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Server Merges?

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  • #16
    Re: Server Merges?

    Originally posted by little ninja View Post
    This game seems to be on its last legs when i think about it. Alot will say its due to the holidays, But a few months back i posted how during NA prime time range. My server didnt even get much higher then a total population of 2100 peeps. An when it got into JPN prime time, the numbers were around the same.
    I know i been like you with 3 different job ranges. An struggling during the week to get pick up pts, or make my own. An i tried during all 3 major times, NA, JP, an EU,
    Honestly if you remove afk players from the server youd probably only have 1000-1500 max
    Yeah, I have everything ready to go but when I ask they are either, not PTing, not in a PT anymore, dont want to party, or do want to. And when I can't find anyone they leave. I did /sea all, found about 1700 people almost close to primetime (today was up around 2300). Then I did /sea all 75, it came close to 500. Then you do /sea all 1- and there is your options.

    I remember back when servers were filled with close to 4k all the time. Doesn't anyone wish there was that much now? They either poorly implemented all the areas, need more areas, or need to improve on certain things. SE needs to allow players to move server mainly due to the fact that they are getting lower and lower, if this is done then they can get rid of a few servers. Then many will be at a full capacity allowing for more gameplay.
    Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
    Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


    • #17
      Re: Server Merges?

      I'll again point out that the population is not the problem. Everyone hated it when there were 4500+ people online at the time. Huge lag, massive competition for XP spots.

      The issue is not that there are fewer players - it's just that there are fewer players going through the XP grind. There's a ton of end-game level 75ish stuff in the game that is distracting a sizable chunk of the player base nowadays, so the actual number of people seeking for XP any any given level is now a smaller number than it used to be.



      • #18
        Re: Server Merges?

        Yours is the only server I've ever heard of being that low, especially at primetime. I can't remember the last time I saw Fairy below 2k, and that was shortly after a Maintenance or something.
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #19
          Re: Server Merges?

          Ragnarok is too old lolz

          Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
          Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


          • #20
            Re: Server Merges?

            There's not much reason to play any job beyong 37 now for most eng game players except for fun :O I think it will eventually get to the point where 37-70 will be near impossible to PT. We're slowly getting there xD
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #21
              Re: Server Merges?

              Originally posted by Jei View Post
              There's not much reason to play any job beyong 37 now for most eng game players except for fun :O I think it will eventually get to the point where 37-70 will be near impossible to PT. We're slowly getting there xD
              Some nights it's already near impossible to get a party at those levels...I'm a 32 MNK and the last 2 times me and my ls mate went out to kazham to XP we ended up waiting 2 hours before we both said screw it and went mining. I know DD's are a dime a dozen out there, but damn was it frustrating. It'd be one thing if it was a tuesday afternoon or something, but I'm talking friday night at 8 pm.

              I've only been playing about a year now, but I can see a big difference in the number of people on nowadays compared to back when I started. I'm sure some of it is due to winter break, but it was getting bad before now. I honestly love the game, especially now that I'm getting out of the low level grind b.s. and into the fun stuff, but it seems like more and more people are quitting the game and there isn't enough newbs coming in to balance it out. A year ago I was fighting for mobs to solo in West Ronnfaure; now there are days that I'm the only person in the zone (that isn't just passing through). It's really made me re-evaluate the way I play the game...whereas before I took my time with gaining levels, I'm definitely going to kick it up a notch and start cranking out the xp...mainly because I'd like to at least get 1 job to 75 before the only people playing ARE 75's doing endgame shit.

              For that reason, I think merging servers would be a good thing in the long run. Unless S-E can come up with some way to get a lot of new players interested in the game, I'd rather deal with over-camped and laggy areas then the ghost town's that a lot of areas have become.

              Just my 2 cents ^^
              I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
              -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

              Check out my blog! =>


              • #22
                Re: Server Merges?

                well there are way too many competition end game already. Merging server will ruin what's already ruined. There gotta be other alternative. we can talk more in Icemage's thread.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #23
                  Re: Server Merges?

                  Originally posted by Jei View Post
                  There's not much reason to play any job beyong 37 now for most eng game players except for fun :O I think it will eventually get to the point where 37-70 will be near impossible to PT. We're slowly getting there xD
                  Sadly its to the point that getting from the 20-37 is becomming just as painful as it was to get from 50-75 in the old days before they lowered the exp per lvl.

                  An Icemage was right, There is alot of stuff going on around endgame. Which in fact does slow down the players trying to go from 1-75. The next thing is what Jei sad. An that alot of us have 2-4 jobs at 75. Not much more reason to grind anymore.

                  So now what do you do if yoru someone like EFFE? If you dont get lucky playing a high in demand job ( which means little nowadays +9 hours an no invites with 38 rdm) What do you do. Especially if you dont have an LS. who does exp sessions together, an you dont have a SP. Honestly your wasting you time.

                  S.E can do whatever they want. Add content, add new battles. But what they can never do is resupply the players who quit. an leave. Because as alot of players are noticing its becomming harder an harder to grind from 12-75. Thus why S.E has always aimed to keep the 70+ happy, an not worry to much about the 1-60's. An since this game isnt based around exp from quests, an soloable mobs like WoW. Well you get the picture.....

                  Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                  • #24
                    Re: Server Merges?

                    Originally posted by little ninja View Post
                    Sadly its to the point that getting from the 20-37 is becomming just as painful as it was to get from 50-75 in the old days before they lowered the exp per lvl.

                    An Icemage was right, There is alot of stuff going on around endgame. Which in fact does slow down the players trying to go from 1-75. The next thing is what Jei sad. An that alot of us have 2-4 jobs at 75. Not much more reason to grind anymore.

                    So now what do you do if yoru someone like EFFE? If you dont get lucky playing a high in demand job ( which means little nowadays +9 hours an no invites with 38 rdm) What do you do. Especially if you dont have an LS. who does exp sessions together, an you dont have a SP. Honestly your wasting you time.

                    S.E can do whatever they want. Add content, add new battles. But what they can never do is resupply the players who quit. an leave. Because as alot of players are noticing its becomming harder an harder to grind from 12-75. Thus why S.E has always aimed to keep the 70+ happy, an not worry to much about the 1-60's. An since this game isnt based around exp from quests, an soloable mobs like WoW. Well you get the picture.....
                    I totally agree. While I can't comment on the current state of affairs with the endgame crowd (as I'm nowhere near there obviously), I can tell you it's ugly out there for us lowbies. If it wasn't for my static party of 3, I probably would've only gotten 1/2 the xp parties I've been in. And it's not for lack of gear is always current with appropriate stat bonuses, I eat my food, and I know how to play my job (MNK is pretty easy to play, which I'll admit, but oh so fun ^^).

                    S-E needs to either encourage more people to play these levels (whether new players, or established players taking a new job up), and if they can't do that, need to introduce more soloable mobs. I'm all for the party atmosphere, and I prefer that style of gameplay...but it'd be nice if I could grind a couple levels here and there on my way up if the pickings in my current level range are slim.
                    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                    Check out my blog! =>


                    • #25
                      Re: Server Merges?

                      Originally posted by Effedup View Post
                      I totally agree. While I can't comment on the current state of affairs with the endgame crowd (as I'm nowhere near there obviously), I can tell you it's ugly out there for us lowbies. If it wasn't for my static party of 3, I probably would've only gotten 1/2 the xp parties I've been in. And it's not for lack of gear is always current with appropriate stat bonuses, I eat my food, and I know how to play my job (MNK is pretty easy to play, which I'll admit, but oh so fun ^^).
                      S-E needs to either encourage more people to play these levels (whether new players, or established players taking a new job up), and if they can't do that, need to introduce more soloable mobs. I'm all for the party atmosphere, and I prefer that style of gameplay...but it'd be nice if I could grind a couple levels here and there on my way up if the pickings in my current level range are slim.
                      To be honest. S.E turned alot of its gamers off of "Endgame" activites. I included. If i wasnt being mpked at some hnm i spent the better part of my day camping. I was forced to watch other ls's either bot it. or steal it. In sky i was forced to watch the G/S get every claim, either by bot, or the constant notion, they knew every window down to the hour. Sea for myself held little interest. First you had to be pretty lucky to get it, an then after that, there wasn pretty much nothing more to do.

                      I dont think you will ever see anything done to the exp system. If so S.E would have to redesign the whole system from an its formulas. Something i know for sure S.E wont attempt. I know in other MMO's i was able to kill a mob a lvl or 3 higher then me, an walk away with 200+ exp, an some wear in tear. The same cant be said for the mobs in ffxi, since its based skill is calculated by 6, so even an E.P with low def an eva, can pretty much leave u for dead, an if not with 1hp out of 1k.

                      Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.

