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Does WAR have to pull?

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  • #16
    Re: Does WAR have to pull?

    The only time I've really had to pull and tank in the same party has been in the sub-30 levels. Generally by the time you hit up the Jungles, people at least understand that someone has to pull other than the tank.


    • #17
      Re: Does WAR have to pull?

      The only exception is if at the end of the fight, everyone was ready for another round, and an exp mob had popped close by - then I might just voke it and be done with it.


      • #18
        Re: Does WAR have to pull?

        Pulling is an important aspect in exp. parties. Sooner or later, you will notice that in those best parties you will have, there will be great pullers presented there.

        Even currently I am level MNK again, I was puller in my level 55 party: PLD, WHM, BLU, 3x MNK. When I pulled with those Pebbles I picked after mining session, my party LOL so hard XD. Between Chi Blast and 30 Pebbles, it last for 1.5 hours before I ran out of ammo.

        If your job does not required to /heal for MP, I would say expected to pull, even the request can be happended once in a blue moon.

        Using Provoke to pull is the worst method, unless you are in an over-crowded exp area, in which pulling becomes pseudo-NM hunting.

        If no one has range attack for pulling in your party, I suggest for pull-by-aggro:

        1. If the mob can be aggro by sight, just stand in front of it at a distance, and you can let it chases after you to your camp without any link if done correctly.

        2. If the mob aggro by sound, without drawing out your weapon, slowly walk toward the mob at the maximum distant until the mob detects you. Even if there are multiple sound-aggro/link mob very close togather, you can aggro-pull one without linking the others if you are at the distances between the mobs.

        3. If the mob is aggro-free, first draw out you weapon, then poke the mob, and then unlock the auto-target (camera) and run like hell.

        A great puller can push the upper limit of the parties' exp, have fun pulling ^^/
        Server: Quetzalcoatl
        Race: Hume Rank 7
        75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


        • #19
          Re: Does WAR have to pull?

          If you're breaking away midfight to pull, be sure the mages have enough MP to keep your party alive. I've never had a party on any of my jobs I pulled on where the mages didn't have MP problems. (Either from lack of refresh or mismanagement of MP.)

          I usually don't like the tank pulling because no matter what kind of tank it is, they lose out. Ninjas lose shadows while running back (if they're not far enough away from the monster when they pull), paladins lose a chance to rest MP.
          Generic Info!


          • #20
            Re: Does WAR have to pull?

            Originally posted by Cereal
            Even currently I am level MNK again, I was puller in my level 55 party: PLD, WHM, BLU, 3x MNK. When I pulled with those Pebbles I picked after mining session, my party LOL so hard XD. Between Chi Blast and 30 Pebbles, it last for 1.5 hours before I ran out of ammo.
            Oh man, monk pulling. Not much you could do to avoid that one with all the melees being MNKs and a BLU though. I never carried around pebbles because I never had enough inventory room for them. I still had to pull from time to time though. :x It became easier at level 70 when I could (finally) equip a reusable ranged weapon.

            I wouldn't provoke pull or run up and punch something then run away though. Both just get you beat up.

            We got rid of auto merging double posts? Oops.
            Generic Info!


            • #21
              Re: Does WAR have to pull?

              Originally posted by Effedup View Post
              Thanks for the advice, everyone. Even though I really AM a noob, I still don't like looking like one. Call it pride if you will ^^

              Another quick question I didn't think to ask in the o.p.: If, as WAR, I am primary tank, does that mean I'm still going to be pulling? I static with another person in my LS, who's taking NIN up with my MNK (and will be switching to PLD at 37), so the whole "primary tank" things is pretty new to me, too...but pretty easy to pick up being that I've been DD'ing for a while now, seems like the only difference at this level range is that I don't have to hold back on my ws's and get to voke every 30 seconds. Of course, sometimes it can be a bitch to hold hate when the DD's decide to go balls-out randomly, but so far (luckily) this has been the exception rather than the rule.

              Anyways, based on broad party dynamics, is being puller AND primary tank broken as WAR? I've been in pt's where my static NIN is asked to pull and tank, which seemed really broken to me given that it's pretty much a waste of shadows and in general a pain in the ass (he was pissed, lots of profanity-laden ls chatting that day, but he took one for the team until we could find a THF when someone left). The way I look at it, it's prolly not as big an issue because I'm not going to be taking nearly the damage he did on the runs back to camp when his shadows went down...but if it's gonna be broken, I'd rather just say that at the outset when I get asked to do both rather than limp along almost wiping with every mob and exhausting the healer's MP pool.

              Sorry if I'm thinking too much into this...I'm just of the opinion that even a lvl 18 pt can be uber if it's played right ^^
              The time during the NIN's first set of shadows is very critical, it can determine the hate control of the rest of the battle and the downtime afterwards. A NIN would like to have a full set of shadows and Utsusemi /recast time before the battle begins (although often it is not possible). If the shadows is stripped before the fight begins, the NIN has to deal with getting the shadows back up instead of hate control.

              It is safer to have the tank stay in camp instead of pulling. If a mob wanders into the camp during pulling by accident, the tank is there to protect the party members. A party should also warn the puller if there is any mob wanders around the camp during pulling, to avoid any link situation.
              Server: Quetzalcoatl
              Race: Hume Rank 7
              75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


              • #22
                Re: Does WAR have to pull?

                Don't remember seeing this suggestion in any other post, so here goes: Make yourself a Pulling macro.

                Make sure it announces to the party that you're pulling a mob, include the mobs name by using <t>, and add a non-offensive call like <scall14>. It's a light chime like sound. You never know when a party member might be distracted by something that's on the TV or their cat doing something cute/not so cute. The call helps remind them that they should hurry back to the keyboard and/or start paying close attention. If you're wondering about the difference between call and scall, scall doesn't make player's controllers vibrate.

                Try not to get too clever with flavor text in your pulling macro. It might be funny the first time you see it. But it won't be nearly as entertaining the other 59 times during the party.

                My pulling macro looks like this:
                /p {Ranged attack} >>>> <t> <scall14>
                /equip ammo
                /ra <t>

                The /equip line makes sure I don't accidentally throw something like my Bomb Core, Morion Tathlum (mages typically don't pull with ranged attack, but I might accidentally switch macro palettes and hit this macro in the heat of battle), Bibiki Seashell, etc (I pull with a boomerang). If you want to pull with a bow or crossbow, simply put in the ammo item you want to pull with, like /equip ammo "Acid Bolt". Swapping what's in your ammo slot won't reset your TP.

                I also have a separate ranged attack macro right next to the pulling macro, which doesn't have anything going to /p. I use the Pull macro first, and if the mob is out of range, I use the ranged attack macro so I don't spam my party with the same text over and over.
                lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                Fishing 60

                Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork

