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Things I've never understood in FFXI

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  • #16
    Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

    Originally posted by Omni View Post
    Theres a certain taru female mnk on my server that well... has had a 'virtual' relationship with just about everyone in whitegate.... you sometimes see virtual lovers spats outside of mog....
    i heard once...
    "oh i should have never left you for that hume~ im so sorry"
    /em gently caresses <someTool>.
    srsly now.... fucking cut it out.
    I don't care how hot Mithras are, thats just damned annoying.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #17
      Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

      Here's a couple more:

      People who cry for R3 at 75

      C'mon, at 75 we have TP burn and Manaburn, if getting a measly 1k back is a problem for you, its time to work on your priorities in-game. If Kirin, Bahamut or whatever is killing your alliance, suck it up at take the R1. You should have a reraise item used beforehand anyway, don't be the one who keeps your alliance from winning just because you lost a little EXP.

      People who give advice in-game in a condecending/rude way

      I was running around catching up on OP warps today, did my one in quifim and ran to Jeuno. I got to the AH in Port to grab some iron bullets and this little scene plays out in front of me in regards to a level 26 WAR:

      "OMG you're still rank 1?!?!"
      "Why is your sub underlevelled? That's just shameful"
      "You're using a spear as WAR, lemme guess, you're going lolDRG?"
      "Warriors use Axes and Great Axes, not damn spears"
      "Can't afford better gear? Go farm! It's not hard!"
      "You're on Xbox360, right? You're all noobs."

      And things of that nature. This was most likely the guy's first character, just new to the game in general. Regardless of how this new guy may have been playing his job, there's a difference between advice and being an asshole. I wish people could make the distinction and act accordingly.


      • #18
        Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

        Random Fact: Game Masters cannot warp people outside of their moghouse, and hence, cannot send them to mordion gaol and suspend/ban them unless they log out inside their mog house as they can ban them once their offline.

        Still, if you where going to be banned being condemned to your MH for all eternity isn't much fun either.
        Originally posted by Ellipses
        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
        Originally posted by MCLV
        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
        More Sig:


        • #19
          Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

          "OMG you're still rank 1?!?!"
          "Why is your sub underlevelled? That's just shameful"
          Those are something I note to myself lol. When I got invite, I always /sea the leader. And if he has 1 out of 2 of those I don't join >.>
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #20
            Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

            I don't really think that had anything at all to do with the point he was trying to make.

            But I do the same thing.


            • #21
              Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

              1. Yes, I've idled outside moghouse tons of times. I normally get warp 2'd and just leave during it. same with teleport crystals. Mainly I do go in my mog house but sometimes, if i really have to do something I just leave. And yeah If I'm looking for a certain shout(maybe missions?) I may leave(in jueno I go near auction house).

              2. If I have the ability to provoke, I'll provoke. Unless you want your sleep to fail AGAIN and get killed AGAIN let me take the hate.

              3. Elvaan hentai, all I'm going to say.

              4.I homepointed tons of time at level 75. I really don't care but at the same time I don't exp on my bard at all. So I need all the exp I can muster.

              5. I normally shutup but if someone is doing something obviously wrong or giving bad advice I correct them. I take everything I say as offensive so to get the point across.


              • #22
                Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                Originally posted by Drive View Post
                5. I normally shutup but if someone is doing something obviously wrong or giving bad advice I correct them. I take everything I say as offensive so to get the point across.
                If you think that being offensive is going to help to get the point across you've got a little something to learn about communication.


                • #23
                  Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                  Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                  If you think that being offensive is going to help to get the point across you've got a little something to learn about communication.
                  It's the internet. They wouldn't know what tone I'm using in the first place. So I take everything I say as if it offended them. Sarcasm doesn't travel well on the internet, you understand well.
                  Last edited by Drive; 01-12-2007, 11:11 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                    C'mon, at 75 we have TP burn and Manaburn, if getting a measly 1k back is a problem for you, its time to work on your priorities in-game. If Kirin, Bahamut or whatever is killing your alliance, suck it up at take the R1. You should have a reraise item used beforehand anyway, don't be the one who keeps your alliance from winning just because you lost a little EXP.
                    Not everyone can play a lot. Some are limited to only logging on for LS events. Especially tough for some jobs who don't get invited to either.
                    Read my blog.
                    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                    Entry 32: Death to Castro


                    • #25
                      Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                      Originally posted by Drive View Post
                      It's the internet. They wouldn't know what tone i'm using in the first place. So I take everything as it offended them. Sarcasm doesn't travel well on the internet, you understand well.
                      I have no idea what you're even talking about anymore.


                      • #26
                        Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                        Thank you for pointing that out. I just corrected it now.


                        • #27
                          Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                          Too......much......sarcasm.....head......about to.....explode..........

                          Onion: I think I'd heard that before, but didn't know if it was true. I guess that might explain why you can't actually set your HP to be inside your MH. Bugs me that I have to zone to HP, then zone again just to get into MH and check the d. box. Especially in Whitegate where it takes quite a while to dezone.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #28
                            Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                            Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                            Not everyone can play a lot. Some are limited to only logging on for LS events. Especially tough for some jobs who don't get invited to either.
                            I think that when you join an endgame linkshell of any type, you essentially have said you're willing to do the work and be part of the team. And I don't think people get to 75 without accepting what their job is and how difficult it may be to level and a good player will make the connections to overcome that obstacle.

                            I've encountered people who have been in endgame longer than I have that still lack those connections. I recently had a series of tells with one of these players asking how my RNG is always able to get a PT. Well, I merit RNG with my LS, they'll merit with me whether I'm RNG or COR. I consider COR my primary main job and I can merit with anyone on that, but its still appreciated my LS friends what to see my RNG grow strong too. So for me thats not a big concern.

                            I have a difficult time beliving that people have made it this far without making some kind of connections. Perhaps its pride that keeps people from asking for help in this department. I've been in some of the easiest and hardest jobs to level, not to mention some of the most expensive as well. My eyes are set on BST and THF next and I know what I'm getting into there.


                            • #29
                              Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                              Getting raise 1 is to be expected if you do events and such, the priority is to pass the event, not to safe exp. You don't need to be a part of an end game linkshell to understand that.
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso


                              • #30
                                Re: Things I've never understood in FFXI

                                Unless your LS sucks, 99% of the time, you will be able get a Raise III. I've been in my current LS for about half a year now, only once out of 3 runs a week for a great of months have I ever needed to take a Raise I and that was because a freak accident of someone calling for help on a Suzaku(god damn, yo). I don't play FFXI a whole lot and my buffer is never above 6k. Giving someone a RI when you could give someone a RIII is a big "fuck you" in my opinion.
                                Read my blog.
                                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                                Entry 32: Death to Castro

