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EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

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  • EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

    In the last few weeks of EXPing BST I had two strange instances occur where I fought a mob that would give EXP under normal conditions yet didn't yield EXP at all. One instance was with an EM mob, another DC (DC is passable to BST so long as its with EXP band). Both instances were also with beastmen, one a Goblin and the other an Antican.

    In both instances it didn't register into my chat log that either I or my pet had killed the mob in question. Also in both instances I had cast Dia just in case I had a WS miss after I released my pet (as to avoid the EXP penalty for using charmed mobs).

    In these instances, it looked it like Dia actually did them in since my axe made no connection for the kill, but no "[Mob] falls to the ground" message appeared and no EXP message followed either. My status menu showed no EXP gain after the fight. One other thing of note was that in both instances, the target mob did go unclaimed, then the Dia I cast moments before Leave killed them. But in several other battles the mob has gone unclaimed on kill and I was still rewarded the EXP.

    I think I was the only one in the area of my camps when this happened. It's possible some Ice-Spiked RDM, BLM or WHM might have enagaged a beastman, DoTed them, died and HPed just moments before I claimed; or that some NIN two houred the beastman a couple minutes before I came upon it. These things would also result in EXP reduction. But I don't think that was the case, pretty sure I was alone in the area.

    I'm curious if anyone else had experienced this. I've seen it happen at times in EXP PTs, but I always assumed when it happened we had tagged a BST's fomer pet by accident or the mob had been DoTed/Ice Spiked prior to claim.

    Any explaination for this? Thinkin' I should report it. The instances are rare and its not a really huge deal, but when you solo, it does stick out like a sore thumb.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-23-2007, 08:22 PM.

  • #2
    Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

    sounds like a glitch. maybe you should report it to SE?



    • #3
      Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

      This has never happened to me or anyone I know. You should likely report it, but it's probably all in your head.


      • #4
        Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

        Kitten I think your assumption that they got touched by a high level are more likely the case. However, did you verify you got 0 EXP by checking status? It could be that the text was "lost" in transition between you and the servers.

        If you didn't, like was mentioned before, just check the area for any players. A lot of people solo their NPCs in BST camp areas these days, so either they touched the mob and left it, or as you said died to it and returned to home point.


        • #5
          Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

          It's possible a high level tagged it, but I think it's worth sending a note to SE anyway. The new claim/unclaim aggro rules are odd. And how long does a high-level tag last? Forever? That seems unfair (especially to BST who have to run around more looking for pets and won't notice every Tom, Dick and Harry who's near their prey.)

          As a comparison note, my husband and I duo'd worms as SMNs and we purposely kept Dia on them to keep claim. The mobs name never went yellow while Dia was on. It would only turn yellow when Dia had fallen off and we were in between Carbys.
          They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


          • #6
            Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

            Ive had this happen a few times, twice I got normal exp it just didnt appear in the chat log and the last time it happened just a few week's ago actually I got 0 exp and no message in the chat log. It was even walking about before hand and I was the only person in the area when I searched, was really weird but someone could have died to it and DoT was killing it while I fought but I thought that when a Mob was walking about at full HP it was reset so you get exp of it if you are a lower lv. Didnt report it seens as its the first time its happened in a long long time.

            Originally posted by Nakti
            As a comparison note, my husband and I duo'd worms as SMNs and we purposely kept Dia on them to keep claim. The mobs name never went yellow while Dia was on. It would only turn yellow when Dia had fallen off and we were in between Carbys.
            Dont know how you managed that, whenever I put dia, bio, rasp etc on a worm it goes unclaimed after 1-4atk rounds depending on how random its feeling thanks to that patch about a year ago, very annoying.
            75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
            Woodworking 91.9+2
            ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


            • #7
              Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

              One other thing of note was that in both instances, the target mob did go unclaimed, then the Dia I cast moments before Leave killed them.
              Is this some wierd freaky thing where the mob is far from it's spawn area, goes unclaimed, and for some reason despawns as it dies?

              I know that awhile ago, during the samurai armor festival, I got an armor all to myself, almost killed it when someone else showed up trying to get the last hit in. I used Hundred Fists, and although the other guy killed it, it said that it was killed by him in the chat box, I still got in another hit right after he killed it, and I was awarded the kill.

              That's why I think it's plausible that it might be some wierd despawning glitch, given that the mobs that did this to you all went unclaimed as you killed them.

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • #8
                Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

                I've read about this bug happening to players before. It appears to be a situation where the mob is temporarily considered unclaimed (just after using Leave) and is done in by a DoT condition.

                I believe this problem first cropped up after the big update that changed the mechanics of claiming a mob when multiple players had hate (where they tried to address situations where someone would claim a mob with a small hate action, but the mob would continue to attack a player that had previously built up a very large amount of hate with the mob).
                lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                Fishing 60

                Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                • #9
                  Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

                  I think everything stated here just proves that the claim system - after all SE has tried to do - is still broken. Lets face it, the whole "hate" adjustment is just used to MPK or steal claim now (though shame on your for having /blockaid down in the HNM scenario).

                  Still, I don't understand why not just make it so the mob stays claimed until said alliance/party/player dies. The current system is just too flakey and causes more problems than it solves. SE may have made the claim system so it made things competitive in regards to NMs and HNMs, but those things are not the whole game.

                  SE's "whole game" adjustments with the intention of fixing one part of the game tend to hurt other parts of the game. They need to be more specific with adjustments. I mean, they can nerf the hell out of sleeps in Ballista, but the TP nerf intended to balance things in Ballista was made game-wide, decimating various DD classes. The RNG nerf in 2005 was aimed at RNG, yet, mobs categorized as RNG was nerfed as well, which kinda also affected BST solo.

                  Tri-bat mobs were freaking awesome pets before the RNG nerf and they really haven't been as good since then. When RNG was readjusted to account for gear and food in the ranged equation... well, RNG mobs can't really take advantage of that. So tri-bats are still weak.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-26-2007, 10:59 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: EM+ killed solo... but no EXP?

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    In the last few weeks of EXPing BST I had two strange instances occur where I fought a mob that would give EXP under normal conditions yet didn't yield EXP at all. One instance was with an EM mob, another DC (DC is passable to BST so long as its with EXP band). Both instances were also with beastmen, one a Goblin and the other an Antican.

                    In both instances it didn't register into my chat log that either I or my pet had killed the mob in question. Also in both instances I had cast Dia just in case I had a WS miss after I released my pet (as to avoid the EXP penalty for using charmed mobs).

                    In these instances, it looked it like Dia actually did them in since my axe made no connection for the kill, but no "[Mob] falls to the ground" message appeared and no EXP message followed either. My status menu showed no EXP gain after the fight. One other thing of note was that in both instances, the target mob did go unclaimed, then the Dia I cast moments before Leave killed them. But in several other battles the mob has gone unclaimed on kill and I was still rewarded the EXP.

                    I think I was the only one in the area of my camps when this happened. It's possible some Ice-Spiked RDM, BLM or WHM might have enagaged a beastman, DoTed them, died and HPed just moments before I claimed; or that some NIN two houred the beastman a couple minutes before I came upon it. These things would also result in EXP reduction. But I don't think that was the case, pretty sure I was alone in the area.

                    I'm curious if anyone else had experienced this. I've seen it happen at times in EXP PTs, but I always assumed when it happened we had tagged a BST's fomer pet by accident or the mob had been DoTed/Ice Spiked prior to claim.

                    Any explaination for this? Thinkin' I should report it. The instances are rare and its not a really huge deal, but when you solo, it does stick out like a sore thumb.
                    When you leave a mob, as well as when you WS after you leave a mob, your target for a split-second gets "unclaimed".

                    Now four things can happen when you leave.
                    • If then the mob dies from dot before you can WS it it will count as unclaimed as will just fall to the ground and no exp awarded.
                    • If you WS and it dies from WS you count as killing the mob and you are awarded exp.
                    • If you manage to WS it but doesn't die from WS but instead falls down to the dot the split-second after WS it will fall to the ground and no exp is awarded.
                    • If you manage to WS and get another hit in and the mob then falls to the dot exp is awarded.
                    Has been like this for as long as I have played and it really is a matter of if dot kills a mob the split-second you doesn't actually have claim on the mob as BST.

                    Not really a glitch or bug per see, just a very annoying thing that occurs if the game for a split second loose claim and the mob dies to dot at the same time.

                    This also occurs if for example a NIN does Mijin on a mob, the mob for a split second loose claim and if a dot kills it at this split second no exp/drops are awarded.
                    Keep in mind, sig might be outdated I just update it a few times per week.
                    Signature with the usual levels and obtained stuff etc. . .

