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Rapid Raptors Help

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  • Rapid Raptors Help

    So last night, me (PLD) and two other LS friends (a MNK and RDM) decided to give a BCNM a shot. We were all around level 50 so we grabbed a Coment Orb and randomly decided to head to Balga's Dais and do that BCNM, Rapid Raptors. We zoned in, buffed up, and took off.

    As the raptors aggroed, the RDM slept one, and I voked the other. Me and the MNK began bashing at the raptor trying to kill it. It start running around, making it impossible to harm. Finally, we had it down to about 1/3 HP, when the other raptor woke up, and began in after the RDM. Needless to say, before I could squeeze out a Provoke on it, the RDM was dead. Then I had two raptors on me, and HP draining fast. I attempted to throw Invincible up, but before I could, I was dead. It didn't take very long for the MNK to drop.

    So now I'm here wondering what it is we should have done to win this fight? Was our setup (PLD, MNK, RDM) not effective? Should we have gone about a different strategy? Any suggestions are helpful. Thank you.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost

  • #2
    Re: Rapid Raptors Help

    From what fragmentary information is available about this BCNM, it sounds like you need a different setup.

    Basic setup: 2 x Dromiceiomimus (NM)

    I'm guessing they are immune to charm (and are at least highly resistant, since Raptor types have native Resist Charm II traits), since I'm seeing reports of people going in with 3xBST and using Courier Carrie instead of letting one BST try to charm one while the other two keep the others busy.

    I'm also seeing notes at Alla indicating that the NMs are similar to the scorpions in Desert Swarm - when one dies, the other gets stronger - unconfirmed.

    Additionally, I'm seeing notations about Paralysis, but I'm not sure where such an effect would come from; Raptors normally do not have a Paralyze attack, so it may be an add effect (?).

    Given the notes about them running around the center when they take damage, I would think a ranged attacking job would be called for.

    Elemental Seal + Sleep II works, but notations from other players also indicate that Sleep isn't easy to land without ES. Gravity also works, but is its typical unreliable self.

    My guess at a winning combination would be:

    RDM/BLM: Gravity one Raptor and pull it far into the tunnel, then Sleep II it there, then run back and help the other two beat down the first one.

    BLM/WHM: A second ES + Sleep II, plus /WHM Paralyna, plus a ranged nuker who can do a KO shot with Waterga II (I'll mention why this is important below).

    PLD/WAR: Abusing Invincible's hate gain.

    Strategy (theoretical):
    Enter BC, buff up (remember to Haste the Paladin, as it can counter the Slow effect of one of the raptor special attacks).

    PLD uses Defender and Provokes one NM, RDM casts Gravity on the other (pray this sticks), and goes running all the way to the end of the BC, where he will ES + Sleep II (maybe can use Bind to buy more time).

    Meanwhile PLD and BLM beat on the first one as much as possible. When the RDM gets back he joins the fight. When the NM starts running around, RDM Chainspell + Water II to take it out while PLD and BLM use Cures and Flash/Stun to help RDM stay alive while he (hopefully) kills this one.

    This leaves you with Invincible and Manafont, plus an Elemental Seal + Sleep still up your sleeve if you need to buy some recovery time to deal with the second NM.

    I'm still not sure this will work since there's no information on just how much HP the NMs have.


    Alternate weird thought: SMN/WHM x 3

    2 x Carbuncle + Leviathan. Keep the raptors busy with Carbuncles and hit them 3 times with Tidal Wave, rinse, repeat?



    • #3
      Re: Rapid Raptors Help

      Ok, thank you Icemage. I figured it had something to do with our setup; but at the same time there wasn't really a whole lot of information to be found about this BCNM, so we were just kinda left to go in with our own strategy.

      Again, ty Icemage.

      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
      When ignorance reigns, life is lost

