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About Elitists

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  • Re: About Elitists

    Originally posted by Telera View Post
    I burned out on this game 4 months ago and only barely play it.
    I canceled my acoiunt back in November so I would have more money for Christams. But now I'm looking to gety back

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • Re: About Elitists

      Elitists eh? Usually I let this kind of garbage slide, but I'm so annoyed by these brats that I need to get it off my mind.

      I was in a party levelling my Bard when I come across this one guy with three crabs on him. I grab one, only to find out after we've killed it that he already had a swing (we got 18-20 exp for the kill).

      I go out to pull again, and once again he's got three crabs on him. There's no other crabs around anymore so there goes our exp chain, plus we had to wait another five minutes to get another pull. I check the guy out - and he's a member of one of Ramuh's most exclusive HNM links, CtrlAltElite (also known as Childish A**hole Elite - I'm sure there's others out there on Ramuh familiar with this gang).

      So anyways I tried being nice - asked him not to hoard the crabs so my party could get some exp. He basically ignored me. Yep, just another discourteous brat, and being the well-aged gamer that I am I told him again a bit more forcefully. Well that's when the elitist fun starts. He basically tells me off, without swearing so I can't report him for that. Within two minutes, I get seven people /tell flooding me, all of them CAE members (confirmed by their Guildportal site). Every one of them gets blacklisted, and a GM gets called.

      Now.. I really REALLY hate making calling GMs. It never amounts to anything, but knowing these guys they're only gonna respond to a real threat. And, while I'm waiting for the GM to show up, three of the guys who flooded me show up and kill every mob in the area (not that I didn't try to get a crab, but these guys use bots and I can't compete with that). The GM shows up, and the first guy immediately bails. One his buddies and another guy stick around and act all spiteful by fighting right on top of our party. A few minutes later, our party breaks up from the slow fighting.

      OK.. I feel a lil better now.
      Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
      Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
      Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


      • Re: About Elitists

        Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
        Elitists eh? Usually I let this kind of garbage slide, but I'm so annoyed by these brats that I need to get it off my mind.

        I was in a party levelling my Bard when I come across this one guy with three crabs on him. I grab one, only to find out after we've killed it that he already had a swing (we got 18-20 exp for the kill).

        I go out to pull again, and once again he's got three crabs on him. There's no other crabs around anymore so there goes our exp chain, plus we had to wait another five minutes to get another pull. I check the guy out - and he's a member of one of Ramuh's most exclusive HNM links, CtrlAltElite (also known as Childish A**hole Elite - I'm sure there's others out there on Ramuh familiar with this gang).

        So anyways I tried being nice - asked him not to hoard the crabs so my party could get some exp. He basically ignored me. Yep, just another discourteous brat, and being the well-aged gamer that I am I told him again a bit more forcefully. Well that's when the elitist fun starts. He basically tells me off, without swearing so I can't report him for that. Within two minutes, I get seven people /tell flooding me, all of them CAE members (confirmed by their Guildportal site). Every one of them gets blacklisted, and a GM gets called.

        Now.. I really REALLY hate making calling GMs. It never amounts to anything, but knowing these guys they're only gonna respond to a real threat. And, while I'm waiting for the GM to show up, three of the guys who flooded me show up and kill every mob in the area (not that I didn't try to get a crab, but these guys use bots and I can't compete with that). The GM shows up, and the first guy immediately bails. One his buddies and another guy stick around and act all spiteful by fighting right on top of our party. A few minutes later, our party breaks up from the slow fighting.

        OK.. I feel a lil better now.
        Glad you got it off your chest

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • Re: About Elitists

          I fail to see how that is elitist.

          asshole =/= elitist

          though sometimes

          elitist = asshole

          Just because he's a dick doesn't really make him an elitist in any way.
          A Day in the Life of a Taru


          • Re: About Elitists

            Exactly. People seem to be painting your everyday asshole as an elitist for some reason. These people just sound like jerks, not anyone particularly elitist.


            • Re: About Elitists

              It seems nowadays having a 75 job or more and/or being in an end game linkshell + being an A-hole makes you an Elitist.

              Sad thing is even though some Elitists are A-holes (the noob ones) most I've seen aren't at all, they just tell people to go away if they don't have the proper (uber) gear and/or 1337 sk1llz.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • Re: About Elitists

                Not all elitists are level 75+. I've run into a few know-it-alls whose highest job wasn't past AF levels (50s) - usually the ones that visit forums like this (well, not usually FFXIOnline, but some of the other sites, particularly GameFAQs) and think they know what's going on because they read it someplace. It has nothing to do with their level, and everything to do with their attitude.



                • Re: About Elitists

                  A person can percieve jackasses as elitists because they both, in their mind, do the same thing, use their power or prestige to crap on the little guy.

                  The people who, in a party, try to justify everything they do by "I have a 75 suchandsuch, I'm better than you," and, as in the case of this guy at the dunes, is using that high level character to prevent lower characters from exping, and generally ruining their experience.

                  Besides, the term Elitist in and of itself has a negative undertone, as most "ists" do. Like a sexist would think that all but one gender is of merit, most people view elitists as the same mindset, where only their select ideas have merit, and everything else is useless. A lot of people view the TPburners as elitist because unless you're a WAR, BRD, MNK, NIN, etc. you aren't welcome. Manaburners and arrowburners were considered much the same thing, because someone else couldn't get in on it.

                  Basically, a lot of people mistakenly view your garden variety asshat as Elitist because when you're on the wrong side of their actions, neither make you particularly happy about the situation.


                  • Re: About Elitists

                    All this talk about "I have a level 75" reminds me of something.

                    One day I logged on and checked my linkshell and saw a new name on it. I never saw this guy before and he was playing a level 5 character, so I introduced myself and asked him if he was new.

                    He replied he was, but quickly added that his friend/roommate had three level 75 characters.

                    To which I said..."Umm...congratulations?"

                    I still wonder what the heck that was all about. Did he think I was somehow tossing a veiled insult at him by asking if he was new? But even if I had been, what on earth does his roommate's character's levels have to do with anything?
                    Daos Soulstaff
                    Hume WHM 21, BLM 20
                    Alchemy 12.6, Fishing 0.1
                    Bastok Rank 2

                    "Humanity spends way too much time making sure everyone's opinion is heard instead of making sure their opinion is worth hearing." - [GM]Dave


                    • Re: About Elitists

                      Some people think levels confer automatic status in the community (even if the levels aren't earned by them). They don't, but don't tell them that, because then their entire belief system will come crashing down around them.


                      • Re: About Elitists

                        Since there seems to be contention over what properly constitutes an elitist (vs just your every day jerk), how about we categorize the different types of elitists there are?

                        So far, I've been able to think of the following:
                        1. Gear elitists (if a player doesn't have item X, Y and Z, then they aren't good enough)
                        2. Job elitists (if a player is using Job X, and not Job Y, then they aren't good enough)
                        lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                        Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                        Fishing 60

                        Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                        Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                        Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                        Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                        • Re: About Elitists

                          Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
                          1. Gear elitists (if a player doesn't have item X, Y and Z, then they aren't good enough)
                          2. Job elitists (if a player is using Job X, and not Job Y, then they aren't good enough)
                          I'd add:

                          Social elitists: Anyone who doesn't belong to an endgame LS isn't good enough.
                          Subjob elitists: Anyone who doesn't use a cookie cutter subjob isn't good enough.
                          Language elitists: Anyone who doesn't speak the elitist's native language isn't good enough.



                          • Re: About Elitists

                            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                            Language elitists: Anyone who doesn't speak the elitist's native language isn't good enough.
                            In that case, I'm a language elitist: anyone who speaks AOL chat-speak when they could be speaking plain English isn't good enough
                            lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                            Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                            Fishing 60

                            Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                            Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                            Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                            Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                            • Re: About Elitists

                              lolitists - People who won't associate with folks who use terms like lol.

                              And proud of it.


                              • Re: About Elitists

                                When people say lol<job> they're pretty much just mocking another job or joking around.

                                I generally use the term as shorthand for a bandwagon player. An lolWAR is a WAR that doesn't know what /THF, /MNK and /SAM subjobs are. An lolWAR has never held a Great Axe in hand. An lolWAR doesn't tank. An lolWAR is in it for the merits for his "real main."

                                They're not serious about the job, they don't really respect it, as such, they're "lol."

                                Additionally, "Omgwtfbbqkittens" is a term used to mock "1337sp3ak" users. I honestly loathe needless abbreviations.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 01-16-2007, 08:09 PM.

