Okay, if this concept takes off, it'll lead to a huge nerf, but...
COR, COR, COR, COR, PLD(or another COR), WHM. Post 60, all the CORs subbing RNG.
Basically, the concept of the party is to spam your 2hr.
COR's 2hr, wild card, has something like a 1/3 (or 1/2, can't remember which) chance of reseting the 2hr of everyone in range. It also resets all of the JA recast timers. So, you could have CORs spamming Sharpshot + Barrage and Quick Draw(because they get it back with the 2hr), and Slug Shot from all the TP, then just using Wild Card to get it back, at the same time reseting other's Wild Cards. Also, the PLD and the WHM can just spam Benediction and Invincible.
Of course, it'd kind of suck if all 4/5 COR's 2hrs went off without reseting anyone else's 2hr.
COR, COR, COR, COR, PLD(or another COR), WHM. Post 60, all the CORs subbing RNG.
Basically, the concept of the party is to spam your 2hr.
COR's 2hr, wild card, has something like a 1/3 (or 1/2, can't remember which) chance of reseting the 2hr of everyone in range. It also resets all of the JA recast timers. So, you could have CORs spamming Sharpshot + Barrage and Quick Draw(because they get it back with the 2hr), and Slug Shot from all the TP, then just using Wild Card to get it back, at the same time reseting other's Wild Cards. Also, the PLD and the WHM can just spam Benediction and Invincible.
Of course, it'd kind of suck if all 4/5 COR's 2hrs went off without reseting anyone else's 2hr.