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Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

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  • Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

    So I've been playing FFXI since the end of March/Mid April, and in that time, I've only gotten to 60 on my main (WHM). I'm not a great player, but my one pride has always been my LS. I've been a part of this linkshell since about two weeks after I started playing, and I'm extremely close to the members. We all started at roughly the same time, and while I'm not the worst off player in terms of levels, I feel as though I'm not as helpful as I should be (trust me, I'm getting the the point ).

    Our LS's leader is a 73ish RDM, who is a very nice guy, and is helpful as anyone could ask for. The thing is, as of late, he's started into the endgame world. He's been in Dynamis, but that was only one day a week, and we hardly noticed it. Now, he's in a CoP/ZM LS, starting up in a Sky LS too, and it just seems like he is hardly around anymore. I've been trying to keep the LS afloat by doing activities, but nobody shows up for said activities. I end up spending most of my time in game doing things for LS mates (last weekend was spent with me getting BLU spells and running people through job missions) because I do really like the shell, and want things to work, and I'm just at my wits end.

    Ideally, I'd like to get the LS back on it's feet, but everything I try, including Garrison, running missions/quests for people/ PvP ect... seem to fail. I'm just not sure what to do, and I'd like your guys opinion on the matter. Am I doing enough, or am I doing too much? Should I stick it out with the LS? I have a ton of friends in said LS, but lately it seems like a chore just to get on.

    So yeah, any advice would be appriciated.

  • #2
    Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

    Sounds like your linkshell is a social shell. Do people still chat to pass the time while nm hunting, crafting, vent about their parties exc. If so your shell should survive. Normally someone requesting help is hit or miss depending on if there is someone on able to help. Sacholders can post a message everyone sees as they equip ls/login for the day where stuff requiring more help than can be scraped together on the fly.

    A ls will not sink or float from just one member as long as the comunity is one that gets along and helps each other out. There are the inevitable people who join a shell and first thing start blasting it saying noone helps because at 3A there were not enough people to do a Promy run right that instant. (I wouldn't worry about those people they are abusing their 5 other ls's in the same manner.)

    I stay with my shell because I enjoy talking with the people and occasionally helping with a rank mission, teleporting people, or delivering a pearl to someone near teleport craigs. If I want help I understand I may have it right then or I might have to schedule it for later if people are not available. Hopefully your not the only one helping because that will eat too much of your time and you need to devote some time to your own goals or the game won't be fun.

    Things to consider.
    What kind of things did your shell do before your leader got into endgame?
    Has their been a significant change in membership?
    Are you a sac holder in the shell and if not will your ls lead sac you so you can invite new members, post messages exc?


    • #3
      Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

      The Linkshell was very much a social one, like I said. For ages, we'd chat for hours while doing things, and we'd camp NMs, do missions/quests, even just hang out in a zone poking things way above our level for fun. There hasn't been a change, but like I said, a good chunk of members have reciently hit the Endgame part of the game, and it seems now as though whenever we try and do anything, it's everyone going to dynamis, or getting ready for a HNM, ect...

      I have been a sackholder in the LS for about 8 months, so that isn't a problem. I know I'm being rambly and confusing, but I guess it is more of a situation in which the group is drifting apart, and I'm floundering.

      (I'm extremely sorry if this sounds whiny/bitchy/rude/whatever, I'm just honestly at a loss as to what to do. All of my friends who play XI are in said LS, which makes getting advice for it impossible).


      • #4
        Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

        "Everything that has a beginning has an end." Linkshells change a lot over the years, specially when players start getting to lvl 65+ and the End game stuff starts, people stops playing, gets bored or simply moves on to other LS and others.

        That's the destiny of every LS it seems, social LS do seem to work as long as there's enough people to chat. But you'll never see your LS go back to it's golden era, that's for sure, the higher lvl everyone is the faster their ways will part.

        New people (not yet at lvl 65+) could help but they could also change the LS more than you'd want to, so it's a gamble either way.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #5
          Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

          It just depends what you want the LS to be, I guess. If you're happy with the social aspects, then don't worry so much when events don't work out (and don't stress out so much about scheduling them), but if you want to be an event-LS, then that definitely requires a bit more work.

          I totally understand where the LS changing would cause some turmoil, though. On Bahamut, virtually everyone I know is in one LS, and when there is a problem with the LS itself, I don't have anywhere to turn just to vent.


          • #6
            Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

            The same thing just happened to my Ls. It seemed almost dead because many of the people have done what Ray described. I'm also a bag holder in my Ls and have been inviting new people into the LS and I'm holding LS Events every saturday. If you want people to attend said events, you have to give them something for coming. We're doing sorta a points system so that the LS can have something to give its members. ^^b

            Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

            Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

            80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


            • #7
              Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

              Originally posted by silentsteel View Post
              If you want people to attend said events, you have to give them something for coming. We're doing sorta a points system so that the LS can have something to give its members. ^^b
              ... If you're using a point system, it's not really a social LS anymore. It's more like an "event LS" or "reward point LS".
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

                Every linkshell either finds a way to adapt or dies. You'll find that as you yourself approach endgame your priorities may change; and so will other people in your LS.

                If it is important that you support your LS mates, then continue to do so. Just don't burn yourself out in the process - the moment it turns into more of a chore than something you would really prefer to do is the moment you need to take a step back and get some perspective (I know what you're going through - I went through something very similar with my original social LS).



                • #9
                  Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

                  I'm not sure how to help, even if your leader and other members are all reaching high shouldn't absorb all their time that they don't come to hang out on the linkshell.

                  I know my LS recently had a few members split off due to problems with some of the newer members (I'm in both LS's), however, all the original members still hang out and do stuff together, because we're all good friends like that. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that even if your in different LS's part of the time, its still possible to be able to do things together as a group.
                  Dignified Destruction 死ね 

                  NINJA-> AF1{o} AF2(legs){o} AF3(body){o} AF4(feet){o} AF5(head){o} AF6(hands){o}

                  NINJA AFv2-> head{o} body{o} hands{x} legs{o} feet{x}

                  Limit Break-> 1{o} 2{o} 3{o} 4{o} 5{o} (Maat defeated at 66)

                  Main=> 75nin. Rank7 Windurst, Zilart [completed], CoP [completed], ToAU 22, Merits:19 [crits +4]{katana +3}[Ninja tools expertise +1]

                  Next up!~>> SMN (I need Fenrir and Diabolos)


                  • #10
                    Re: Could I have some Linkshell Advice?

                    One can make an argument that there are two archetypical social LS's: the Matured, and the Beginner.

                    The Beginner Social LS is about a sense of group identity formed by facing brand new challenges together. The bond feels strong, because the experiences are new, and it feels like everyone is in the same boat.

                    Sooner or later, though, members will develop different approaches, pursuit different goals, and drift to different circles. The LS will breakup, merge with another, or both. Sometimes, it simply wither down to a few true believers who cannot let go.

                    The Matured social LS is formed by people who remembered what was good about the Beginner social LS--that sense of friendship--and they are determined to recapture it while minding the reality of players' growth within the game.

                    The Mature LS lets its members--in fact, encourage its members to--find event LS's. Dynamis, HNM, Sky, CoP--whatever a players needs, and the Matured LS cannot provide. Members do not feel the intense camaraderie, the near overwhelming sense of shared joy and pride at "LS achievements"--at least nothing like back in the Beginner social LS.

                    Instead, the Mature LS is a secure, comforting home from which a player venture out into the world of Vana'diel.

                    It's where you go after Dynamis to gripe about the lack of BLM AF drop. It's where you go to needle friends about your last Limbus run. It's where you brag about your THF's power against birds in Sky--then turn around and offer to help get those lagging the Sky access.

                    It's... home.

                    Not all Beginner social LS will turn into a Matured social LS. Most, in fact, will not.

                    Here's a secret: Matured social LS are filled with people who want to be in this comfy, homey LS--it does not make desperate new plots each week to retain members.

                    If your LS members seem more eager to leave for a "better" LS than come on the LS chat to share their latest adventure, they are not ready for a Matured social LS, and your LS isn't one.

                    In that case, let them leave--even if it means the death of LS. Besides, you certainly can't make them stay.

                    * * *


                    This is the magic we all want--the real thing. ^_^
                    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                    leaving no trace in the water.

                    - Mugaku

