Re: Duo - An army of two
Let me just add on to Karin's post there, and mention what my husband and I do whenever we decide to duo together.
At first, we tried this thing where I would attack the mob and then he'd SATA for some extra damage, but that ended up making me lose WAY too much HP all at once, so we nixed that really quickly. Don't even bother with that. He'd continue to SA, but he saved TA for parties with an actual tank.
I kept the usual buffs and debuffs up - highest protect and shell for both of us, refresh for both of us, haste for him absolutely, and sometimes for me if I felt like I had the MP. Debuffs - Dia II, Paralyze, Slow were my responsibility, and I'd let Tauro throw in a Blind or a Poison because hey, DRKs need to skill up Enfeebling Magic, too.
We would both engage the mob. There was no reason for me to be a {Back line job.} when there was only two of us, and my sword skill is reasonably high enough for me to hit quite well. As a melee, of course, I tried to remember to keep an En-spell up, particularly the one that the mob we are fighting is weak to, for maximum damage.
Nuking was something we both would do, although his lower-tier nukes weren't doing a lot, but hey, he was getting Elemental skillups, too, so all was not lost. I was conservative on the nukes just based on the "OMG WHAT IF" factor. (OMG WHAT IF I NEED A LOT OF MP FOR CURING?!?!)
ABS-Spells are awesome. Any DRK who has these spells and does not use them is a sucky DRK, unless specific circumstances dictate otherwise. Tauro would use them quite frequently. We worked well together as a team, because I could easily handle keeping up buffs for the both of us, including the all-important Refresh. Drainable and Aspirable mobs are a MUST if you're going to duo as DRK. Also RDM/BLM can make use of these two wonderful spells, and I did, as often as I could spam them.
He is also rather adept at using Stun, which is a nice way to keep from getting smacked with a WS from time to time.
We could probably fight two to three mobs without resting if we timed it right and managed our MP right. Fighting against Toughs is a long battle for two people at our level (63-ish last time we duo'ed together), so the Convert timer would be back up after a few fights. As long as we were doing well with both our MP and HP, we could have fought virtually forever, however, I liked to rest after a few fights just to be on the safe side. You never know when you're going to steal hate just at the moment of Convert.
Duoing is tough. If one of you dies, you're pretty much both dead, unless your RDM Chainspell + Warps the hell out of dodge. If you have a partner you trust and you are both skilled at your job, there's no reason you should die, though. Tauro only died once while we were duoing, and it was because I disconnected mid-battle. X.X
Okay, so this is a VERY long post, but I just wanted to give insight into what kind of things work really well for DRK and RDM to duo together, since I've done it many times, and quite successfully. I think the XP was like 60-ish per mob, which isn't a lot, but when you figure in the difficulty of soloing a DC for that much experience, it definitely makes more sense to duo a Tough with a good friend.
Well, at any rate, if you decide that DRK and RDM are your duo, good luck, and you can always hit me up via PM if you've got some questions about it.
Let me just add on to Karin's post there, and mention what my husband and I do whenever we decide to duo together.
At first, we tried this thing where I would attack the mob and then he'd SATA for some extra damage, but that ended up making me lose WAY too much HP all at once, so we nixed that really quickly. Don't even bother with that. He'd continue to SA, but he saved TA for parties with an actual tank.
I kept the usual buffs and debuffs up - highest protect and shell for both of us, refresh for both of us, haste for him absolutely, and sometimes for me if I felt like I had the MP. Debuffs - Dia II, Paralyze, Slow were my responsibility, and I'd let Tauro throw in a Blind or a Poison because hey, DRKs need to skill up Enfeebling Magic, too.

We would both engage the mob. There was no reason for me to be a {Back line job.} when there was only two of us, and my sword skill is reasonably high enough for me to hit quite well. As a melee, of course, I tried to remember to keep an En-spell up, particularly the one that the mob we are fighting is weak to, for maximum damage.
Nuking was something we both would do, although his lower-tier nukes weren't doing a lot, but hey, he was getting Elemental skillups, too, so all was not lost. I was conservative on the nukes just based on the "OMG WHAT IF" factor. (OMG WHAT IF I NEED A LOT OF MP FOR CURING?!?!)
ABS-Spells are awesome. Any DRK who has these spells and does not use them is a sucky DRK, unless specific circumstances dictate otherwise. Tauro would use them quite frequently. We worked well together as a team, because I could easily handle keeping up buffs for the both of us, including the all-important Refresh. Drainable and Aspirable mobs are a MUST if you're going to duo as DRK. Also RDM/BLM can make use of these two wonderful spells, and I did, as often as I could spam them.
He is also rather adept at using Stun, which is a nice way to keep from getting smacked with a WS from time to time.

We could probably fight two to three mobs without resting if we timed it right and managed our MP right. Fighting against Toughs is a long battle for two people at our level (63-ish last time we duo'ed together), so the Convert timer would be back up after a few fights. As long as we were doing well with both our MP and HP, we could have fought virtually forever, however, I liked to rest after a few fights just to be on the safe side. You never know when you're going to steal hate just at the moment of Convert.
Duoing is tough. If one of you dies, you're pretty much both dead, unless your RDM Chainspell + Warps the hell out of dodge. If you have a partner you trust and you are both skilled at your job, there's no reason you should die, though. Tauro only died once while we were duoing, and it was because I disconnected mid-battle. X.X
Okay, so this is a VERY long post, but I just wanted to give insight into what kind of things work really well for DRK and RDM to duo together, since I've done it many times, and quite successfully. I think the XP was like 60-ish per mob, which isn't a lot, but when you figure in the difficulty of soloing a DC for that much experience, it definitely makes more sense to duo a Tough with a good friend.
Well, at any rate, if you decide that DRK and RDM are your duo, good luck, and you can always hit me up via PM if you've got some questions about it.