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Man I miss FFXi

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  • Man I miss FFXi

    So Iv flown to California this week for business, and man I miss FFXI!

    I think its maybe a blessing in disguise really, maybe I was getting too much into it lol.

    I think since I started playing, I have had maybe 3 days of not playing (not including this week). Im having to get my fixes by visiting here every day!

  • #2
    Re: Man I miss FFXi

    Sounds like you really like the game. That's good. Just don't let it take over your life - that's bad!



    • #3
      Re: Man I miss FFXi

      OMG been there I used to play 3 hours a day 4/5 days a week and 2a.m-3/4a.m on weekends since i work nights I was pegged as an addict.
      In my first 3 months I cloched up mabey a week in play time which is nothing

      It ain't tanking unless you get hit
      To those who are about to tank I salute you.


      • #4
        Re: Man I miss FFXi

        Ya we can all mostly relate. A few weeks ago I had to go out of town for about 4-5 days. Man I was jonesin' to play FF. I was here reading/posting or at the FF Wiki just read about random things. Ha.

        But sometimes it's good to take a quick little break from the game. Take care of some outside business, or what have you. And besides, when you return the game just roxOrz that much more.

        PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
        Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
        When ignorance reigns, life is lost


        • #5
          Re: Man I miss FFXi

          lol this game is great i've been on for a year and have played roughly 5/6 months of that time

          It ain't tanking unless you get hit
          To those who are about to tank I salute you.


          • #6
            Re: Man I miss FFXi

            I try to limit myself to doing Quests and quick missions during the week or lvling a craft a few lvls. then come friday i'm on usually 6pm-2am expin or campin a NM.

            Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


            • #7
              Re: Man I miss FFXi

              lol this game is great i've been on for a year and have played roughly 5/6 months of that time
              Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
              75 Summoner
              58 White Mage
              Pandemonium Server


              • #8
                Re: Man I miss FFXi

                Originally posted by Likibiki View Post
                Ahahaha, yea Kurb, umm...that's a really large amount of play time. XD That'd take about 12 hours a day, daily, but I'm guessing you're just estimating. >_>

                Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                • #9
                  Re: Man I miss FFXi

                  o god yeaill check the exact time later

                  It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                  To those who are about to tank I salute you.


                  • #10
                    Re: Man I miss FFXi

                    I go in spurts, I'll play everyday for like 2-3 weeks, then the fam starts getting all twitchy about it, so I ramp it down to Monday from 5pm-9ish, Fridays from 6pm-when I pass out, and then off and on over the weekend depending on what I'm up to. My linkshell is all about switching jobs around, so I'm always bouncing back and forth from job to job depending on who's ol and what they're levelling. Kinda frustrating that I've been playing almost a year and my main is only a 33 MNK, but everything else is anywhere from 10-30, so I've always got something to play no matter where I'm currently at without a lot of running around...makes it easy to just jump in and play ^^
                    Mining and unlocking advanced jobs has been occupying most of my time lately...I need some serious bank if I'm going to pick up that emperor's hairpin I want so bad...
                    Funny thing is, I started out with the intention of being a strictly part-time player, but some weeks it's definitely a full time job
                    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                    Check out my blog! =>


                    • #11
                      Re: Man I miss FFXi

                      nope play time aout 50 days 12 hours......I was way off

                      It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                      To those who are about to tank I salute you.


                      • #12
                        Re: Man I miss FFXi

                        My best friend joined back before CoP came out. He's much more of a hack n slash fan though and didn't like the necessary time needed for FFXI. So, he quit. A while back I went down to visit him and wanted to get on to check a few things. The problem was, he never got any of the expansions and I was in Whitegate. I ended up calling a friend and giving him my info so he could move me to sandy. I was leaving the next day anyway but I didn't feel like waiting that long. At one point I even called a few EBs in the area to see if they had any copies of AU for the PS2... just so I could use his ps2 for that night.

                        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                        • #13
                          Re: Man I miss FFXi

                          That means you are having a lot of fun in the FFXI :D

                          I am going to take a break from the game (got burn out) =/
                          Server: Quetzalcoatl
                          Race: Hume Rank 7
                          75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                          • #14
                            Re: Man I miss FFXi

                            I played religously my first 2 years. Then I would take a break every now and then, but would get right back into it. However, I have only logged in twice since FFXII came out.
                            Thing is, I discovered a new world out there. Starting taking Martial Arts with my daughter, so that takes up a lot of time, and spending a lot more time with my kids. I am afraid to get back on cause I don't want to get sucked in. Plus, FFXII reminded me what it was like to play a game and not have to wait a couple of hours to get anything done

                            I will still stay on, mostly because of the friends I have made, but going totry not to get sucked back in.


                            • #15
                              Re: Man I miss FFXi

                              Lol yeah I guess it was starting to take over a bit. I mean, I make sure I have time to spend with my kid but I probably neglected some time with the other half.

                              Thing is, I miss them 2 much more than I miss the game so when I get home Ill make it up to them

                              And then Ill start playing again.....

