Re: New Faces and Hair Styles! Races? I'd pay for another character!
Lol, now this is sounding some other MMOs I've played. For FFXI though the idea looks a lot more intrusive though. As for new races there is a wide aspect of combinations you can mix for races, the basic now cover most things except CHR none are particulary a max in that. Then of course instead of having STR and MND (Elvaans) they could vary a race to have STR and INT that is almost comparible to Tarutaru but not have the Mana, this opens different possiblities.
There is a wide range of possibilities if you stuck with giving each race 2 that they'd have some level of excelling in then you got 16 total variations. So far with race it's only done an actual of 4 variations, Hume doesn't count since stats are almost the same across the board for them.
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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There is a wide range of possibilities if you stuck with giving each race 2 that they'd have some level of excelling in then you got 16 total variations. So far with race it's only done an actual of 4 variations, Hume doesn't count since stats are almost the same across the board for them.