chat filters are set up, you might not see actions started by alliance members or people outside alliance. I don't always feel like changing my whole game settings just for a couple hours of dynamis.)


            • #21
              Re: Dynamis shell questions

              Originally posted by Karinya View Post
              /assist (playername) targets the mob that playername is attacking. If that player isn't attacking anything then it does nothing.
              This is a fun little command; Karinya has the best description of how it works under normal condition. (It also does the "Lock On" to the new target.) From what I understand, basically you just keep pressing that macro as a melee in Dynamis--until the main tank/target select person dies, then you change playername or switch to spamming your "Assist Dead Meat #2" macro.

              Someone (probably Icemage) on this site showed us how to use this command to find the right person to cure; target the monster, and use:

              /assist <t>

              That will lock your target to the person currently being plummeted to death. Supposedly it's handy for both HNM hunting White Mages as well as inattentive Valkrum Dunes PL's.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #22
                Re: Dynamis shell questions

                /assist <t> is also good for finding out the person that cured one of your linkshell members and is now spamming mazurkas and making your NM go crazy.... But that's a whole other can of worms (or ball of wax, whichever you prefer).

                I didn't even think of <bt> in dynamis until now. >_> Glad the only two jobs I use them on aren't 65 yet. (Bard and Black Mage)
                Generic Info!


                • #23
                  Re: Dynamis shell questions

                  Ohhh, I like this /assist macro, so if I wrote:

                  /assist "pullerhere"
                  /ja "Jump" <t>

                  that macro would target the puller's mob, and then jump it correct? Can you make a macro to attack something? /engage <t> perhaps?

                  In cities and in CoP zones the megaboss is frequently also a time extend,
                  Ah I see, so you are also gambling that the time extension will be worth the time you spent to kill the boss.

                  If they're really using it to fund more runs, why are the players funding the same runs the currency was supposed to pay for?
                  Not all of their runs are successfull, but at the same time I may have misunderstood what they were saying. Basically what came across was even though I'd be the only drg in the entire LS who needed anything, I wouldn't be able to lot on anything, and no chance of buying/obtaining currency, so I am just not that interested in their shell right now.

                  You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                  I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                  • #24
                    Re: Dynamis shell questions

                    /assist "Guy"

                    I don't bother with /attack in the macro, but according to /? /attack, if you just put in /attack it toggles if you're attacking or not. I spam my assist macro, so that could cause potential problems. If you just want it to make you engage but never disengage using that macro, make it "/attack on".

                    I don't have a JA macroed in my assist macro either... But I don't see why you couldn't have jump macroed into it. If it doesn't work, add a "/wait 1".
                    Generic Info!


                    • #25
                      Re: Dynamis shell questions

                      As a melee in dynamis, the most important command next to /assist is /autotarget off. Make sure that you type that in as a DD before you start. This helps to prevent you from auto-switching to a slept mob after the one you were attacking dies. This helps keep the flow going in the proper sequence. There's no specific order but usually SMN and BST mobs are killed first with MNKs and NINs saved for last.

                      I also like to toss in a <stnpc> attack macro to make sure the right mob is being targetted. <stnpc> requires confirmation before the command processes. Also, /a can be used instead of /attack if you're lazy like me.

                      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                      • #26
                        Re: Dynamis shell questions

                        Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                        As a melee in dynamis, the most important command next to /assist is /autotarget off. Make sure that you type that in as a DD before you start. This helps to prevent you from auto-switching to a slept mob after the one you were attacking dies. This helps keep the flow going in the proper sequence. There's no specific order but usually SMN and BST mobs are killed first with MNKs and NINs saved for last.
                        I also like to toss in a <stnpc> attack macro to make sure the right mob is being targetted. <stnpc> requires confirmation before the command processes. Also, /a can be used instead of /attack if you're lazy like me.
                        The typical order we use for taking out mobs in our shell is:

                        Eyes (Glacier & Xarc) > SMN > BLM > BST > Everything else > WHM > MNK > NIN
                        Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
                        Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
                        Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


                        • #27
                          Re: Dynamis shell questions

                          Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
                          The typical order we use for taking out mobs in our shell is:
                          Eyes (Glacier & Xarc) > SMN > BLM > BST > Everything else > WHM > MNK > NIN
                          doh... I forgot BLM, I knew there was another 'OMG kill that!' mob out there.

                          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039

