I've just had a go at this (didn't find the chest)
I've seen there are 4 possible responces from your chocobo:
... = Nowhere near the spot to dig
kweh = You're Close
Kwehhh!? = You're Really Close.
K-KWEHHH!!! (You're right on top of it) = Obvious, keep digging here.
Unfortunatly I spent a bit too long digging in the kweh region thinking that was right before I spotted the 3rd responce. You then need several digs on the right spot, NPC says skills like Bore, Burrow and Treasure Hunter (chocobo ability) help by taking less digs when you hit the correct spot. Unfortunatly my chocobo became fatiqued after 1 did on the right spot, I had about 18 digs all together.
Hope this helps others find the chest faster, happy hunting.
Post what treasure you find here.
I've seen there are 4 possible responces from your chocobo:
... = Nowhere near the spot to dig
kweh = You're Close
Kwehhh!? = You're Really Close.
K-KWEHHH!!! (You're right on top of it) = Obvious, keep digging here.
Unfortunatly I spent a bit too long digging in the kweh region thinking that was right before I spotted the 3rd responce. You then need several digs on the right spot, NPC says skills like Bore, Burrow and Treasure Hunter (chocobo ability) help by taking less digs when you hit the correct spot. Unfortunatly my chocobo became fatiqued after 1 did on the right spot, I had about 18 digs all together.
Hope this helps others find the chest faster, happy hunting.
Post what treasure you find here.