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A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

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  • A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

    Skoal asked about this NM earlier as have a couple others, so I figured I'd post what I know.

    Carect Ring
    Lvl. 25 / All jobs / MP +20 / MND +1

    Gargoyle Boots
    Lvl. 30 / DRG / Def: 7
    Enchantment: Wyvern Gains Effect of "Stoneskin" <20/20 0:30/[1:00, 0:30]>

    Tathlum Belt
    Dispense: Tathlum <12/12 00:30/[1:00:00, 00:30]>

    Pops on the Ferry in Phanauet Channel

    Phanauet Channel is located in Carpenters' Landing, but is technically a seperate zone. There are 3 docks in Carpenters' Landing: North, Central and South. The North dock is accessible from the Carpenters' Landing entrance accessed by clicking the Wooden Shutter located across from the Royal Armoury in Northern San d'Oria. The Central dock is accessible from the zone to Carpenters' Landing in the NW section of Jugner Forest at E-6. The South dock (and the key to this little excursion) is accessed from the Carpenters' Landing entrance at J-8 in Jugner Forest.

    Ok, now that we all know how to get to the docks, let's cover the ferry itself. First off, ferry tickets are 50g or 300g for a pack of 10. The tickets are key items and the computer keeps track of the number of trips left in the multipass.

    Unfortunately, there is confusion surrounding the ferry system due to more confusing grammar put forward by SE. Yes, there are two boats. However, there is only one boat in operation at any given time. Unfortunately, the dock NPCs at the North and South docks make it sound like there is more then one boat you can catch. There isn't.

    Overall there are 5 routes between the docks. Each route is in operation at exactly the same time every game day. Borrowing the format from ffxi wiki:

    Boarding / Departure / Arrival

    0:15 / 0:55 / 4:35
    South Landing to Central Landing via Emfea Waterway

    4:35 / 5:10 / 8:55
    Central Landing to South Landing via Newtpool

    9:35 / 10:10 / 16:00
    South Landing to North Landing via the main channel

    16:45 / 17:25 / 19:15
    North Landing to Central Landing via the main channel

    19:15 / 19:45 / 23:35
    Central Landing to South Landing via Newtpool

    Once you have the route schedule down, you'll be able to more easily plan your camping of Stubborn Dredvodd, along with another NM and even finish a quest or two.
    Last edited by eticket109; 02-15-2007, 10:30 AM.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039

  • #2
    Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

    Pop schedule:
    Stubby as I call him (and apparently others too reading down) will only pop on the South -> North route that leaves at 10:10. He will pop between 11:00 - 15:00 sometime during the ride. I have never seen him pop outside of that range. Usually though, he'll show up between 12:00 and 14:00.

    Typically, I don't watch the clock though as the ferry npc, Ineuteniace will not f*cking shut up during the entire ride. He gives about 6 messages at timed intervals during the ride and they are the same messages at the same time each trip. Seriously, I would have been able to type each one out word for word a few months back. The first message about the last trip with his grandson 'opens' the window. His second to last message at about 15:00 'closes' it. Along with the conversation with no one in particular, there is an /emote that pops up: 'something has caught on Inteuteniace's line'. Stubby usually pops around this time, but there is no correlation between that message and his appearance.

    Stubby won't 'pop' like a normal mob. He actually spawns off the boat and leaps onto it along the route. He is not visible or noticeable until he leaps. He will usually aggro the nearest person to where he lands. Inteuteniace will also completely flip out and say 'O.. O... Orc!!!'. Stubby will always jump to the boat in the area where you initially load onto the ferry after the zone cs. I think it would be considered the West side. There's no radar or compass visible while on the boat.

    All of that is the easy part. Here's where it gets tricky. No one knows his pop timer. There are rumors and theories, but no one really knows exactly what it is. He is at minimum, a 21 hour pop, but I have camped for days in what should be his window and haven't seen him. I think the pop time can get up past 80 hours. At the same time, there were times when I just got on the boat with no ToD reference at all, and he popped on the first ride. Throughout more then six months camping the bastard, I saw no concrete discernible pattern of any kind.

    Wiki and somepage list him at 37-38. I've always camped him @ 75 and never had much of an issue killing him. He uses Call Wyvern and can summon the wyvern multiple times during the fight. The wyvern can have stoneskin and Stubby himself will use Invincible. I would think any job 50+ should be able to take him, most likely even lower. There is no other aggro or linking mobs on the boat. I would recommend camping him at as high a level as possible though. If you can't kill him before the boat docks, he's gone.

    Drop rate:
    I guess its just like most other NMs. Some people have gone 1/1 with all 3 drops. Others like me have gone 1/9 on the ring and 0/9 on the boots.

    Camping strat:
    I wouldn't recommend camping more then a cycle or two at a time due to the monotony. However, if you're from San d'Oria, its easy to zone into north sandy then outpost back to Jugner and run to the south dock. However, there are benefits to getting back on the boat.
    Last edited by eticket109; 02-15-2007, 09:46 AM.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

      There are two other NMs that can appear on the ferry:

      Aipaloovik is a pugil that can be fished up on one of the routes. No one seems to have much, if any info on it though. It's believed to be tied to a Fisherman's Guild quest started in Windy.

      Vodyanoi is a doomed mob that spawns between 20:00-04:00. He can pop on either of the two routes (C -> S, S -> C) that operate during this time. If he pops on the first route and is not killed before docking, he will still be there on the second route.

      Pop time: Seems to be 6-8 hours.

      Nokizau Hakama
      Lv. 50 / NIN / Def: 26 / Agi +3 / Emnity +1

      War Hose
      Lv. 50 / RDM / Def: 20 / Acc +1 / Atk +2 / Eva +2

      In my experience, he has a much higher drop rate of the Hakama

      I would recommend 65+ as again, speed is of the essence. Most jobs can take him at 60+
      Last edited by eticket109; 02-15-2007, 10:47 AM.

      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


      • #4
        Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

        There are three quests tied to the ferry:

        Mithran Delicacies
        On either of the Newtpool routes, you have a chance of catching a Muddy Siredon. Trading it to an NPC by the southern dock will result in a Blackened Siredon, which is an item you can use on the Mithras in the PM 5-3 BC in Boneyard Gully. Supposedly it stops or slows their TP gain. I've never used it though.

        Tea With a Tonberry
        This one involves a lot of running around. NPCs involved are Anguenet near the southern dock and Riche who is a tonberry NPC on the ship during the Newtpool routes.

        Teak Me To the Stars
        Pretty straightforward. Kill pugs and slimes on the boat on any route until they drop the needed item. If you camp Stubby a lot you'll see this drop a lot from clearing the boat. If you've already cleared the quest, the lumber NPCs for 80g or so.
        Last edited by eticket109; 02-15-2007, 12:13 PM.

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • #5
          Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

          Straight form

          What level do you think you could take stubby as a drg/mage?
          Thanks Kazuki.
          Dragoon Equipment


          • #6
            Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

            Originally posted by Skoal View Post
            Straight form
            What level do you think you could take stubby as a drg/mage?
            you're getting ahead of me a bit. give me a little bit of time. lol

            I'm doing this in between calls at work. >.>

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

              I killed both last week and Stubby only dropped stupid belt. I did manage to level fishing 30-31 lol. Plus I got an invite to a Sky ls even though I am on ZM-4. I want to find that Elvaan's grandson in Sandy and toss him in the river. Plus I had the music from the ride stuck in my head for a few days. I think I am going to put this nm on hold. Thanks again for the info.
              Thanks Kazuki.
              Dragoon Equipment


              • #8
                Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                yeah... during the times when it got real bad I could swear I was waking up hearing that music. lol

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                  From all that I've read & understood, he does not pop on lightning weather (not sure though =p) and when he does pop, the ride is foggy beforehand, like the selbina<->mhuara rides. So I'm going to test this out when I have time... yeah (curse my schedule >.<)

                  Ninja Edit: I guess I could use it to skill fishing & look up on the Fish NM

                  Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                  Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                  80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                  • #10
                    Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                    He popped on my yesterday during lighting weather lol. It was foggy both times. Also both times he popped it was around 14-14:30. Both rides all the mobs were killed by another player. Its pretty awesome seeing him jump onto the boat. And yes, he still hasn't dropped anything but belt.
                    Thanks Kazuki.
                    Dragoon Equipment


                    • #11
                      Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                      ok then, disproves that theory =p hmmm... then it seems rather random to me. <.>

                      Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                      Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                      80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                      • #12
                        Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                        Originally posted by silentsteel View Post
                        From all that I've read & understood, he does not pop on lightning weather (not sure though =p) and when he does pop, the ride is foggy beforehand, like the selbina<->mhuara rides. So I'm going to test this out when I have time... yeah (curse my schedule >.<)
                        Ninja Edit: I guess I could use it to skill fishing & look up on the Fish NM
                        With the Selbina-Mhaura ferry, there is a clear indicator as to whether pirates attack or not. The sign is in how the screens and log display upon the ferry reloading after the departure CS. So far I have yet to see a similar pattern with the Channel ferry, but it would be interesting if there was some indicator there as well.

                        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                        • #13
                          Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                          A bit off topic sorry:

                          eticket109, can you be more specific about the Pirates on the ferry indicator please?


                          • #14
                            Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                            eticket, VERY nicely done!

                            Bat: when you zone into the ferry, tab around for the doors. If you can select the doors that let you go to the surface immediately, pirates WILL spawn. If it takes a few seconds for them to be targetable, they will NOT spawn (unless you messed it up somehow)


                            • #15
                              Re: A Guide to Stubborn Dredvodd and Phanauet Channel

                              Here's a pic of me fighting him last month.
                              Thanks Kazuki.
                              Dragoon Equipment

