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  • #31
    Re: BLU vs RDM

    Well, still havent seen him online yet....I wonder whats happened. He's been on everyday since I have known him...


    • #32
      Re: BLU vs RDM

      It's more than obvious that the two jobs are equal enough (in 1v1, without restrictions) that SJ and skill is the main variable, which affects the outcome drastically. I've got both RDM and BLU 75, and ballista with both, and I've gotta say, an RDM/BLU with def gear is a tough nut to crack, but BLU/RDM with wind resist gear is extremely difficult to consistently silence. If it does stick with baraero/barsilence, it'll wear off soon, and the more you try to stick a debuff in one game, the more resistant the victim becomes.

      Just remember that BLU is a sultan of spike damage in PVP, it has its powerful short range attacks, and one key high range, being the big 3 (more than that if you use them), disseverment, hysteric barrage, frenetic rip, and then cannonball. Shield BLUs with /rdm are to look out for, as they'll usually try to get the finishing hit with cannonball. With this in mind, you want to block yourself from damage instantly, as opposed to the long run, as if your fight is too long, you're more likely to lose.

      As an RDM, I'd try to silence the blu, perhaps dispelling once or twice to try kill a barspell, then when silenced, kill asap with nukes. This tactic works well with /pld, as any job can use it to convert spike damage to 10% of what it'd usually do with sentinel.

      As a BLU, I'd worry more about silence, and as a result, enhance resistance to it. DEF is also key, RDM hits aren't too much of a problem melee wise, but cutting down nukes if you get silenced helps, wait till it wears, and use your head butts and spike damage to turn the tables. Like with pld/rdm fights (though pld/rdm cant silence), its also helpful to dispel buffs and drain MP for longer fights, for example, if the said RDM tries to sleep and dispel you until you wake up. Promises to annoy.

      P.S You can win a fight with no silence as RDM, it just takes /pld and good timing, flash for the multihit spells, and when that wears keep sentinel ready. You'll need to rely mostly on flash > SS, followed by cures as, if a blu is only paralyzed, you're going to get hit sooner or later.

      Both jobs have an equal chance at winning, depending on skill and rulings. BLUs and RDMs should be thankful for this, as other jobs aren't so lucky.

      More in the way of advise to the OP, I would try to avoid /nin, as blu, as with almost every job, has some means of quickly wiping shadows to the point where they dont even mitigate spell interruption. You'll want to either /blu /war or /pld, to add defense or damage down to your annoying arsenal of defenses - remember to have fun, and good luck!
      Last edited by Shamanking; 05-06-2008, 07:09 AM.

      There is a windmill in my beard. Your argument is invalid.


      • #33
        Re: BLU vs RDM

        Originally posted by Shamanking View Post
        More in the way of advise to the OP, I would try to avoid /nin, as blu, as with almost every job, has some means of quickly wiping shadows to the point where they dont even mitigate spell interruption.
        {True Strike}

        I had one PvP match against a 74RDM/BLM. I was a level 70BLU/NIN and I thought I had the advantage. The fight went as follows:

        Me> Full sprint to the RDM because I think he isnt paying attention.
        RDM> casts sleepga.
        Me> Oh $h!t! Wait I could make it in time. I hit him twice then head butt. (First hit is asorbed by Stoneskin, second hit is asorbed by his stoneskin, the head butt is asorbed by his blink). Sleepga sticks and now I am sleep without shadows...
        RDM> Rebuffs(Blink Refresh Stoneskin Phalanx Aguaveil), ES + Bind, Silence (2x because I resist the first one), moves out of melee range, Slow, Paralyze, and Gravity. Cast Aero 2.
        Me> I get hit for 78 dmg (thank you metallic body). Equip all my +Dark elemental gear and hope.
        RDM> Sleep(resisted), Sleepga (BAH! it stuck).
        Me> I realize that I would need to have +earth/wind/dark gear and swap gear as he is casting a spell to get out of this horrible situation. All I had on me was a dark staff...

        Long story short, I had different combinations of bind, silenced, gravity, and sleep the entire fight as he nuked me to death. I was able to get one Frost Breath in there for 148 dmg + Paralyze but as I said above he just kept casting bind, silence, gravity, or sleep/sleepga until his paralyze wore. He moved out of breath range. Convert and he was back in action. After a few minutes...dirt nap.
        PSN ID: Kelshan
        Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
        Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez

