I eventually want to get to sky. Right now my highest lvl is 30(rdm). My other jobs are between lvl 8 and lvl 15. I currently have rank 4(Bastok) and are on the 1st craig fights in CoP. I am wondering in my position should i be more worried about leveling up my lvl 30, or should i try to get as many missions out of the way. I have some high level help so i could get some of the missions done at any time. I also know u cant get to sky before a certain lvl. Should i level up while doing some of the missions, or should i take time out from the missions to level up? Also, what is a better job to level up for sky(BLU, RDM or SMN)? If it helps my SMN and BLU are both lvl 8.
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a little confused on how i should proceed
Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
First off, take your eyes off sky and endgame in general for the moment. That stuff is a ways off for you and you've not yet played RDM post-refresh/haste. You'll find that the job changes quite considerably with those two spells and your appreciation for the job may or may not change after that point. I took RDM to 65 before I ended up not enjoying it, got BRD to 75 and grew bored with it soon after.
There's lots of jobs to experience and then there's jobs that will get you to endgame more quickly, but if you take something to endgame that you end up not liking or wanting anything for, you've turned that game into a job and not fun for yourself. Spend some time with the other jobs and see if they pique your interest before really considering endgame.
And ,to be honest, its a little early to be worrying about missions beyond Rank 4. For rank missions a good rule of thumb is this:
Rank 1 -doable by most people by level 10
Rank 2 - 25+
Rank 3 - level 30+
Rank 4 - level 40+
Rank 5 - level 50+
Rank 6 and the rest - 60+
I finished Rank 10 on my second character as 61 RNG and held my own there very well. Now lots of people say "75 only" is the best for most missions, but most, if not all, high level/uncapped missions are practical for the 60+ set of players. People just skew to "75 only" because they want to feel safe.
Sure, at this point in FFXI you could just piggyback your way to Rank 10 with some high level friends, but not so with Zilart Missions and Chains of Promathia, CoP especially.
Zilart Missions are uncapped and any job is well geared to do them, but Rank 6 is required for access to them.
CoP's level restrictions make some jobs more viable than others due to the skills jobs get at differing levels. Jumping into these missions with only one job to offer is a hard sell in most cases.
Red mage does not really come into its own until late in the 40 capped missions there. You may wish to consider an additional job to have available so you can be flexible for these missions, perhaps like Warrior, Ninja, Dark Knight, Summoner, White Mage, Black Mage or Ranger.Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 01-27-2007, 10:40 AM.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
if you have help and can sneak and invisi yourself, i say at level 30 go for rank 5. that gives you the ability to use airships and makes you more flexible. after that level to 60's or better yet 70's before you go for higher rank.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
Originally posted by Minimee View Postif you have help and can sneak and invisi yourself, i say at level 30 go for rank 5. that gives you the ability to use airships and makes you more flexible. after that level to 60's or better yet 70's before you go for higher rank.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
I agree with Omgwtfbbgkitten, it is FAR too early to be considering endgame. You should be more concerned with leveling your subjobs, you'd have to talk to other red mages about this, but I'd expect you to need whm, blm and drk leveled to 37.
I think the level for each missions is about right, yeah, I've had high level help with some of my missions, but IMO it's best for you to do them with other people of the appropriate level range.
If you want to get around easily all you need to do is deliver supplies to various outposts that your nation controls to be able to teleport to/from there for a fee.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
Well, IMO, it's best to do them when you feel like doing them and are able to do so. If that means early on when you can get some help, or later on when you can solo or duo them, or something in between.
Everyone values things differently.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
I say get Rank 5, because airships help out so much. Then just level up a few of your jobs -- with RDM you'd probably want WHM and BLM subs, so level them up to 30, and then level RDM to 60. And just go from there. =)
"... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
Well I didn't get sky till I was 75, doing CoP now. I would suggest doing the CoP as you can. I find it irratating to rebuy level-capped armor for those later on. The first 3 Promys are 30 cap, and rdm is ok in those (though I think whm or blm would be better than rdm at that point). I'm also use to being 75 now, so I'm prob not as good at 30 as I was when i was actually level 30.
Sky can be completed in 1 day by a party of four people that know what they are doing. CoP on the other hand will take many many many days so knocking out a few of those as you level wouldn't hurt.
You can get rank 5 fairly easy with a little help (I soloed it for the most part around level 30). But rank six is 50 cap, and while you can do it before you hit 50, it would be a bit easier if you were 50 at the time.
As far as subs for rdm, I would focus on whm, blm and nin. Rdm/nin is great for pulling, rdm/blm for DD/support when another main healer is present, and rdm/whm when you are main healer/support. Rdm/drk is helpful, but really only helpful in a handful of situations, makes things easier, but I've beaten most everything that you would use one for with out having a rdm/drk.
As far as usfullness of rdm in endgame, yes they are usefull. Refresh, convert, fast cast are all nice things to have in any endgame-LS, so I would say if you enjoy the role rdm takes post level 41 (refresh-covert) then go with it.
So over all I would say level when you can, and when you can't/don't want to, then find a mission to do (rank4, 5, first 3 promys)
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
I have only just recently got past the Refresh/Convert stage and yes, it is quite different, and obviously varies from party to party.
Right now, you are prob doing all the Dia/Bio, Slow, Para, Blind....any enfeeb you have got, then standing around a bit, becuase your nukes are too weak and mp consuming and swinging your sword isnt going to do much dmg.
As you get Refresh, it becomes a lot more busier. YOu are constantly Refreshing people, plus enfeebling. Then you get Convert which makes the MP pool less of a strain. Then you get Haste...
I cant say the change in the party role has really made a massive difference for me, I still like RDM as much as what I did in the beginning. But it is different post 40.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
Technically, you can get Sky access at lvl 1 and rank 10 in any city with enough high lvl help. But then again I don't see why youd want to pay 13 bucks a month just to be babied through the game.
That said, do what you can do when you can do them. There's a LOT more to this game then just endgame and you'll have more fun discovering that stuff when you're 'new' and 'young' then when you get to the end and have to go back for it. Don't 'focus' on anything, just do what you want, when you want, when you can do it. It's a game, have fun and play how you like. There's no set requirement to get anything or do any mission, just do them when you can."I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
I want to reiterate what someone said above. Go get as many outpost warps flagged as you can. They can help tremendously. If you take one piece of advice with you from this thread, take that.
At your current level there isn't much to focus on in regards to sky and cop. Like someone said, you can get pulled through to sky at 30, but it won't really do much for you. Sky has some viable xp starting at 60 and you won't be much use on the gods or farming runs until at least 65.
If you have a group to go with, go ahead and do the COP crags at 30. Its nice to get access to Tavnazia and get those out of the way. You won't be able to progress until you get farther in though. COP missions are nasty and going in underlevelled will make things very difficult if not impossible.
As far as job selection, play what you want to play. Of the three jobs listed, all three are valuable in endgame. Whether one is needed more then the other two depends solely on the ls that you end up with. If they have 20 RDMs already, bringing another won't help anything after all.
Don't feel the need to rush through it. Play how you want to play. I strongly recommend taking a break to unlock every job and explore. Get the selbina clay quest done and learn about Vana'diel. You'd be surprised at all the little tricks and treats the developers left lying around for those who stop and look around once in a while.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
Well I didn't get sky till I was 75, doing CoP now. I would suggest doing the CoP as you can. I find it irratating to rebuy level-capped armor for those later on.
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Re: a little confused on how i should proceed
Originally posted by Vyuru View PostValid point, but I think alot of players keep level capped gear for multiple level capped events such as bcnms, enms, missions, garrisons, etc, so I'd still expect him to have some gear for that later on.
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