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What would you do?

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  • What would you do?

    Okay, something just happened that really pissed me off and I just want to know how you would have handled the situation.

    So I get up bright and early on a Sunday morning to do some mining in Yughott Grotto. The past few times I've headed down there there's been 4-6 people mining, so finding unclaimed mining points was a little difficult...which is the whole reason I got up early on a Sunday morning. It's crappy Iceday, but I figure what the hell, I'll at least get some zincs and irons, not phat bank, but whatever.

    Anyways, I'm heading through Yughott and there's only one other person in there, a JP mining herself. I figure no big deal and go on my way; 2 people isn't so bad when it comes to mining. I'm moving along and I come to the chamber where Ash spawns, and there's nobody camping him for once, so I figure screw it, I'll kill some Orc's and try and get him to pop. I was getting crap mining, but I figured a 100k priest's robe would make the day a win in my book.

    So I'm going through, killing orcs left and right. I'm only a 32 MNK, so it takes me a minute but I clear the room, all while said JP watches me. JP didn't kill a single orc, just stood there watching me (in full mining gear) take them all out, so I figure she isn't looking for ash, so no big deal.

    Next thing you know, Ash pops, and she runs straight to him and claims him before I get a chance. I'm firing off tells left and right, (Notorious Monster) (Can I Have It?), etc. but being that she's 75, she takes him out in like 2 shots.

    Of course, I'm REALLY pissed off, and I'm trying to send her tells in auto translate to explain that she just let me do all the damn dirty work, and then reaped all the rewards, but of course all I get back to everything is (I Don't KNow How To Answer That Question) (Sorry). After a few minutes trying to explain through auto translate that she screwed me, I gave up and logged.

    Is there any recourse for this? My brother (who doesn't play FFXI) kept telling me to call a GM, but I really didn't think there's anything they could have done. Is there a rule against being an asshole in the TOS? Could a GM call have gotten anything done here? I'm just curious, because to be honest, if people can just go down there and steal NM's I'm not going to waste my time camping for them.

    Does this happen a lot? I'm always courteous when I go down there and always check before I start wacking orc's to get him to pop. And am I wrong in being as pissed off as I am? Like I said, the JP sat there and watched me kill orcs for a good 10 minutes, checked me once, and then just sat and waited for him to pop. All I can say is she's lucky there isn't PvP in FFXI otherwise I would be ganking her everytime I see her...
    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

    Check out my blog! =>

  • #2
    Re: What would you do?

    Sad thing is there isn't much you can do. When I was camping my Jelly Ring with some friends we had gotten some aggro while we were waiting. When this happened the NM spawned but we weren't worried since it wasn't being camped. All of a sudden from out of no where a 75 Bard came by and stole our claim! It stood there getting attacked until a 75 Ninja came by and the two of them took forever to kill it.

    We got upset and we stood there making fun of them with the auto-translate. Not the most mature thing to do but we were powerless to do anything else. We had to wait for them to kill it and then wait for it to respawn again.

    The fact of the matter is that there are dicks out there that do not care how hard you have been working. They will do whatever they want and not show any ounce of remorse. At least you got a response, we got ignored. Just tough it out and remember these people if they ever need help.
    You kill one man, your a murderer
    Kill many and your a conquerer
    Kill them all... your a God.


    • #3
      Re: What would you do?

      It's rude, but fair under the rules. NMs that don't automatically spawn claimed are fair game to anyone. :/ Just chalk it up to experience and move on; at least you only lost 10 minutes of work - I've lost 9+ hours to this sort of thing before. It happens - you just have to deal with it.



      • #4
        Re: What would you do?

        Yeah, it can be frustrating sometimes. I've worked through PH cycles for hours on NMs only to lose the claim. Its a part of the game unfortunately.

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • #5
          Re: What would you do?

          Like above posters have said, there is not much you can do. /blist that player and move on. Try not to let it get to you, karma is a bitch and that person will get what they have coming to them one day.
          FFXIV Balmung Server
          Tenro Matashi


          • #6
            Re: What would you do?

            You just got jacked. There's not much more to it. Most people will do that. Its a free for all for NM's. In a perfect world they would help atleast, but this is life, if they see it, they're going to try to grab it and I suggest you do the same. That of course is a dick move, but when in Rome, do as the Romans. Very few people will run by an unclaimed NM with a good drop without attempting to claim it or take advantage of your hard work.
            Last edited by DieselBoy09; 12-17-2006, 03:35 PM.
            Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


            • #7
              Re: What would you do?

              NM claiming is not about who pops it. But all about who claims it. I'm sorry but that's to be expected really.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: What would you do?

                You know how just by showing up you don't own every mob in the area. Well, NM's are mobs too.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #9
                  Re: What would you do?

                  Originally posted by Jei View Post
                  NM claiming is not about who pops it. But all about who claims it. I'm sorry but that's to be expected really.
                  Honestly, in my travels in game, I've never seen something like that, or had that happen to me before. Maybe I was just naive, but everytime I go down to Yughott I always check to make sure Ash isn't being camped before I make a play for him. It's just courtesy in my opinion. If it's a common thing for that to happen, I can't even fathom camping NM's that take days to pop.

                  Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                  You know how just by showing up you don't own every mob in the area. Well, NM's are mobs too.
                  Of course I'm aware of that, and I always make it a point to make sure I'm not encroaching on another player's claim. If the other person hadn't watched me take out every orc in the room, and had just happened to be on their way through and saw him, I would've been disappointed, but understood, they might not have known. Hell, if the other person had even helped killed a few mobs to get him to pop sooner, I would have been cool with it. What I had issue with was the fact that they just went ahead and let me do all the dirty work, and then stole it out from under me. Like I said earlier, maybe I was just naive. From now on, it's a whole new ballgame in this dog eat dog world...
                  I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                  -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                  Check out my blog! =>


                  • #10
                    Re: What would you do?

                    This is sadly the common case for me. NM camping has become a really hostile activity. Everyone wants the NM. They will claim it. You must be really lucky to meet competitors that let you claim NM for cleaing the mob. But rest assure, that is not a common thing these days.

                    It's claim or nothing. And everyone around you will see you as their enemy. Nice people will talk to you nicely but don't expect them to spare the NM still.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      Re: What would you do?

                      Unfortunately, with the way the economy is at this point in time, moneymaking is even more brutal than ever. People can and will quietly hide in the background until that NM pops. Personally, If I were in your situation, I'd have stopped killing the orcs. Better neither of you gets the NM than someone else benefits from your hard work.


                      • #12
                        Re: What would you do?

                        That JP player is not against the ToS, she is not using bot or hack. Before you start camping NM, you should expect that there is a chance of you to claim the NM, or there is a chance for other to claim the NM in the same area. There is no written rule that the NM belongs to the person who clears the spawn holders.
                        Server: Quetzalcoatl
                        Race: Hume Rank 7
                        75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                        • #13
                          Re: What would you do?

                          I find FFXI claim system to be very fair.

                          Another MMO I play, Anarchy Online, is based on dmg. Be it a party or single player, whichever groups does 51% dmg to the mob first will get loot right.

                          Imagine you spawned a mob, while you are fighting it, some high level player pops up and insta kills the mob you were fighting and gets loot rights.

                          In AO, a low level player will have no chance competing against a high level player. In FFXI, lower level players has a chance of getting loot rights.
                          /em wave hand across chest

                          /s This is not the sig you are looking for. . .


                          • #14
                            Re: What would you do?

                            Not to sound like the ass or anything, but the other player did absolutely nothing wrong in any way shape or form IMO. I don't even consider what she did rude to do. It's an NM, it's fair game until it's claimed as long as other players aren't directly hindering your chance to claim. Just because you were clearing the room didn't give you any more privalege to claim the NM then the other player. In fact as an NM camper myself, I know not to clear entire rooms myself as that only hinders my chances.

                            In cases like this, you'll want to research which single mob is the *real* PH and keep a lock down on him ignoring the other mobs. Clearing the room keeps you busy while allowing more veteran NM campers to wait for repops, one of which can be the NM. I would have sat and watched too, and claimed when I saw it pop. But that's more because I have a better understanding of how lottery NMs pop and know clearing rooms can hurt more then help.

                            Now don't get me wrong, there are many things that just don't fall under the 'fair game till claimed' thing. Besides bots and hacks, which are obvious, I'm not one to just let someone who claimed an NM die while I sit and not help. If you claimed an NM and get a link, I'll help with the link as best I can. Or if you get claim and would like to use my TH2, I'll gladly join up and promptly pass on any money items that do drop. As in those situations you got initial claim fair and square so it's all good in my book. But from the time the mob shows up, till the time it's name changes color, it's every man for themselves. Or at least IMO.

                            So to answer the original question, if that was me I would have /clapped and went back to mining.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #15
                              Re: What would you do?

                              It's funny but they have the same claim system as AO in EQ and on my server at least people who KS'd (kill steal) were generally reviled by the server and their lives were made a misery because there's always a higher player than you who will happily follow you around and KS you for a day or two till you get the idea. That, and the GMs actually did their job in EQ and enforced rules against KS'ing. It was simple, the first person to damage the mob, who had a sufficient force to kill it, were deemed the legitimate claimants. This avoided asshats tagging a mob first and kiting it around for hours till their raid force / friends turned up to help kill it.

                              Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                              Not to sound like the ass or anything, but the other player did absolutely nothing wrong in any way shape or form IMO. I don't even consider what she did rude to do.
                              If you don't see anything wrong with someone clearing the room for a PH mob until it pops while someone else stands around watching and waiting to claim then I think your morals are fucked up. Whilst it may be supported by the shitty rules of the game it's still the actions of asshole pulling a stunt like that. You're essentially showing zero respect for the person who is trying to get the mob to pop, at least have the decency to help him clear the mobs if you're going to try and claim it as well especially considering the person concerned was 75 and could kill the trash in one or two hits. I'm half-expecting some Japanese apologist to come along now and say he probably let you clear the mobs because he thought you wanted the xp off them.
                              Last edited by Grizzlebeard; 12-18-2006, 08:46 AM.

