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What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

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  • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

    Balance, Uniquness and above all else, Usefulness
    Please explain to me the difference between Balance and Usefulness?

    Another question: How many PUPs have you can honestly say you've partied with that were above level 30?
    Read my blog.
    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
    Entry 32: Death to Castro


    • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

      Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
      Please explain to me the difference between Balance and Usefulness?
      Another question: How many PUPs have you can honestly say you've partied with that were above level 30?
      Hehe, I've yet to see a PUP past 25, and I know there are at least 5 at 75... since they got it three days after the freaking job released... ?_?


      • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

        Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
        Hey Sabaron, what is the Reset spell you are talking about? I don't think I've heard of it before.
        Reset is a spell from FFV. Basically, if you have an F'ed up battle, you can "restart" from the beginning by casting Reset. Everything goes back to the way it was at the beginning of the battle.

        The intention for implementation on FFXI as a 2-hour would be to reset everything except Reset or as much as possible:

        1. Party Claims a Mob.
        2. Engine captures party snap-shot and mob snap-shot.
        3. Battle progresses.
        4. Player x leaves the party.
        5. Engine removes Player x's snap-shot.
        6. Player y joins the party.
        7. Player y does not get a snap-shot as snap-shot only occurs when a mob's name first turns red.
        8. Time Mage uses 2-hour.
        9. Engine returns mob to snap-shot state.
        10. Anyone who is in the party who's snap-shot is valid gets reset.

        If at any time, the party loses claim on the mob, the snap-shot is released. If the Time mage activates the two-hour while no mob is claimed, nothing happens, and the two-hour is wasted.

        Action in alliance:

        I've not been in more than 2 alliances in my entire ffxi career and both were in Promyvion, so bear with me as my experience is severely limited as are Internet resources regarding Alliance specifics.

        1. Each party of an alliance may claim a mob and hold claim on it.
        2. Any party in the allinace can attack the claims of any other party without having claim.

        In order for Reset to be useful in end-game activites, it must work for an entire alliance, therefore, the following procedure is used:

        1. A party claims a mob.
        2. Alliance snap-shot is taken.
        3. Mob snap-shot is taken.
        4. A party claims a 2nd mob.
        5. 2nd mob's snap-shot is taken.
        6. Time mage uses 2 hour.
        7. Both mobs are reset
        8. All valid alliance members are reset.

        Note that the following can be part of the snap-shot:

        1. Mob and party member positions.
        2. Mob hate levels.

        Members, mobs, and parties that are not in range of the ability at either (a) the time of snap-shot or (b) the time of activation cannot benefit from it. The radius might be something on the order of XP receipt range. It may also be necessary, in the interest of balance, to invalidate snap-shot records of any party members who leave XP radius during the battle and then return just as if they had left the alliance entirely.

        [EDIT: Add]

        COR's Wild Card 2-hour cannot reset Reset.

        I had a thought as well about Chemist Reagents. As in other FF's Chemist reagents are items that already exist--in FFXI's case, crafting supplies such as Black Tiger Fangs or Demon Horns. Therefore, the stack size is determined by the item's current stack size. For instance, using a Lightning Ore and a Lightning Anima in Combinega II might make a Thundaga IV, but it would cost 200k to throw and the ore occupies a whole inventory slot.

        The special item "Catalyst" a stack-99, "quiverable" item, is equipped in the Chemist's Ammo slot and gets used each time he activates a Job Ability.

        [EDIT: Add again]

        Or we could go with different special items just for Chemist like:

        Essence of Lightning:
        [Lightning Crystal]
        Lightning Ore
        NQ: 1x Essence of Lightning
        HQ1: 2x
        HQ2: 3x
        HQ3: 4x

        We could...

        Have multiple catalysts, say, a different one for each type of "recipe"--personal, other (friendly), other (not-so-friendly) and not equip to ammo.

        Have "recipe levels" and use recipes like spells--the chemist needs to "learn" a concoction before they can make it.
        Last edited by Sabaron; 12-30-2006, 12:23 AM.


        • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

          Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
          Please explain to me the difference between Balance and Usefulness?
          Another question: How many PUPs have you can honestly say you've partied with that were above level 30?
          Balance = Not being too strong or too weak. Rangers for a long time were far more powerful at *everything* then every other DD job, they got balanced and now still do great dmg but don't blow away other DDs to the point no one wants anything but them. Blm currently have a similar situtation when fighting HNMs, but at the same time complain they can't get merit pts. Thus a balance is needed, if it's too strong or too weak it's not balanced and throws the game off.

          Usefulness is just having a purpose. Something to do that helps the pt out. That basically boils down to fitting into one of the four categories, tanking, DD, Healer or support. Some jobs cross lines and do multiple jobs, but at the same time they don't do said jobs as well as a purer version. For example Cor is a DD support but can't match the DD power of a Mnk or the pure support of a Brd. But they're still useful as both a support and DD without being over powered. (hence the balance)

          As for how many Pups I've pted with, for too many and not enough at the same time. I can't give an exact number because I just don't count, but I can say the few who i've been with weren't at all impressive and I have yet to hear anything impressive about them at higher lvls either. I have a friend who decided to lvl pup to 75 as his second job just because of it's bad rep and he wants to do it the best he can. He has all the attachments and gear and researches everything about it so if anyone can do it he can. Though he hasn't gotten past 30 I'll make sure to pay more attention to him when he does. But the bottom line is the job has problems in the way it is built.

          As for Timemage, it is one of the easier classic job concepts out there to implement in this game. All it needs is a unique spell list, which considering the nature of the class, can be easily done. If it's built as a beuffer/debuffer/magic DD it would surely be a welcome addition to the game. As of now the only real magic DDs are Blm and Smn, so giving Timemage a series of Dark elemental DD spells, non-elemental DDs spells and soft capped HP based DD spells would add it to the very small list of magic DDs. Throw in support buffs and debuffs and it could easily make up for it's small, but potent, list of DD spells in a party. It wouldn't be a strong a DD as blm, or as good a buffer/debuffer as Brd or Rdm, but it would still be able to work well in a pt and non pt situation.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

            *Going to start with what was listed*

            Mindcrafter/Psychic - um this is FF series right?

            Crussaier/Lancer/Chocobo Knight - Lancer can fall under DRG already, the other two not sure, Chocobo Knight would be cool, but I don't see SE doing this one unless we get mounted combat, this would just be a BST with a Chocobo pet.

            Gageteer/Technician/Chemist - Chemist yes please, make potions worth it in this game cause they are almost practically useless in most instances, and they would probably be able to use items on other players. Gadeteer/Technician or Machinest and Mechanic can fall under this, I think those ablities can be added under the PUP. Like come on automation aka robot <.<

            Time Mage - Yes I can see this happening next expansion, others have listed some good example of ablities for it.

            Geomancer - Same with this one! Nature based spells depending on the location you're at.

            Druid/Sage(Nature-based abilities and spells) - See Geomancer


            Dancer - would use daggers and/or whips if SE ever gives us that weapon. It would be simular to bard in many ways more combat based though.

            Mime - Ablitiy to mix and match ablities that you already learned through all your other jobs except 2hrs, as Mime level increases more slots for ablities he gets. This should be the last and final job that SE gives us
            "For too long, people just accepted their fate, their destiny. I for one, choose to fight it everyday, because to a man, there is no worthier an adversary." -Me

            Linkshells: WindurstCavalry | DarkLegacy


            • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

              Are you implying BLMs have a hard time getting merits? That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. The way you describe usefulness and balance make them one and the same. You say balance as how many times a job is useful... which is a way to measure its, gasp, usefulness. It's not that PUP isn't useful, it can easily do anything a WAR can and somethings a WAR can not, it simply can not do it as well. A lot of people want the best these days, and this causes people to distort their definitions of useless and useful. Just because a PUP is unable to deal more damage than a WAR doesn't mean it can not deal damage. And there are situations where a PUP is better than a WAR, but those situations don't come up as often as the "deal damage" situation. And I don't believe you've partied with a PUP passed 40. Name me one and I'll go ask him.

              On the topic, I guess I'll play your game. If FF had gain some new jobs, and I'd say two maximum because 20 is a pretty number, I guess I would go with...

              Geomancer. Its a classic and its the most original job out of the list. The way I would do it? I'd make it rather flexible. And I would use it to boost Woodworking. I see Geomancers as druid figures, probably from the Far West.

              They would be unable to use weapons or armor made of metal, only wood, cloth, and leather. They would have B-range archey skills, B or A-range club skills, B or A-range Staff skills, some low axe/great axe skills for stone-based axes like Orcish Axe and Voulge, and decent shield skill. For the most part, their weapons will be dependent on Woodworking, a craft currently in pain after the RNG nerf.

              The Geomancer will be a mix of a situational job and a item-based job(Ninja or Ranger for example). They cast few spells, all based on elements(aside from Light and Dark), with only a few tiers full. They will be likely tanks with Stoneskin, Blink, Spikes, and ect type buffs. They will probably a few Resist Virus traits, possibly Arcana Killer and Magic Defense Bonus.

              Geomancers can freely cast certain elemental spells based on weather/zone. If they were in Valkurm Dunes for example, they could cast Fire, Earth, and Water spells. If they were in Boyahda Tree, Thunder and Water spells. They wouldn't be able to naturally cast any other types of spells. This would make them kind of weak, but there is a fix. Geomancers will have Bells, which stack to 99 and are crafted from Goldsmithing. They simply use a Bell right out of their inventory while standing in a certain terrain or while a type of weather is going on. The Bell is converted into an Elemental Bell(Water Bell, Fire Bell, Earth Bell, ect), which also stack to 99 and are rare/ex. For example, if they used a Bell while standing in Water, they would get a Water Bell. If they used a bell while thunder weather was happening, they would get a Thunder Bell. Everytime they cast a spell, a bell is consumed. Geomancers, unless they wanted to be restricted to the elements of the zone(which require no bells when used) will need to "farm" these bells.

              Another type of spell I'd like to see Geomancers have would be a big boost to BLM's. Something like "Elemental Affinity" series of spells, an AoE bonus. Gives them a 10% to 15% bonus of the corresponding elemental spell, just like Elemental Staves, but does not stack with them. Let's say a BLM is about to do a Burst II: Geomancer gives him a 15% bonus that mimics Jupiter's Staff and the BLM can switch to a +INT wand instead for more damage/accuracy. As everyone isn't going to be able to party with a Geomancer and at LS events, BLMs are usually using multiple element spells(Burst II, Freeze II, ect spam comes to mind), it wouldn't hurt the Elemental Staff market too much.

              As for 2hr? Something with a "One with Nature" feel. No longer requires Bells for any spell and doubles the effect of all Geomancer spells(would be real nice with the Elemental Staff-like bonus I mentioned above, in addition to Stoneskin type spells).

              Tactically, Geomancers would either be tanks, buffers, or semi-DDs... or two of the previous list at once. If they are not tanks, they can fall back on their Range Attack skills while they buff up BLM/mages with Conserve MP(Water) and Thunder Affinity and Melee with Haste(Thunder) and Critical Rate Up(Thunder).

              Now for another job... hmm, what I really would want a Swashbuckling type job. Melee who uses light blade and a buckler and is an enfeebler in his attacks. The problem is... COR is a swashbuckler, high sword skill, high dagger skill, high parry skill, but no swashbuckling abilities. Its almost a crime. The best thing they could do is give COR these abilities I guess. Let's not forget RDMs also have the "Duelist" flavor, but also has no real swashbuckling ability.

              A- sword and dagger skill, B+ shield skill. They are restricted to small shields and light armor.

              The focus of a Swashbuckler would be on a group of Job Abilities that all share the same timer(like Bloodpacts or Maneuvers). They will be very similar to the THF's merited "Feint"(perhaps the only Swashbuckling flavor ability in the game), short in duration, but very potent.

              Some that come to mind: "Disarm" lowers the target's attack and in PvP would have a chance to unequip the target's weapon. "Sweep" could be a short-duration stun, perfect for stopping spells. "Penetrate" ignores defense on his next attack. "Bewilder" allows Sneak Attack to be used from any angle and the monster is twice more likely to be parried. "Feint" could return, probably under a different name since THF snatched that one up... then again two abilities doing the same thing isn't very nice for a merit ability.

              Two other job abilities: Parry Stance... a Counterstance for Parrying. And "Weapon Finese", timer is the same as Berserk, replaces the use of STR in attacks and weapon skills with DEX.

              Sadly, with COR and RDM, I think another swashbuckling class in FFXI is not likely.
              Read my blog.
              Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
              Entry 32: Death to Castro


              • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                Somebody's been reading the Complete Warrior sourcebook lately. >.>


                • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                  Read my blog.
                  Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                  Entry 32: Death to Castro


                  • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                    I was actually thinking of a swashbuckler job to, but I was thinking more along the lines of "fencer".
                    Originally posted by Ellipses
                    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                    Originally posted by MCLV
                    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                    More Sig:


                    • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                      Props to LegalFish, for being thus far the only one to explain and convince me why Geomancer would make a relevant addition to the job roster.

                      They call RDM overpowered, but but I'd sacrifice our pretty tier 3 nukes in exchange for a better balance between melee and magical abilities, perhaps something like Atk or Acc Bonus traits, or more prominent sword skill.

                      It'd play up the "duelist/swashbuckler/fencer" aspect quite nicely.
                      Last edited by BurningPanther; 12-31-2006, 10:42 PM.


                      • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                        I think geomancer would be ace, I imagine the weather effects being of some importance too,
                        I have to keep dreaming for a summon that takes more than one summoner to well erm summon lol.
                        maybe have something like the special dress-spheres from X-2. where its in 3 parts with each controlling a specific part of it. maybe that way we could have alexander at last.
                        I hope we get a beserker I used like that costume lol.
                        also Santa i would like to be a chocobo knight and have my choco tear stuff with its beak and claws while im sat on top slashing away!

                        well im off to start wishing again lol

                        Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                        • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                          Warrior should have been named "Berserker". Aside from their mastery of almost all the weapons in the game and Defender, there is nothing non-Berserker about them. Axes, sacrificing defensive ability for offensive ability, Warcry... ect.

                          Some other Swashbuckler abilities ;o I'd think there would be 8 to 10 total. When use as sub job, the timer is 1.5 longer.

                          Sunder Armor, gained at level 10: Dispel effect with the next attack. Only dispels "Physical" ability buffs, Stoneskin, Phalanx, Protect, and Shell. Would be sooo awesome on Crabs and ect in the beginning.

                          Taunting, gained at level 20: Next attack gives enmity equal to a provoke.

                          These are fun to make up.
                          Last edited by Legal Fish; 01-01-2007, 02:14 PM.
                          Read my blog.
                          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                          Entry 32: Death to Castro


                          • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                            How does Defender = Berzerker?

                            I agree that Berzerker is a fulling role for DD Warriors, but Warriors have many defencive abilities/armor/weapons available to them, and even though the playerbase dosn't often use them as tanks, they have the potential to be so.

                            Hence Warrior. Part Offencive, part Defencive.
                            Originally posted by Ellipses
                            Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                            Originally posted by MCLV
                            A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                            More Sig:


                            • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                              Originally posted by Satori View Post
                              I think geomancer would be ace, I imagine the weather effects being of some importance too...
                              well im off to start wishing again lol
                              I think it would be cool if the GEO worked kinda like how PUP has maneuvers.

                              Like imagine that there is 3 elements that have a skill set to them. And you combine the 3 to make an attack.

                              1 could be the actual weather/day. the other 2 you activate like spells.

                              SO like.. its ice day and you set 2 ice skills and you get a lvl3 ice-type spell.
                              Or its fire day and you do 2 waters' (liquefecation(sp)?) or something like that.

                              And it could be really cool when you add them in strange combos .eg WIND/ICE/THUND

                              Just a thought.. cuz im at work (hence the not logged on)



                              • Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                                Did you read my post? I said aside from their mastery of all weapons and defender. Their main weapons being axes and other abilities:

                                Mighty Strikes - Based on doing massive damage on a short, but somewhat irreverent.

                                Provoke - While not strictly barbaric or berserking, kind of spits on any chivalry / honor.

                                Berserk - Right on the dot.

                                Warcry - Also quite Barbaric.

                                Aggressor - Ditto.

                                Resist Virus - Wildmen/Barbarians are known to be especially immune to diseases and sicknesses as they survive in the toughest of conditions.

                                Warrior's Charge - From the name alone, the image of someone charging into battle brutishly is given. However, kind of neutral.

                                Tomahawk - Easy.

                                Savagery - Duh.

                                Aggressive Aim - Wildmen were also known as greater archers, and the name Aggressive Aim seems to go well with the style of the berserker.
                                Read my blog.
                                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                                Entry 32: Death to Castro

