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Spiny Spipi

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  • #16
    Re: Spiny Spipi

    I have been told that it should pop after 90 mins however as I have only ever seen the thing once in the whole time ive camped it (it kills me inside each time I camp and it never shows ) I couldnt confirm that for you.

    The time I camped it and it did spawn it took 2 hours almost on the dot for it to show yet another time I camped it for 5 hours and it never turned up even though I was killing everything in sight and I was spamming widescan inbetween


    • #17
      Re: Spiny Spipi

      Thanks rain. Same here. Everytime I killed it and go back in about 1 hour and 15 min I wait until like 30 min later and still no pop. Darn nm time is mess up.


      • #18
        Re: Spiny Spipi

        as whitemage you maybe want to get a Pilgrim's Wand
        good thing, drops 100%
        best item for resting till you hit level 51 i guess.

        drops Sarutabaruta West from Nunyenunc (level 12 bird) around H-5 to I-6.
        some say 1 hour lottery spawn.

        good work on spiny though



        • #19
          Re: Spiny Spipi

          about 1 1/2 hrs between pops for me. I highly Suggest Widescan for this one.
          and stay on chocobo as long as u can to move around faster. Easy to kill any 20+ job.


          • #20
            Re: Spiny Spipi

            Originally posted by Daos View Post
            Hmm, well I can't imagine a white mage such as I will have much use for a Rabbit Charm or Bounding Boots. But maybe next time I face a notorious monster, I'll have better luck. Or maybe some help.
            You might want to go to West Sarutabaruta and fight Penyununc. Notorious Monster Crow that drops the Pilgrim's Wand (+2MPH), which is great for any mage pre-51. It's a level 10 wand, and the NM could problably be killed at 13-16 with WHM. I drank some Pineapple juice, and I killed him as a level 12 SMN/WHM wielding the Ceremonial Dagger (+10MP but crap damage). i even did a Distortion Skillchain (Poison Nails > Wasp Sting) for 4 damage.

            Anyway, you killed Spini Spipi so you should be able to take this guy. I started a thread when i first came back here: Ignore page 2, it's mostly stuff concerning the Avatar fights that i posted in another post on SMN thread.

            Not hard. Spawn area is pretty big though. I found him a little east of the outpost, against the rocks on the northern side where the yagudo usually walk around some crawlers.


            • #21
              Re: Spiny Spipi

              there's no "exact" time that the NM will spawn. there is, on the otherhand, a minimum time b/w the time of death and when the NM can repop again.


              • #22
                Re: Spiny Spipi

                i have heard the min time is 30 minutes, and with a lottery spawn, it can take forever to get them back into the fight.

                I camped spini for a week when i was on vacation, and i got him to pop 18 times. One of the times, it took 9 hours for him to pop
                it wasn't me... no wait... it was.

