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What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

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  • #31
    Re: Poll: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

    Originally posted by Haggai View Post
    Like this?


    Geomancer would be pretty neat.

    You made my day

    Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
    Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
    Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

    My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

    Susan>> Babies are just like people.
    Susan>> Just smaller.
    [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
    [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
    Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
    [GM]Dave>> ...
    [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


    • #32
      Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

      Originally posted by Ziero View Post
      There is one reason why we will never, ever see a Dancer job in this game.
      And that reason, is Galka
      LOL. Never say never. They added glittery underwear to the game. Don't underestimate Square-Enix's ability to contemplate the absurd.

      P.S. I'd play a Galka Dancer just to see the "O.o" looks on people's faces.



      • #33
        Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

        They let Male Humes/Elvaan wear subligar. They will let Galka dance.
        FFXIV Balmung Server
        Tenro Matashi


        • #34
          Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

          Originally posted by Wise Donkey View Post
          They let Male Humes/Elvaan wear subligar. They will let Galka dance.
          I don't think Humes/Elvaans look anywhere near as disturbing in a Subligar as my male Taru does.

          For purely personal reasons, I want DNC and GEO.


          • #35
            Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

            I had a very good thread back on alla years ago with a fully-detailed build for MSK (My abrev for Mystic Knight)

            I'll see if I can dig it up (looking as I type this) but essentially, back in FF5 almost any offense spell you could cast (you head to learn it first) you could also imbue onto weapons via sword magic. The catch was that they didn't last too long (usually 2-3 attack rounds) and used a fair bit of MP for an already small pool.

            The job was also usually used as your main tank, since it could wear most of the heavy armor and use shields. Magic Barrier was nice too for when you got knocked into critical HP.

            Ah Hah! Found my old thread on alla ^^b


            The first draft was rather over powered in terms of the job traits, and so I edited it today. Hope you like it, I'm going to be sending it in to SE.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #36
              Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

              I want Geomancer and Dancer.

              In regards to Karinya's post, I always found the status spells from the FFT Geomancers to be really useful, with some slight damage. I think that could be a good way to go if Geomancers were introduced into FFXI. Toss in some party buffs depending on terrain and you've got a support/healer.

              For an interesting twist, give the geomancers and ability to kind of make the terrain something else, maybe something similar to the Weepers Memory attacks. Tired and not feeling overly creative at the moment so say like Memory of Grass (lame I know) would give you access to grass type spells, assuming that Geomancer works the same as in previous games (mostly FFT) and you have to quest these abilities before you can use them.

              I think that it would be important to give Geomancers some kind of serious healing ability on par with what a red mage has, I would like another healing class out there besides smn. However I do not want Geomancer to have great potential like summoners do, but be forced to main heal.

              Dancers would just be cool :D Have them more as a debuffer with stat down dances similar to the dark knight absorb spells, str down, vit down, att down, acc down, etc. Give them some party buffs as well so that we have another class similar to brd, rdm, and cor.

              Yes we have 3 classes to do that, but even so they are in short supply, so another one wouldn't be bad IMO.

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • #37
                Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                There are basically only 4 positions to play anyway... Tank, DD, Heal, and Support. All of the classes fit either solidly into one of them or have abilities in more than one (versatile). Therefore, a new class is always going to step on someones toes as far as invites.


                • #38
                  Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                  If they made dancer play the way it did in FFT (complete with whips :3) then that'd just rock. Especially now with Aht Urhgan out, the AF could just be so wicked on a Mithra O . O;;

                  As for geomancer, I think SE could do a lot of things with it, namely weather. This is something that has only been used in FFT previously, and while it had no bearing on geomancy then, it could very well do so now.

                  For instance, suppose you're in Altepa and you use a spell that makes the sands swirl around enemies for damage? Well suppose now that it's double fire weather.... that sand is going to burn like hell!

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #39
                    Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                    Other - Dancer.


                    • #40
                      Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                      Definitely Chocobo Knight and Chemist, those jobs would rock. And of course Time Mage. I could totaly see every one of these coming from an expansion that opened up the lands to the Far South (the Mithran homeland).

                      I came up with a pretty complete spell list for Time Mage a while back, here's what I got:

                      TIME MAGIC
                      Haste II
                      Haste III
                      Hastega II
                      Slow II
                      Slow III
                      Slowga II
                      Regen II
                      Regen III
                      Regenra II
                      Refresh II

                      SPACE MAGIC
                      Warp II
                      Comet II
                      Meteor II

                      GRAVITY MAGIC
                      Demi II

                      I had not previously thought of Reflect, and I'm not completely sure which category it goes in. Probably Space Magic. Note that these are just the spells, how broken they are depends entirely on how they are implimented. Don't believe me? Look at Ruinous Omen. I don't see that one finding its way into AV strategies anytime soon.
                      Last edited by Toksyuryel; 12-22-2006, 10:18 AM. Reason: After careful reflection, remove stun(ga) from the Time Mage
                      Takotako ~ Black Mage 75 ~ White Mage 38 ~ Monk 37
                      Windurst Rank 10 ~ Zilart: Complete (Bushinomimi) ~ CoP: Complete (Tamas Ring) ~ ToAU: 33 ~ Assault: SP
                      [X] Sorcerer's Sabots
                      [X] Sorcerer's Gloves
                      [ ] Sorcerer's Coat
                      [ ] Wizard's Coat +1
                      [ ] Wizard's Petasos +1


                      • #41
                        Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                        Originally posted by Toksyuryel View Post
                        TIME MAGIC
                        Haste II
                        Haste III
                        Hastega II
                        Slow II
                        Slow III
                        Slowga II
                        Regen II
                        Regen III
                        Regenra II
                        Refresh II
                        Not a bad list, but we can already cross out Slow II and III. Since RDM already has Slow II, that removes Slow III and means nobody else is gonna get it. Native Slowga, and possibly Slowga II I can understand.

                        Haste II would be nice, I just don't see it working with out breaking things. Considering all the Haste gear NIN, MNKs, and WARs can get their hands on, they would be 100 Axe/Fists/Katana at all times with Haste II. Not to mention there's a cap to Haste isn't there? That would have to be removed.

                        I don't see Regen as fiting into Time Magic at all, and RDM should be allowed access to Regen II well before anybody else should. And with as much as I would love Regen II, I think it needs to stay a WHM ONRY spell.

                        Refresh? NO!

                        SPACE MAGIC
                        Warp II
                        Comet II
                        Meteor II
                        Warp & Warp II? These need to stay BLM spells, but Warpga would be nice! Make it like 300MP or something, and sends EVERYBODY to their HP. That would RAWK! Something in me says no Teleport spells, but make them Lv.70 and tie them into Empire areas. So don't give them Dem, Holla, etc and just give them new ones.

                        GRAVITY MAGIC
                        Demi II

                        I had not previously thought of Reflect, and I'm not completely sure which category it goes in. Probably Space Magic. Note that these are just the spells, how broken they are depends entirely on how they are implimented. Don't believe me? Look at Ruinous Omen. I don't see that one finding its way into AV strategies anytime soon.
                        Gravity I can understand, and as awesome as Graviga might look, I can't think of any real reason for it. Outside of possibly /recast on Gravity. What is Gravija though?

                        I think perhaps Time Mage should have Haste Job traits. Give some of those spells really high /recasts and then have it lowered from Haste Trait IV or something. Just an idea spawned from your ideas. ^^
                        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                        • #42
                          Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                          I want to see a priest ^^ Well more like a Necromancer... I know I'd play that job ^_^


                          • #43
                            Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                            Gravija is AoE Demi- it could be called Demiga, but traditionally it has been translated as Gravija (i.e. Diablos fight in FF8). Given how much Blue Mage and Corsair have shaken things up, I no longer view this list as overpowered. It would just shake more stuff up :D I have basically just taken the spells that make sense for a time mage, in the traditional sense. It could definitely go with some fine tuning but they are specialized in this kind of magic and as such ought to be the best at using it.

                            I've thought of a possible 2hr as well. I don't have a name for it, but it would last for 30 seconds and affect the whole party with Haste, Regen, Refresh, Aura, and Fast Cast. Also thought of a "seal" type ability called Temporal Seal, which would extend the duration of the next Time Magic spell cast. Also considering making Quicken a JA, and having it grant Fast Cast to the target (party members only).
                            Takotako ~ Black Mage 75 ~ White Mage 38 ~ Monk 37
                            Windurst Rank 10 ~ Zilart: Complete (Bushinomimi) ~ CoP: Complete (Tamas Ring) ~ ToAU: 33 ~ Assault: SP
                            [X] Sorcerer's Sabots
                            [X] Sorcerer's Gloves
                            [ ] Sorcerer's Coat
                            [ ] Wizard's Coat +1
                            [ ] Wizard's Petasos +1


                            • #44
                              Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                              lancer from FFT is a drg actually :O so that is in


                              • #45
                                Re: What jobs would you like to see added to FFXI in the next expansion?

                                Quick: Makes target's next swing happen at the moment the spell lands. Hurray for DRKs ;o Make it 0.5 second cast and a 5 second recast :D

                                Wait. We can post Flavor Flav pics now?

