Today while I was waiting for my automaton to finish being upgraded, I saw a shout to do an assault for PFC Illusri Atoll. We ended up doing Leaujom Clensing because two members weren't PFC, and it looks like we will actually clear it this time(first two parties failed). Then, halfway through the assault, I level up to 69! If that isn't enough, I get 1,500 Assault Points when we finish it.
Wait, there is more. After the assault when we go to get the ??? item(a ring in this case) identified, I jokingly make a comment about how there is a 1/10,000 chance of it being an Archers Ring... and can you guess what item it was? If you guessed Copper Ring, YOUR WRONG! Brass Ring? ALSO WRONG! Archers Ring? BINGO!
On top of that I am now a fully certified PUP... not that I'll level it much but meh, it will be fun to have him following me around in Aht Urgan or something while I'm bazzaring.
Wait, there is more. After the assault when we go to get the ??? item(a ring in this case) identified, I jokingly make a comment about how there is a 1/10,000 chance of it being an Archers Ring... and can you guess what item it was? If you guessed Copper Ring, YOUR WRONG! Brass Ring? ALSO WRONG! Archers Ring? BINGO!
On top of that I am now a fully certified PUP... not that I'll level it much but meh, it will be fun to have him following me around in Aht Urgan or something while I'm bazzaring.