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Manned Bot Usage

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  • #46
    Re: Manned Bot Usage

    Originally posted by Liquidedust View Post
    ---- subtopic ----

    So we have a ruleset that I have to abide to when logging in to the game, but this ruleset is de facto not legal in Sweden (the way it is presented).

    So by default the agreement doesn't exist to start with in Sweden due to how it is presented. So I never break the argeement to start with, since it doesn't exist when I play the game (e.g. swedish laws tells me when I am in Sweden this agreement is voided by default).

    But this is by going by the letter of the law, which kinda is against the point (or is it, since people advocate by the letter of the ToS )
    Actually what one has to consider is that if the contract is truely null and void part of the contract is the ability to play the character. If you sucessfully void the agreement it has the same effect a ban. SE doesn't apply fines for breaking contract they simply end their services. If they had a $20.00 disconnect fee Swedens laws would prevent that from being applied but them exiting from the contract that is already seen as nulified swedish law has no input.


    • #47
      Re: Manned Bot Usage

      Originally posted by Liquidedust View Post
      Well technically the ToS isn't even binding in Sweden, since by swedish law an agreement or contract has to be physically or digitially signed with a by the swedish state approved signature in order to be binding in Sweden.
      Wow, missed this part.

      You entered credit/debit card information to pay to play. Stuff like that consists of the name on the card, your physical address, country, email, phone number. Each time you log in, selecting "Accept" is your signature and consent to play by SE's rules.

      If SE were to ban you and you chose to take legal action against them, your very own legal system in Sweden would look at the facts of your agreement with SE, not their own laws. Why? Because the internet is not a nation, its an unregulated global network. The only rules there are the rules you consent to on websites, forums, video games or your service provider. And the owners of those outlets are within their rights to restrict you from what they wish, as their servers do reside on private property.

      You may be in Sweden, but you're still a guest in their house.

      Your nation's laws have no application here. And no prosecutor would take your case because it would be a losing one.


      • #48
        Re: Manned Bot Usage

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Wow, missed this part.

        You entered credit/debit card information to pay to play. Stuff like that consists of the name on the card, your physical address, country, email, phone number. Each time you log in, selecting "Accept" is your signature and consent to play by SE's rules.

        If SE were to ban you and you chose to take legal action against them, your very own legal system in Sweden would look at the facts of your agreement with SE, not their own laws. Why? Because the internet is not a nation, its an unregulated global network. The only rules there are the rules you consent to on websites, forums, video games or your service provider. And the owners of those outlets are within their rights to restrict you from what they wish, as their servers do reside on private property.

        You may be in Sweden, but you're still a guest in their house.

        Your nation's laws have no application here. And no prosecutor would take your case because it would be a losing one.

        Actually it is the very opposite OMG, by offering a service in a region and country in order to run that service you cannot write a rule that voids law since you doesn't want to honor that nations law.

        You have to realize there is no such thing as voiding law even if companies want it to appear as if it is that way. And no agreeing to something that is illegal doesn't make it legal by proxy just because a ruleset says so.

        It really is an issue of offering a service but you decide to offer it only by breaking law, your rules are later to be voided null since they are defined as unlawful doesn't make them correct.

        The other option is just to not offer a service in a country in which you cannot adhere to their laws (which a lot of companies choose due to legal issues). However S-E has chosen to make this game available in Sweden, and since I play in Sweden Swedish laws are actually what apply to the software as well as the service (since the client in this case are run in Sweden).

        If it weren't like this electronic and online services would be impossible to actually apply to law, since it make internet and online worlds an area where law doesn't apply at all and everyone can create their own ruleset.

        It might be diffrent in US and other areas, but in Sweden it is considered illegal to create rules to enter your own home if those rules doesn't adhere to law to continue your analogy.

        And yes online gaming has been taking up in court here in Sweden, and so far Swedish courts have always ruled in favour of the player due to how our laws work. But gaming companies just ignore this since they don't reside in Sweden, and their "rules" says it has to be brought up in court in a court of their choosing. In Sweden you cannot set a rule for where cases are brought up since that is considered by court here, and choose yourself by rule is considered illegal here.
        Keep in mind, sig might be outdated I just update it a few times per week.
        Signature with the usual levels and obtained stuff etc. . .

