Re: Again with the waiting from SE >_>
The reason why SE is not on scheudal is because they are looking at the $13/month/player, and saying to themselves why rush(the quicker we give them everything that will be out for the game, the quicker the game will be over=profits go bye-bye). Also, along the same lines, FFxi will stay alive as long as SE is making a profit on the game(or at least not loosing 30-60% of the player base currently playing as of right now). SE will never realise a schedule because "rumors" bring more money to SE than an actual release date. I wish i could defend SE, but i have gotten to the point where the only thing any company is out for is making more profits than all of the competition put together. About the only thing I defend SE on is trying to do something about RMT. I think FFxi is one of thye better games to come along since "Syphon filter" and "Parasite eve", but that doesn't mean ill defend SE's business tacticts(or any company for that matter)
The reason why SE is not on scheudal is because they are looking at the $13/month/player, and saying to themselves why rush(the quicker we give them everything that will be out for the game, the quicker the game will be over=profits go bye-bye). Also, along the same lines, FFxi will stay alive as long as SE is making a profit on the game(or at least not loosing 30-60% of the player base currently playing as of right now). SE will never realise a schedule because "rumors" bring more money to SE than an actual release date. I wish i could defend SE, but i have gotten to the point where the only thing any company is out for is making more profits than all of the competition put together. About the only thing I defend SE on is trying to do something about RMT. I think FFxi is one of thye better games to come along since "Syphon filter" and "Parasite eve", but that doesn't mean ill defend SE's business tacticts(or any company for that matter)