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  • #16

    Originally posted by Jonastb View Post
    From his post, he is a person who enjoys playing but has no close ties. SO WHAT!!!!

    Not everone develops close relationships in this game. They also don't all play it all of the time. Maybe all of his friends left, maybe he took a break. The fact is he asked for help and got elitist bull.
    FFXI is a MMORPG. As in "Massively Multiplayer" - and few, if any, MMORPGs are as team-oriented as FFXI. If you choose to not participate and make friends, then that's your own business. Sometimes people quit, true. But seriously, not everyone in this game is poison ivy; there are a lot of nice players in the playerbase, and finding nice people who you get along with is not that hard as long as you put just a bit of effort into socializing.

    My point is that anyone who is friendless in this game is generally that way by choice - and for someone who is 8 levels away from end-game to not be able to muster enough firepower for a simple artifact armor run speaks volumes about how little attention has been paid to those relationships.

    I'm not criticizing the choice to not socialize; I am criticizing the lack of recognition that these are group activities, and that the only way you're going to get them done is by persuading a group of people to help you.

    If you don't want to socialize, that's fine and dandy; no one else is paying your fees. But if you don't, then you should accept the reality that you really are on your own, and that there are a ton of things in the game that you're just not going to be able to do solo.

    Last edited by Icemage; 12-04-2006, 12:09 PM. Reason: Clarity


    • #17

      Just adding to what IceMage said here...

      Moaku Hyena makes it sound in his OP that he is asking for help getting to the staging areas, which is all fine and dandy, don't get me wrong. However the fact that he is shouting in jeuno for that kind of help also implies to me either his friends are too busy to help him get there, or he doesn't know anyone who can help him get those.

      If it is the latter case, he is going to run into the same problem when he goes to do the fights for the two pieces of his AF that require a NM fight.

      I honestly do not view telling someone that they should make some more connections as being elitist, this is a team game, almost everything requires a group to do, with only a handful of jobs either able to do these things on their own, or fill multiple roles in a party and reduce the number of people needed in order to succesfully complete the mission/quest.

      And Omgwtfbbqkitten, I wouldn't be so hard on him for the RMT/MPK issue. I have tried 6 times to make it to the well to unlock paladin, I have been mpk'd 5/6 of those times. The sixth time I got a lvl 75 rdm friend to come with me, we fought through 3 waves of MPK attempts in an effort to reach the well, even so we almost got killed twice. The only reason we lived was because I had a bunch of juices and ethers on me at the time, and the fact that I came as drg/rdm.

      So yes, I can see that he could be having problems with RMT and his AF because I was nowhere near a NM or anything that they wanted when they mpk'd me. I've seen what they do when they want a piece of AF and it ain't pretty.

      You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

      I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


      • #18

        Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
        There was quite a few people who got BLU to 75 before the AF was added. We're they all gimps aswell?
        If you bumrushed COR, BLU or PUP to be one of the people who said they got to 75 on it first, then yeah, I have to say you were pretty much gimping yourself and not fully exploring the job.

        Seriously, we've still got a few of them parading around job forums like they know something about the job when they staticed and pressed it to 75 as inhumanly fast as possible. How much did they really learn?

        And Omgwtfbbqkitten, I wouldn't be so hard on him for the RMT/MPK issue. I have tried 6 times to make it to the well to unlock paladin, I have been mpk'd 5/6 of those times. The sixth time I got a lvl 75 rdm friend to come with me, we fought through 3 waves of MPK attempts in an effort to reach the well, even so we almost got killed twice. The only reason we lived was because I had a bunch of juices and ethers on me at the time, and the fact that I came as drg/rdm.
        How does one get MPKed for trying to unlock Paladin in Davoi? Really, even if somone could prevent you from unlocking the job, why would they and how did they do it? MPK by the old means just doesn't happen anymore and that's what you seem to be describing.

        I think that's just paranoia talking.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 12-03-2006, 03:08 PM.


        • #19

          Why MPK'd on the way to PLD's well? What were the MPKer trying to get there?
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #20

            How does one get MPKed for trying to unlock Paladin in Davoi? Really, even if somone could prevent you from unlocking the job, why would they and how did they do it? MPK by the old means just doesn't happen anymore and that's what you seem to be describing.
            It's exactly what I described. It normally went with a guy running past me and casting bind+warp on an orcish gladiator followed by 10+ other orcs when I was resting for mp or reapplying sneak/invis. They used orcish dragoons and other mobs from that area when my rdm friend and I went in. Either that or they would run past me and then cast warp.

            Why MPK'd on the way to PLD's well? What were the MPKer trying to get there?
            Heck if I know, I didn't know the players or why they would do that. Rather frustrating to say the least. I'll give the benefit of a doubt to the people who ran past me and then casted warp, which happened two, maybe three times, but the people who used bind for sure tried to mpk me.

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #21

              Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
              It's exactly what I described. It normally went with a guy running past me and casting bind+warp on an orcish gladiator followed by 10+ other orcs when I was resting for mp or reapplying sneak/invis. They used orcish dragoons and other mobs from that area when my rdm friend and I went in. Either that or they would run past me and then cast warp.
              Yeah, mobs will aggro people resting at times.

              But if you're just trying to get past these mobs and you're having to rest for MP, then these supposed MPKers are doing so because they know you needed MP.

              The solution is simple - bring sneak oil, prisim powders for sneak and invis or juices to restore MP (which can be crafted or purchaced at the Merry Minstral in Lower Jeuno). Another way is to fall into the river and follow it down to where the well in davoi is, the only thing you'll have to worry about down there are the pugil mobs, which aggro sound and the possible sight aggro by on orc on upper levels.

              With sneak oils, you can save MP and just reapply in a safe spot.

              There will still be the jelly mobs to deal with near the well - and they aggro sound. You can click on the well, losing sneak and get the key item, but sneak will wear when you click, so do so with caution or just accept that they're going to kill you. Bring a high level friend just in case.


              • #22

                I thought they changed binding so that it would only aggro the person who used it?
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #23

                  That was before the patch I guess. Personal grudge? I don't know any other reason : /
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    If you bumrushed COR, BLU or PUP to be one of the people who said they got to 75 on it first, then yeah, I have to say you were pretty much gimping yourself and not fully exploring the job.
                    Seriously, we've still got a few of them parading around job forums like they know something about the job when they staticed and pressed it to 75 as inhumanly fast as possible. How much did they really learn?
                    Theres a couple of people on my server who did this with blu and I doubt you will ever find someone who can play the job better than them so stop grouping everyone in your statements. AF isnt the only gear that can make Blu or Cor good.
                    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                    Woodworking 91.9+2
                    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by Aeolus View Post
                      Theres a couple of people on my server who did this with blu and I doubt you will ever find someone who can play the job better than them so stop grouping everyone in your statements. AF isnt the only gear that can make Blu or Cor good.
                      Did I say AF was the only thing needed to make a COR, BLU or PUP good?

                      No, I didn't. So you can stop placing your words in my mouth, thank you very much.

                      There were people who bumrushed the jobs 75 like it was some race and didn't take much time to learn the nuances of said jobs in the process. You simply cannot learn to play a job to your fullest in that short span of time, regardless of prior job experience.

                      Sorry if you don't like the truth in that, I'm not saying your friends aren't good (in fact, where did I say that, because you took it really personally) but a lot of people have levelled these jobs for little more than another feather in their cap. If you look at the COR and PUP population right now, I can't find more than 30 CORs at a time on Titan and our "trailblazers" don't even touch the job now.

                      Its not because these jobs need adjustments, really, its more to the end those jobs have consumable expenses that BLU doesn't. The only real stopgap for BLU is getting the spells and I think those that level for the sake of levelling ahead of getting of these spell to be subpar at the job, as well as the ones that just spam Bludgeon or another spell.

                      BLUs are getting better, hard to gauge other CORs and PUPs because they're so rare now and again, expense is a big part of that. One of the BLUs I PTed with recently was quite impressive because he wasn't just a melee blue, he played a support BLU in one of my later PTs. He's tapped the real potential here and I doubt many of his forerunners did that.

                      And get a grip, generalizations happen for a reason. I never see many criticisms of BRDs and that's because people let the fact that a BRD is a BRD override thier judgement. In the minds of many, a BRD can't not be good. And that... is a generalization, is it not? It has to be because I've had some godawful BRDs lately.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 12-04-2006, 12:06 PM.


                      • #26

                        You quoted Kafeen talking about AF then said people who bumrushed the job to 75 were not fully exploring it. To me that sounds like you are saying they didnt fully explore it because AF wasnt out.
                        75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                        Woodworking 91.9+2
                        ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                        • #27

                          Back to the OP, I understand where Icemage is coming from when he talks about your friendships in the game (or lack there of). I'm on Midgardsormr, my highest job is 37 whm and I have more friends that are 50-75 then I do around my own lvl, not because I don't pt but because the people I usually end up pting with all have much higher lvl jobs. I have had several instances where I needed help with something and everyone in all three of the LS I was part of were busy. So I took my knowledge of what I needed and did a /sea all (whatever job I felt like I needed to help me) and polietly asked for some help. Sometimes I would run across an someone that was rude about denying me help but most of the times I would get someone to help me and make a friend, then later on down the road they would need help with something and I would remember them and offer to help even if I was doing something (other then pting). Just learn to use the resources that the game has given you to get things done. And just like the others have said this is a game where you are going to need some friends eventually, why not have alot of them before you need them.

                          Created by Eohmer


                          • #28

                            People who went BLU/NIN to 75, spamming their biggest damage spells make me sad.

                            Honestly, most BLU just go BLU/NIN or BLU/THF and go OMGDMG because they think it's the only way to play.

                            Why stand around for ages waiting for a healer when you have a BLU who can just go /WHM, grab some MP gear and take that role? If anything, it's better than SMN/WHM at endgame because it's bloody hard to use avatars when everyone's running around from mob to mob every 10 seconds and getting hit for 250dmg -aga 3 or Cursed Sphere...

                            ... then there's those that don't have Sea (or even CoP) but want to go to 75 without getting their higher tier spells... don't get me started on that one.

                            PUP is awesome when played well, though. I had my reservations (and still do, because frankly the job seems pointless to me) but it's actually pretty good as a backup tank, light DD from the player and the automaton blasting the shizzle out of things with their spells.

                            COR... not too sure about that. Maybe it's my bad luck but I've not met one who's even competent yet, most of them land 2 rolls at best and just stand there meleeing... or if I'm lucky using the occasional bullet... I'd assume that when played well, COR are good and also versatile, but I've just not seen it.

                            Then again, every job has bad players. There just seems to be a lot of them in the new jobs...
                            Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
                            75 Summoner
                            58 White Mage
                            Pandemonium Server


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by Likibiki View Post
                              People who went BLU/NIN to 75, spamming their biggest damage spells make me sad.

                              Honestly, most BLU just go BLU/NIN or BLU/THF and go OMGDMG because they think it's the only way to play.

                              Why stand around for ages waiting for a healer when you have a BLU who can just go /WHM, grab some MP gear and take that role? If anything, it's better than SMN/WHM at endgame because it's bloody hard to use avatars when everyone's running around from mob to mob every 10 seconds and getting hit for 250dmg -aga 3 or Cursed Sphere...

                              ... then there's those that don't have Sea (or even CoP) but want to go to 75 without getting their higher tier spells... don't get me started on that one.

                              PUP is awesome when played well, though. I had my reservations (and still do, because frankly the job seems pointless to me) but it's actually pretty good as a backup tank, light DD from the player and the automaton blasting the shizzle out of things with their spells.

                              COR... not too sure about that. Maybe it's my bad luck but I've not met one who's even competent yet, most of them land 2 rolls at best and just stand there meleeing... or if I'm lucky using the occasional bullet... I'd assume that when played well, COR are good and also versatile, but I've just not seen it.

                              Then again, every job has bad players. There just seems to be a lot of them in the new jobs...
                              Alas, for a decent chunk of their career, a BLU is more or less relegated to a DD/Enfeebler job, due to the lack of curative spells and party buffs. As 50 BLU/WHM, I have Cures 1-3, Protectra and Shellra, a few -na spells, and Raise. I'm about as useful as a lvl 25 WHM that used a Wizard's Drink. I'm sure this will change soon, what with BLU getting some new spells this update, but as it is, I'm kinda stuck.

                              Though I do agree, BLUs that are all "ZOMG DAMAGE" annoy me. I do damage, but not before I've thrown my debuffs onto the mob. Stuff like Acc and VIT down just make parties so much easier. Plus, if we have no RDM (or a crappy one) I can set Dispel. Really, the only things that can limit my debuffs are spell points/slots and the camp we're at.


                              • #30

                                naa what i do is i lvl similar gear jobs
                                at first i was a RED/WAR till lvl 20 after this they all wanted WHM subbed so i got it to 12 and 3 weeks later in the dunes i never got an invite ><.So relising i liked the spellsword class i went and leveled MNK to 20 then leveled WAR to 40 then I lvled PLD to 58 still on PLD.
                                As for friends I have a few close ones but there all on EST and I being a GMT player hardely see them.
                                The other day after 3 months at college i log on and thrilled to see a buddy....I PLed this guy helpped him with gear,keys,spells,quests,missions and general info
                                I say <Hello> <Friend>
                                He says who r u???....heres the gist he forgot about me
                                I now keep to myself except for LS and other friends

                                It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                                To those who are about to tank I salute you.

