Re: Dynamis shell questions
Besides unlocking new areas, what are the rewards of beating the zone? As I understand it you clear zones by beating some super hard NM type mob, which may or may not have better drop rates or drop rare items like the Dynamis Shadow Lord, is there any other benefit?
It is? Good to know, that explains alot about the whole sleep vs lullaby issue.
I don't think I've heard about this /assist macro, how does it work and just what does it do? Targets the mob that is attacking another team mate? If so what happens with multiple mobs like in a link?
Makes sense, besides, that's kinda the whole point of the reraise items, I'd rather eat dirt and get it over with quick than run around like a chicken with my head cutoff.
I will probably see if I can go on a few dynamis runs with a friends dynamis shell, although I probably won't stay in it. Last I heard they did not allow members to have the currency and sold it to fund more runs, and I think members still have to pay, not entirely sure on that one, and there are a few other rules that would kind of prohibit me from starting work on my relic lance for awhile, for instance you have to be lvl 75 before being able to lot on anything, which makes sense, but if I can't fund runs I would want to get a relic lance at least and buy the currency to start working on it.
And that is kinda relevant since I could probably join the dynamis shell now, they've let in a few other lvl 67ish melees from what I've been told who were friends of members.
I may look more into starting my own dynamis shell, that does appeal to me because then I would be the firm yet benevolent ruler
And I could make sure things were run fairly, and maybe organise some other events to help pay for the dynamis fees, but I think I'll leave the discussion on how to setup a dynamis shell and rules for another later topic when I know a little bit more.
Should be up to the sponsor. If the LS is going into a low-return zone like Xarcabard or Beaucedine as far as currency, the risk is up to the sponsor to assume.
It usually lands, but gets partial resisted a LOT since Dynamis is perpetually in 2xDark weather.
Get an /assist macro. When the melee assist calls out "Melee attack Vanguard Hitman" and there's two of them, don't just pick one at random and start hitting it. You risk hitting the wrong one, waking it up, and risking the life of the person that slept it.
Speaking of running... If your group is wiping, don't run away. The dynamis monsters will hunt you down, and then people have to wait even longer for the monsters to go back to their homes so they can reraise.
I will probably see if I can go on a few dynamis runs with a friends dynamis shell, although I probably won't stay in it. Last I heard they did not allow members to have the currency and sold it to fund more runs, and I think members still have to pay, not entirely sure on that one, and there are a few other rules that would kind of prohibit me from starting work on my relic lance for awhile, for instance you have to be lvl 75 before being able to lot on anything, which makes sense, but if I can't fund runs I would want to get a relic lance at least and buy the currency to start working on it.
And that is kinda relevant since I could probably join the dynamis shell now, they've let in a few other lvl 67ish melees from what I've been told who were friends of members.
I may look more into starting my own dynamis shell, that does appeal to me because then I would be the firm yet benevolent ruler
