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Things I've never understood in FFXI

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  • Things I've never understood in FFXI

    Why do you idle outside your Mog House?

    Wouldn't it make more sense to idle inside you MH? Is it some social thing, like those annoying people in real life standing in a doorway to talk?

    Melees and Link Management

    Sorry guys, but unless your melee jobs comes with Charm/Leave or Sleep, there's very little you can do. I don't care if you're a level 30 DRG or a 75 WAR/NIN that wants show off how awesome his Spampages:

    Let the BLM do his job.
    Let the RDM do his job.
    Let the BRD do his job.
    Let the COR do his job.
    Let the BLU do his job.

    These guys can sleep stuff, let them do it. We'll save more MP/cards if you let us do this, don't make us waste more MP because you woke up something we slept and its now killing you. Don't be a hero, I don't care if you're RPing - just stop smacking slept links.

    People Using FFXI as a Dating Service

    You people are a strange breed, maybe you should stop attempting to breed and let natural selection take its course. I'll accept there's a chance you could possibly meet someone in this game worth dating and can meet them to do so, but when you're on third in-game girl/boyfriend that's just a cry for help.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 01-12-2007, 07:19 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

    Sometimes I exit mog house and just leave my char there to watch for shouts ^-^;
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

      I only understand the reasoning for a whm to stand right outside the MH in (usually) Lower Jeuno, which is, obviously, listening for tele shouts. I suppose a BLM listening for D2 shouts works all the same tho.

      Other than that, I get thoroughly annoyed when there's a crowd of 1,000,000 (not whm or blm) people standing in front of the MH and I have to make my way thru them. :\

      And I'd agree with your statement on in-game boy/girlfriends. Like you said, I can accept that fact that maybe you have met someone exceptional and do prefer their company more than that of others... but this isn't the OC Online. If you're "dating" more than one person in small periods of time, I definitely urge you to consider the seriousness of the disclaimer message displayed each and every time you click Play.

      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


      • #4
        Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

        Sometimes I'll go outside the moghouse in sandy and /sit at the tree 4 steps away nearby to Bazar stuff I just like leaving my character in a picturesk spot ^..^ also sometimes in lower jeubi, but I will get out of the main trafic flow to the right or left a little. (I hate people blocking the entryway).

        Sometimes the /say and /shout going on can be amusing to listen to if it isn't someone spamming his teleport service every 30 seconds. (hint If I need a teleport to xp as a melee or tank job I will should [teleport-exc] [can I have it] [please] 3k or whatever the going rate is at the time I will not reward a spammer by /telling him specifically and waiting for him to get back from his curent teleport I'll shout it and get 1st whm to invite me and be on my way)

        Edit *opps sorry for the mini rant the same thing shouted every 30 seconds realy bugs me*

        Regarding ingame boy/girl relations:I don't get it there is at least a 30% that girl talking to you is a guy so I'ld think it would be easy to resist going for. Then again people use the 1-900 style pay for text chat services which have the same odds so who knows. /shrug
        Last edited by Theyaden; 01-12-2007, 04:07 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

          Like Jei does, I like to watch for shouts. I usually will move off to the side if short time, further if I plan to be there for a while. Sometimes I set myself in Lower Jeuno in the corner by the Tenshodo, expand the chat log and do some housework or watch TV. I check back every now and then to see if anyone is doing something I also need.

          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


          • #6
            Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

            The only thing I have yet to rationalize to some degree in FFXI, is why does the O Lance have Ranged Accuracy on it?

            As far as the idle outside of the MH thing, that's more due to their HP being set there then any other functionality. People get warped when afk after a BC or a Dynamis etc will just end up afk there. It can get annoying though, especially in Whitegate.

            edited: my brain hurt enough thinking about it I got the wrong lance.
            Last edited by eticket109; 01-12-2007, 10:05 AM.

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              People Using FFXI as a Dating Service
              You people are a strange breed, maybe you should stop attempting to breed and let natural selection take its course. I'll accept there's a chance you could possibly meet someone in this game worth dating and can meet them to do so, but when you're on third in-game girl/boyfriend that's just a cry for help.
              But Mithra are hot.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                Originally posted by Eticket
                The only thing I have yet to rationalize to some degree in FFXI, is why does the O Lance have Ranged Accuracy on it?

                And I agree with this statement.
                Thanks Kazuki.
                Dragoon Equipment


                • #9
                  Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                  there was a dead dude outside of Whitegate mog house the other day. One of those cases of warping in dead. I couldn't see his name because of all the people. I started hyper-tabbing through all the people to try and find a gray name. There were so many people that even if I was like right on top of him, in first person view, with only a space the size of his body in my camera, that my tab list wasn't long enough. I.e. I'd start over before getting to him, I simply COULD NOT target him manually. I also tried the mouse. Didn't work either.

                  See, that's called stupid. Don't these people have somewhere better to be? Meanwhile, It took my computer over 20 seconds of black screen to zone into that same mog house last night.

                  So yeah, idle on the balconies please.

                  As for melee link management. I typically provoke a link and let a mage do whatever they want to it. In leveling NIN, I found that the worst part about being a tank is that I can't voke links too. Even when I leveled THF, I was voking shit. I'm a voker.
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • #10
                    Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                    I'm guilty of letting my char just standing there for a few minutes just outside Whitegate's MH.

                    The reason I do so is that sometimes it just takes so much time for the area to load that I just select exit moghouse and go AFK while it loads. I never leave my char that way for more than 10 mins though.


                    About melee waking up sleeping mobs I just tell them to stop hitting the mob once, then sleep the mob again, and if they keep hitting the mob I'll just let them die.

                    A Raise is 150 MP but spamming CIV can eat a ton of mp so I just save MP.

                    And about dating in XI... hume girls are hot.

                    (oh where's that manga page about it that I saw posted here some time ago? gotta look for it.)
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • #11
                      Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                      And about dating in XI... hume girls are hot.

                      (oh where's that manga page about it that I saw posted here some time ago? gotta look for it.)
                      Funny you say that about Hume girls... I was with my LS last night skilling up and one brought out his NPC, a Hume girl. After a few dirty emotes, someone said "Hume girls are sluts." We all ROFL

                      i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                      I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                      • #12
                        Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                        1) It's a home point and gathering area. It's a prime place to set up bazaars, meet up with friends or just end up after dieing/warping or whatever. Only place I see it being really bad are lower Jeuno and AU though.

                        2) If I have voke and am not tanking, I will voke the mob and keep fighting the first one. If I am tank and we get a link, I will do something else to draw it's attention. And if I just don't have voke, I'll do whatever I can to keep it off the guy trying to sleep it. A melee will last longer then a mage in most situations, so I'll get it's attention, you sleep it and we move on.

                        On that note, I have seen a LOT of mages recently who have had trouble sleeping links, assuming they even try it. This is just as big of a problem as melees attacking links.

                        3) Most people who date in FFXI don't start up FFXI with the sole intention of meeting someone, rather they're playing and just 'connect'. Sometimes it's just something small that they try to make bigger, but people do this IRL as well and it's just as bad. If someone is specifically playing this game to find dates then yeah, it's sad. But if they're just finding people they actually like and 'dating' them, I don't see the problem. There aren't too many places for single, geeky people to mingle and find dates for IRL. Looking for love in your local comic or game shop is just as bad as doing it online imo.

                        And for the record, yes I have dated people online and yes they were both real girls. I know because I made a point to meet them both IRL.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #13
                          Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                          I can sort of understand people "dating" in-game; there are a lot of lonely people out there, and they crave human connection.

                          What I cannot understand are people who have wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend in real life but still "dating" (or, err... perform more intimate activities with) other people in-game.

                          It's... creepy.
                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • #14
                            Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            People Using FFXI as a Dating Service
                            You people are a strange breed, maybe you should stop attempting to breed and let natural selection take its course. I'll accept there's a chance you could possibly meet someone in this game worth dating and can meet them to do so, but when you're on third in-game girl/boyfriend that's just a cry for help.
                            Theres a certain taru female mnk on my server that well... has had a 'virtual' relationship with just about everyone in whitegate.... you sometimes see virtual lovers spats outside of mog....

                            i heard once...

                            "oh i should have never left you for that hume~ im so sorry"
                            /em gently caresses <someTool>.

                            srsly now.... fucking cut it out.
                            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                            • #15
                              Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                              I've long since learned to stay away from the "dating in the game" subject, as a lot of folks don't share the same view, and I just end up making people angry. So I avoid it.

                              But I do think there is something a bit off about folks who are on their third, fourth, whatever in-game boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever, and these people don't see anything strange or unusual about their behavior.

                              I'll be honest though. I don't pay too much attention to what other folks do. Doesn't get me much of anywhere either way.

