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How was Windrust able....

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  • #16
    Re: How was Windrust able....

    hehe I guess Windurst still remains on the Phoenix server. We're first almost all the time.
    Although Bastok seems to be doing alot better than Sandy


    • #17
      Re: How was Windrust able....

      Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
      On Midgardsormer it used to be called Lastok. People have to treat it with respect now, as it's in first over 80% of the time. Oh, but Lastdurst has filled it's place... my country btw.
      "Lastdurst" doen't flow like "Winfirst."


      • #18
        Re: How was Windrust able....

        Yes it does.


        • #19
          Re: How was Windrust able....

          Originally posted by DR2D2 View Post
          I'm surprised because with 5hrs left both zones were not in danger of falling(I figured they did exp. force to get them)
          Surprisingly, you cannot do an Exp. Force on those three regions (Gustaburg, Ronfaure, and Sarutabaruta), so the only means to forcibly take those regions is to exp levels 1-10 there, and to turn in equipment to the OPs there.


          • #20
            Re: How was Windrust able....

            Bastok has traditionally been Lastok on Unicorn as well. Sadly, the new generation of gilsellers has taken up residence there and so Bastok is now constantly in first.

            More unfortunately for me, I had switched to Windurst just before this happened and used all of my conquest points to buy Centurion's Swords to sell... and now the price is about 40k lower than it was. Hah.


            • #21
              Re: How was Windrust able....

              on my server windurst is almost always in first, and that has been since ToAU

              its a fight between bastok and sandy for 2nd with bastok usually beating sandy

              oh yeah, the recent hit on ronfaure on my server put the windurstians responsible for this out over 6M, mostly on mythril picks, green ribbons, and some stuff bought from npc
              Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
              Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



              • #22
                Re: How was Windrust able....

                I think losing your starting zone is a good thing. People get convient outposts and the nation that lost their starting zone usually takes somebody else's starting zone the next week, giving more people outposts.

                You still get CP and crystals, and you can get signet from the city. The worst that happens is that you lose a barely useful outpost in gustaberg for a week. (The ronfaure outpost isn't too useful to san d'orians.)
                Generic Info!


                • #23
                  Re: How was Windrust able....

                  Tirrock is back! Yay!
                  Trading equip to the teleport guy at an outpost gives your home nation more pull in that region. Happened last year on fairy, thats how I was able to get Ronfaure and Sarutabaruta outposts.
                  Bastok has been on the rise on Fairy, too. RMT are a big part of it, partially due to them now being Bastokan, partially due to the fact that they're nolonger Windurstian. On Fairy, Bastok regularly switched b/w 2nd and 3rd with Sandy for quite a while, with Windy almost always in 1st.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #24
                    Re: How was Windrust able....

                    Yeah, I was trying to find the website artist of the Ronfaure remix song with vocals and another website with FFXI songs that I knew had been posted here. (Found it fairly easily, yay.) Since it seems my browser no longer hates this website, here I am.

                    I don't know if this still holds true thanks to all the deflation, but I remember buying darts from the merchants in port jeuno next to the AH and trading a ton of those to get saurutabaruta. It was fairly cheap, and there was a pretty good amount of us doing it, so we got it.
                    Generic Info!


                    • #25
                      Re: How was Windrust able....

                      How much do you need to trade exactly? Iv only ever gotten the W Ron, Valkrum, Altepa and Pashow OP's. I want to get Bubu and/or Saruta one...


                      • #26
                        Re: How was Windrust able....

                        A whole bunch. Probably more than would be worthwhile by yourself. (Both in terms of cost and time.) The exact amount would depend on the number of people exping in the zone, how much exp they're making, and what nation they're in.

                        I wouldn't even bother unless you can get together a fairly large sized number of people together to do it...and even then, I'd only do it with starter nations, as the other ones will be under your nations control eventually.
                        Generic Info!


                        • #27
                          Re: How was Windrust able....

                          Ah ok then, I wont bother


                          • #28
                            Re: How was Windrust able....

                            Winfirst is almost always true on Ifrit(yay for me!!).....and i was thinking about trying to take over the other regions cause it could do me lots of good.....but then again...
                            i guess i should get Saratabarutas OP first
                            then i could try and go for the others....for some reason....the only outpost run ive done is Buburimu....heh heh
                            Last edited by Humar; 03-01-2007, 06:40 PM. Reason: named wrong op place
                            I like seriously.. i do.

                            Das Oldskoolen
                            It's not a pizza. It's a bomb.
                            We didn't order a bomb either.

                            My Fav

                            THF:43 RNG:24 BLU:13 WHM:14 BLM:13 PUP:7 COR:9
                            Windy Rank: 4 <-----Humar ( retired )

                            THF:51 RNG:27 BLU:9 WHM:21 BLM:18 NIN:27 WAR:15
                            Windy Rank: 5 <-----Hucast
                            Clothcraft: 6.8(?) Skills to come: Leathercraft, cooking, goldsmithing.


                            • #29
                              Re: How was Windrust able....

                              On Ifrit, Bastok used to be dead last every week. Now though, it seems pretty even. I've seen all three nations at number one at different times.

                              Kanaku - Drg-68/War-37 Blm-56/Whm-39
                              Ifrit Server

