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Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

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  • Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

    I think I'm almost ready to go on my subjob binge. I plan to start after BST is 60. I'm so not looking forward to it.

    Reason I said Round 2, is that retread of /NIN and /WHM is inevitable

    Foobar has /WHM, Kitten has to level it for /COR as an optional 3rd sub and possibly PUP
    Kitten has /NIN, Foobar needs /NIN for BST, BLU and burn PTs with those and DRG. BRD will need it to play merit monkey.
    /THF for BLU and DRG
    Since Foobar is maining BLU, /BLU sub would be taken care of for DRG.
    /SAM for RNG on Kitten, and then again of Foobar for DRG

    Did I mention I'm still doing CoPs for both characters? Thank god is the only one that needs Assault gear. Nothing really amazing for Foobar's jobs there.

    Anyway, looks like it would be good to start with Foobar's NIN, I tossed most of my gear on Kitten and since I plan to main NIN on Kitten, I can just transfer it to kitten after Foobar complets the sub. Same thing with SAM, Kitten has the gear now, so move it to Foobar after. I think those are the best to start with.

    But I'm also thinking maybe I should just finish the most painful ones first = WHM and THF. WHM would be quick, but I hate main healing with an absolute burning passion. I lvoe it for soloing other jobs and support functions, but that's when the love ends. Also thinking of taking Cooking to 10 on kitten so I can speed up recovery on mage jobs like I did with Foobar, camp Rabbit Wand NM and pack cookies.

    This is the price I pay for having two characters, but if I just got them done, I'd never have to do any again. But at least I'm not one of those people that quit, deleted their character and started over. I don't know if I could ever start totally from the bottom again.

  • #2
    Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

    Still don't understand why someone would have two chars (other than mules) when there's Jobchange...

    But whatever floats your boat I suppose...
    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


    Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
    Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
    Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
    Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
    Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



    • #3
      Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

      Still don't understand why someone would have two chars
      Fubar's inner mithra finally came out I guess, there is only so much a taru can take.

      And mithras have tails! :D You get to have a /em swishes her tail disdainfully at the <t>. macro!

      You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

      I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


      • #4
        Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

        I have a similar deal, except only one character.

        I need to get 7 or so levels on my THF for BLU sub, and my NIN (for BLU and BST if I ever get back to it) and WHM (For BST) are only 28.

        Leveling subjobs is such hell, too.


        • #5
          Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

          Originally posted by Kholdstare View Post
          Leveling subjobs is such hell, too.
          Oh, the beauty of starting over. I am taking WAR, NIN, and WHM all to 37 before I even start my eventual THF Main. That way, once I start, I will not have any need to stop and level a sub again.
          FFXIV Balmung Server
          Tenro Matashi


          • #6
            Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

            Originally posted by Wise Donkey View Post
            Oh, the beauty of starting over. I am taking WAR, NIN, and WHM all to 37 before I even start my eventual THF Main. That way, once I start, I will not have any need to stop and level a sub again.
            a good decision, but it's kinda hard to do that when every job you need as a sub you hate as a main


            • #7
              Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

              Originally posted by Susurrus View Post
              Still don't understand why someone would have two chars (other than mules) when there's Jobchange
              It lets me specialize my characters as opposed to levelling 29894 jobs for one and be marginal at them all, with average gear and no storage space. Maat's cap is cute, but it I'd rather have overlapping in my gear and merits so those characters actully benefit from it. I've found that people that try to pile jobs all on one character use the AH as storage and I just can't see spending the gil over to go back to a job. I play jobs that deal heavily with consumables, my gil vanishes as it is.

              Meritting must be hell for them, because eventually one job is not really going to benefit much because you filled other category in places like Combat Skills. If you're a mage, that's one thing, but if you're a melee/tank, you could really screw yourself on merits with multiple jobs.

              Bouncing gear between mules and main drives me up the wall, too.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-04-2007, 03:10 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

                I'm with BBQ here.

                Though while I have not really started a secondary character in full yet, I have been playing with my mules in general consepts as to where to go and what to focus in in the event that I do.

                Two of the major consirns I have with endgame is the accolation of Merits, and the use of gear. Unless I want to be less effective at more jobs, one really has to make a choice at what angle they want to play at. Otherwise one's merits can be all over the place.

                If I'm wright to say that one of BBQ's angles is the more ranged variety? Corsair, Ranger heps with Agi and Ranged Accuracy (via Skill) bonuses. And if you're focusing on Agi, you're evasion based jobs. (Ninja, Puppetmaster, and maybe thief.) may benifit for that. But that is up to her choices.

                I'm focusing on the more hybrid swordsman type jobs. (RDM, BLU , PLD) in which MND MP and Sword Skill can benefit an aspect of each job, with MP really being the best one for all.

                Art done by Fred Perry.


                • #9
                  Re: Subjobs: Round 2 /cry

                  Originally posted by Hyrist View Post
                  If I'm wright to say that one of BBQ's angles is the more ranged variety? Corsair, Ranger heps with Agi and Ranged Accuracy (via Skill) bonuses. And if you're focusing on Agi, you're evasion based jobs. (Ninja, Puppetmaster, and maybe thief.) may benifit for that. But that is up to her choices.
                  That's more or less the case with BBQ, its also partially an aesthetic choice. I think DRG, BLU and BST AF look rather distinguished on a Tarutaru, and RNG, COR, NIN and PUP AF look nice on Mithra (ok PUP AF is goofy, but I'm not putting it on a male character).

                  Magic skill category was another major point for me. When I started to consider BLU, I realized that BRD was already cutting off future merit options. I have no interest in being an endgame BRD, I just levelled it for missions and helping friends and now its just really to merit other jobs with. There's no point spending merits on singing or wind skill if I'm not doing endgame.

                  So the way i'm doing things now, BLU can have full Blue Magic skill merits, NIN can have full NIN magic skill merits. Had I set Kitten on BLU, I'd have the problem I had with BRD, only this time NIN would conflict with BLU.

                  There's also the long-term gear to think about. You could really amass so many different R/E gear in your career. Call it the limitation of the PS2, but ultimately the storage in any MMORPG is finite and FFXI is no different. Even though we might be able to be whatever job we want, you can't ultimately excel at everything, the game is subtle in suggesting you specialize. Merits were that suggestion and it was also there in guild contracts.

