I have to admit. The new experience ring is awesome when it comes to leveling. Pop that 75% and I'm killing EP for 75 xp. But why is it that I see people talking about soloing just fine? In the thief job section I see people talking about soloing on their thief. Is solo play possible now? I ask because I'm a lvl 9 warior in Windhurst, and was wondering when I should start partying and where. P.s. if you're on Remora, I need a brass ass ;D
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All this talk of solo
Re: All this talk of solo
Solo's possible with the right gear on the right mobs, for most jobs.
It's never going to be as fast as a good exp party though, with the possible exception of BST on some mobs (bombs for instance).
Just to advise, the Empress band (50% bonus, 1000 exp total) is better than the chariot band for the most part as it gives more of a bonus.
Most people start partying around level 10-12, but it's fairly easy to solo to 15ish... just not particularly fast.Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams75 Summoner58 White MagePandemonium Server
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Re: All this talk of solo
Ya as Liki said, get the empress band. You'll find the bonus to be greater than that of the Chariot band.
And secondly, most people solo their job from 1-10, sometimes up 15ish (like Liki said), but after that it becomes more desirable to join/form parties as exp will roll in much faster. Once you see you can start getting 150-250exp from kills, you'll wonder why you wasted so much time soloing things for 25-50exp for kills.
PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
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Re: All this talk of solo
In more direct reference to what you read on a Thief forum...
Certain jobs have level windows where it is easier to solo for decent XP. The Thief job can solo Mandies in Kazham with Status bolts during the lower to mid 30's I believe, but other than that level range soloing as a THF is fairly unproductive.
DRG and SMN have good soloing periods also, I believe, but I am not as familiar with those jobs.FFXIV Balmung Server
Tenro Matashi
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Re: All this talk of solo
Plus as a thf...it seems you can't get a party if you tried.
I'm pretty much a Noob. Played for about six months but had to quit due to finances...now I'm back but I'm afraid that as a noob I won't know how to party by the time I'm 15th... I'm still trying to get my head around macros.
I solo pretty well...this is my third week back and I'm 7th lv thief and 7th lv war (so I could do the welcome to bastok quest). I understand more of the game now but I'm so not ready for parties.
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Re: All this talk of solo
Plus as a thf...it seems you can't get a party if you tried.
I solo pretty well...this is my third week back and I'm 7th lv thief and 7th lv war (so I could do the welcome to bastok quest). I understand more of the game now but I'm so not ready for parties.
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Re: All this talk of solo
hmmm thf or war >< i hate making decisions on what job to lvl myself.... but both are pretty much sought after war moreso than thf (untill 15) . SO solo till 15 or (till you get an invite) with either.
Skoal is wise tell people that your new or they will kick you from parties <if your unlucky>. Most will actually help you and tell you what to do and give you some gear/food if your blessed.
Type this /shout <linkshell> <can I have it>.
Something I found out at lvl 18 you need an ls so get 1 you make buddies that usually will help you with raise and valuable info..Last edited by Kurb; 12-04-2006, 08:42 AM.
It ain't tanking unless you get hit
To those who are about to tank I salute you.
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Re: All this talk of solo
My usual MO is to solo to 10-12, then head to La Thiene Plateau/Konschtat Highlands, put up my LFP flag, and solo. If I get an invite, great, if I don't, solo XP is still decent at that level.FFXIV Balmung Server
Tenro Matashi
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Re: All this talk of solo
Well THF is an amazing solo'er at high levels, but a lot of jobs can be with /NIN and Utsu:Ichi/Ni. But I think THF's are especially good with all their evasion bonuses up to that point, they can solo quite a bit, and farm even better at those levels. Although before then, with only Utsu:Ichi, THF is not quite so great in the solo department.
Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D
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Re: All this talk of solo
Bold..maybe...but it's said alot on the forums.
What is good solo vs bad solo? Are you guys solely basing this on exp and leveling?
I say this because I approach this game like every ff game since 1...it's slow. But it's fun that way....I've got all those quests todo and missions and traveling and such.
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Re: All this talk of solo
Don't party until level 12+. You do better at 15 (Sneak Attack), since those crabs have really heavy defense. A good thief can still lay down damage while the crab is taking miniscule damage from others.
Instead of a Dagger, you should use H2H on early levels of thief, until you get to 24. Reason for this is Sneak Attack stacks up with Combo. So your macro should look like this.
/ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
/wait 1
/ws "Combo" <t>
When you get to the ending of Qufim Island, switch over to Dagger and you can use Sneak Attack + Shadowstitch.
When you get to 31+ you should be stacking Sneak Attack + Trick Attack + Viper Bite, prior to getting Viper Bite (Dagger WS) you should be using Shadowstitch still for SATA.
/ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
/wait 1
/ja "Trick Attack" <me>
/wait 1
/ws "Viper Bite" <t>
I just took my thief to 37, and this is what I learned from it...
Tarutaru's don't output more damage than Mithra's as thiefs. T_T.
Oh, and solo, you'll need sleep bolts so you can actually get sneak attack off on the mob, otherwise, if your just soloing you pretty much waste 2 of the thief's best abilities.Hacked on 9/9/09
FFXIAH - Omniblast
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Re: All this talk of solo
The most common thing that everyone does, is usually head over to Valkurm Dunes. Level 11-20 most average game players go to Valkurm Dunes. If you could get some people to go to Palbourgh Mines (sp) that would be a better location and better exp, since there is far less crowding in those areas. Or even Buburimu Pennisula. As well as Maze of Shiki-something (sp).Hacked on 9/9/09
FFXIAH - Omniblast
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