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Newb vs. Noob & Elistis vs. ????

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  • #16
    Re: Newb vs. Noob & Elistis vs. ????

    Originally posted by Yeargdribble View Post
    Correction... you're talking about noobs... not elitists. Someone who claims they have knowledge just because they have 75s is more likely a noob and very likely just an asshole. They aren't elitists until they start kicking you because you don't have white boxes around your gear or whatever.
    Or all Sea, Salvage, sky rare/ex and blue boxes around your gear =o
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #17
      Re: Newb vs. Noob & Elistis vs. ????

      I'm hardly KI or BG's biggest fan, but you know, people in glass houses, BBQ.


      • #18
        Re: Newb vs. Noob & Elistis vs. ????

        Oh noes!! I'm so n00b.... What's BG? [An FFXI Resource untapped regardless of quality, makes me a gimp researcher]. >.<


        • #19
          Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

          Order of the Blue Gartr. They are/were an endgame LS on Bahamut, but they sort of became the de facto endgame forum for much of the FFXI community at some point or another.

          Kind of a caustic group, all in all, but there is a lot of useful information to be found there too.


          • #20
            Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

            Originally posted by Murphie View Post
            Order of the Blue Gartr. They are/were an endgame LS on Bahamut, but they sort of became the de facto endgame forum for much of the FFXI community at some point or another.

            Kind of a caustic group, all in all, but there is a lot of useful information to be found there too.


            So there were an LS of Elitis?

            Which FF Character Are You?


            • #21
              Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

              No. There was an LS of folks involved with the endgame of FFXI. That's not the same thing at all.

              BBQ called them all elitists, but while that may be true for some of them, it's hardly true for all of them.


              • #22
                Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                There's some level heads amongst the posters at BG. Sure there's a lot of elitism there, but that's to be expected since it's the primary watering hole for FFXI's end-game community.

                Alla and KI has a lot more posers - the BG crowd has a much larger representation among the real McCoy endgamers.



                • #23
                  Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                  You're bound to find a fair amount of elitism in the endgame of any MMO. It can't really be helped.

                  Agreed, re: KI and Alla.


                  • #24
                    Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                    I sometimes feel pretty bad when I say "Look, I have a 75PLD and I've been playing around with it for a year, this is my opinion on how to be more efficient and effective in this and this type of situation".

                    I feel a bit elitest in that regard, probably because either people take it the wrong way, or I just say it in a smartass tone (well, it's hard to say it any other way over the net).

                    Either way, I hate the assholes and elitests, and also the noobs. Newbies are cool with me, I like teaching them anything they want/need to know. =)

                    I really hate when people are really bad at their job and won't listen to anyone at all for suggestions. =\

                    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                    • #25
                      Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                      Recipe for Instant Butthead:
                      Take 1 player. Add level 75.

                      To be fair, anyone who "becomes" an instant butthead when they ding level 75 was probably already a butthead... they simply became a more vocal one once they reached end-game.
                      lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                      Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                      Fishing 60

                      Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                      Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                      Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                      Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                      • #26
                        Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                        It's getting to where you can't even have any standards these days without being immediately labeled an elitist.

                        *just finished the first mob in XP*
                        Me> Umm... dude, you're wearing your beach clothes from the summer event.
                        Tank> lol I know
                        Me> Do you have anything else to wear?
                        Tank> STFU you @#$%in elitist prick!!! I don't need this shit!!!

                        To be fair, anyone who "becomes" an instant butthead when they ding level 75 was probably already a butthead... they simply became a more vocal one once they reached end-game.
                        A Day in the Life of a Taru


                        • #27
                          Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                          Often mistakenly called an elitist. These are generally just noobs that have horrible manners and attitudes. They may not particularly be elitist in their attitude (expecting the best from everyone), but will just do dickish things and generally treat people like crap, often because of their job choices.

                          I believe this puts you in the category of asshole. If you are going to shit talk someone at least do it based on something factual. Most of the people on BG know how the hell to play their jobs and know how to do it better than most and under a wider variety of circumstances. This doesn't really put them under the heading of being noobs just because they seek efficiency.
                          Do I treat people like dirt based on their job choice? Nope. Strike one.

                          To deny knowledge and experience is what makes people noobs, that is not what an asshole is and I don't discount knowledge or even efficient play, though I do seek other possibilites and encourage flexibility. An asshole is just a blunt person who doesn't care if you take things personally, that's me. Strike two.

                          And subject to your own interpetation, you are an asshole at both degrees. I seem to remember to you and your fellow BGers taking a pot shots at part of our FFXI community and making them out to be noobs when they, in fact, seek corrections as needed. Good players seek correction and accept facts. That is also known as good journalism. So, Strike three.

                          You're not a noob save for being one in common sense. Any good member of this community would wish to encourage and improve other parts of it rather than insult and mock it. But in regards to this particular part of the community you ridculed and made personal attacks on the people behind it. You weren't alone, people on Alla and KI made them too, that's why I regard those forums as noob trash. People on this site (save for a handful) have constructive attitudes, as do people from KoolaidLS and FFXIlopedia and that is why I support them.


                          • #28
                            Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                            Yay, more Sandy Vagina, courtesy of BBQ, who is totally not an elitist, guys. Or an asshole. Totally not!


                            • #29
                              Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                              I know that BBQ has had a personal beef with me since I did join in some 'potshots' on BG particularly about LBR. LBR is a great concept, but in the time that I listened to the show (the first 8 or so eps, me and my wife were actually anxious to hear the show every week), I noticed that they had a very large amount of misinformation.

                              I also mentioned that I dislike Sayl and I'm not gonna hide that. He injects and speaks very slowly and ignorantly about topics that he knows nothing about, which is the same reaso I despise most of Alla's community. There's no point in someone who's highest job is 25 even discussing anything about endgame. Ainero is about the only person on that show that spoke level headedly based mostly on fact.

                              An asshole is just a blunt person who doesn't care if you take things personally, that's me. Strike two.
                              Wut? You and I are both painfully blunt. You are highly opinionated about thinking people should be able to play however the hell they want even if that sucks, and I'm opinionated that people should play with some degree of competency if they are going to be playing with other players.

                              I'll admit I'm a bit of an asshole on the forums, though oddly enough I'm very passive in the game. Had a horrible asshole of a COR last night and just went on calmly with the PT and blisted him at the end. I just figure if you're on a forum you obviously are smarter than half the people that play the game. You've obviously found a resource to improve yourself. If you are going to bring something to a public forum, you have just invited people to be painfully honest with you. I'm not going to hold your hand and stroke your self-esteem for the sake of not seeming like an elitist.

                              I would say that I have an overall constructive attitude, though I guess it depends on interpretation. You tell people it's okay to be so-so and do things like wear full AF if it makes them feel good. "That's right Timmy, 2+2=5... you are so smart! Does that make you feel good inside?" I prefer to be honest. If I feel that someone is incorrect I will correct them and tell them why I think they are wrong rather than nurture their misconceptions.

                              If this makes me and elitist and an asshole, then so be it.
                              A Day in the Life of a Taru


                              • #30
                                Re: Newb vs. Noob &amp; Elistis vs. ????

                                Well, an asshole is not a blunt individual who doesn't care if you take things personally, that's just straightforward. An asshole is blunt and or proactive to their benefit without regard for your(or others') plight, and is hypocritical enough to take exception if you look out for yours, at their expense or otherwise.

                                So, if you fit that description, then sure, you're an asshole.
                                Elitists are more likely individuals with alot of time on their hands, either because they live dependent on someone else's money, or they are cleaning up on the stock market, business is turning crazy profits, whatever. They likely have connections with alot of well-traveled players in the game, and are in in Dynamis, Limbus, Assault, Salvage, and HNM shells. They may not indulge, but are knowledgeable, of the latest claim-bots and hacks. As a result of their mass amounts of time and extensive affiliations, they likely have more than three pieces of Relic armor, possibly already upgraded, fully upgraded Artifact armor, a piece or two of abjuration armor, two or more Limbus drops, and are not long for getting the newest Salvage items. They'll likely have all previous expansions fully completed, with Aht Urgan as high as they can go. They also possibly have a stage two or three Relic weapon. Last but not least, they've likely got two to four jobs leveled to 75, one they might actually like, the rest simply because they might be useful to whatever LS asked fro a useful, in-demand job.

                                Now, the key difference between an elite player and and Elitist(there's a difference):

                                If you make an honest mistake, the elite player will not dis you. The Elitist will blacklist you and tell all his connections(over six different shells) how incompetent you are.

                                If you manage to point out an obvious flaw in party strategy that will simply drag everyone down in the long run, the elite player will take it to heart and perhaps make change if he agrees. The elitist with blast you, pointing out you could not possibly know anything, citing his completion of various expansions, missions, items obtained, etc. He will then claim the only thing dragging you down if you lack of good gear, because it didn't drop off a god or has "+1" attached to it.

                                The elite player knows every job has a varied amount of flexibility in playstyle, and expects you know how to play your job. The elitist knows you don't know how to play your job, that you can't know more than him, even though he's never played it but seen tons of others play the job a certain way.

                                The elite player admits when he's done something wrong. The elitist, in his mind, does no wrong. NOt after 4 jobs to 75, and repeated successes over Absolute Virtue.

                                If at at least 70% of the definition, and the last four paragraphs apply to you, then you might be an elitist.
                                Last edited by BurningPanther; 01-15-2007, 10:56 AM.

