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Making the game appetizing for new players

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  • #76
    Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

    Actually, at 75 if you have to HP, you lose 2400 xp. I know, I have done it. And with a ring, you can easily hit 450+. It is still easier to stomach that much than 2k+. Since many people are suggesting no xp loss at all, this is definitely a good alternative.


    • #77
      Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

      Originally posted by Jonastb View Post
      Actually, at 75 if you have to HP, you lose 2400 xp. I know, I have done it. And with a ring, you can easily hit 450+. It is still easier to stomach that much than 2k+. Since many people are suggesting no xp loss at all, this is definitely a good alternative.
      The mob wont give you 450, that's calculated by what the mob would give you then adding the bonus. Second, getting any EXP lost back in 1-2 battles is not really any different then no loss at all.

      Oh and 2400 is somewhere around 2300.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #78
        Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

        I could support removing XP loss under conditions similar to the following:

        (1) Homepointing grants Weakness status much the same way a Raise spell would. The duration of Weakness should be proportional to your current level - maybe 1/10th of your current level rounded up in minutes, so a level 1-10 character will only suffer Weakness for 1 minute, but a level 75 will be Weakened even longer than now - 8 minutes.

        (2) Since Raise I/II/III do a lot less without XP loss, I would propose that Raise I reduce the duration of Weakness to 75%, Raise II to 50%, and Raise III to 25% when used on a KO'd player (this makes WHMs tactically more useful at end-game, too, and would leave a level 75 player with 2 minutes of Weakness if they have Raise III cast upon them).

        (3) Since the Ninja 2 hour Mikin Gakure KO's the player intentionally, they should become immune to Weakness after either homepointing or Raising.

        (4) Weakened players should be unable to take any offensive actions while in a Weakened state (no melee, offensive spellcasting, etc.). Non-aggressive actions like buffs should be allowed, however.

        (5) If you are KO'd while Weakened, your base time is tripled for the Weakness effect when you HP/Raise.



        • #79
          Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

          Being chased by enemies is one of the greatest parts of the game, and losing the EXP loss will make parties a lot worse than they can be now. I could see it for certain zones like Dynamis where if death isn't part of the plan you're not going to win, but for the rest of the game it's necessary.

          If you want to explore, do it on a Chocobo or bring oils and powders. Next you'll probably want to increase their reaction time so you have a nice head start when you're caught.


          • #80
            Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

            Originally posted by Nazo View Post
            The problem with the nutritionist NPC is that you still have to buy the food to find out what it does and people aren't going to spend money on food, which can be quite expensive, just to find out what it does...
            What if the NPC only told you what a food did when you came to it when the food was on you.

            That way, if you want to KNOW what something does. you have to buy it, then use it, and then talk to the NPC. It would cost money.. but it wouldnt make it "too" easy to have the best/applicable foods.



            • #81
              Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
              (4) Weakened players should be unable to take any offensive actions while in a Weakened state (no melee, offensive spellcasting, etc.). Non-aggressive actions like buffs should be allowed, however.

              (5) If you are KO'd while Weakened, your base time is tripled for the Weakness effect when you HP/Raise.


              I think the 'non-offensive abilities weakened state would be ok. But only if you could have a temporary invincibility or even flee. And if your unable to attack anything, you couldnt abuse the 'safe time'

              I know I hate it when I throw up an RR>. die.. and then im stuck under the mob. And if I raise, i will just get aggro again.



              • #82
                Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

                Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                Grizzlebeard brought up a few points that I'd like to address though.
                I would agree with this, it's absurd, I can get aggro and run across the entire zone with the monster on my heels, yet when I go out to pull a monster back to camp the mob despawns after practically 5 steps.
                I can outrun most things, it's easy to figure out how the mob's AI works with the terrain, yet even though I left it in the dust it's still chasing me?
                This has become a mojor problem after the mpk patch. Since that what seemed to start it all off. The other patch that helps cause this is the eminity lose patch. So everytime my rng pulls a mob, if it dont do damage to me. Or i miss. it depops. So it seems i actually have to get damage taken, to keep a mob from depopping.

                An wasnt the exp loss formula recalculated when a player was raised? But to me you should suffer no exp lose til lvl 15. Then by then you should have an understandig about your job an the general AI the mobs run on. Having it only til lvl 4 is kinda stupid. I dont think we should lose the exp loss, but reduce it all by half. Then when we hit lvls 70-75 thats when it should be at 2400. Since thats when most exp is lost anyways,

                Originally posted by Jonastb View Post
                In the xp department, I have always wondered why you lose up to 2400 xp on a mob that has the potential to give you 200. I would change the xp loss to the same amount of xp you would have gained had you won, including all bonuses you would have gotten, ring, sanction...etc. This way, there is a penalty, but it isn't so harsh that it takes an hour to get back the xp you lost.
                If that sounds like a long time, try xping BST 60+ and having to HP cause your reraise just wore off mid battle.
                LMAO yeah an thats when everything goes very wrong. You misscharm the next 2 charms, the mobs you were having no problem killing now have killed your last 2 pets an is hunting you down... Meanwhile your mischarm mob is not only after you, but its managedd to link all his buddies as well..

                Man how accurate is that..

                Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                • #83
                  Re: Making the game appetizing for new players

                  Indeed, and thats assuming the adventurer didn't get a Simple Bed or higher tier exp reduction moghnacement.

                  Death should hurt. Players should fear it, however, as time goes by players will fear it less.

                  I think handing sheepskins giving exp is pretty corny. I rather total amount quests being done lead to new exp quests, simply adding new exp quests, or improving old ones.

                  FFXI can be made easier/less painful without violating everything up until now.

                  The problem that this thread is addressing is that the beginning part of this game, it doesn't represent FFXI well and its rough and can leave players with a bad taste. You guys are complaining about the entire game.
                  Last edited by Legal Fish; 01-02-2007, 04:24 PM.
                  Read my blog.
                  Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                  Entry 32: Death to Castro

