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There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

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  • There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

    This is the first time I've ever seen anything like this. I joined an O-hat run with random people to help my friend who needs it :O At the end we got our 5 Hats without problem.

    The thing that got me was that, we agree our first hat would go to the guy who lead the run. Once the hat drop, about 10 seconds later I just saw the message
    "xxx obtains the Optical Hat"
    Yea, the hat went straight to that guy... I haven't even passed it yet o_O;;

    And it's not loot master... Because other drops were still in the pool like normal.

    Just curious if anyone have seen anything like this.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

  • #2
    Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

    Originally posted by Jei View Post
    And it's not loot master... Because other drops were still in the pool like normal.
    i'm assuming you mean Quartermaster. Even if it was, the hat wouldn't be effected since is EX.

    That is wierd though...
    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


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    • #3
      Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

      Maybe you got hit by da madd haxx!


      • #4
        Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

        Was the treasure pool full? If so, there might be a chance O. hat got distributed.
        Feona - Leviathan Server - Bastok 10


        • #5
          Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

          Did everyone pass on the hat? If EVERYONE who can lot, passes, it drops to the one remaining person who hasn't lotted/passed automatically.

          Or if everyone else has the item and it's ex, it'll automatically drop to the person who doesn't have it (I think).
          Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
          75 Summoner
          58 White Mage
          Pandemonium Server


          • #6
            Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

            Originally posted by Jei
            Yea, the hat went straight to that guy... I haven't even passed it yet o_O;;
            Originally posted by Likibiki
            Did everyone pass on the hat? If EVERYONE who can lot, passes, it drops to the one remaining person who hasn't lotted/passed automatically.
            Or if everyone else has the item and it's ex, it'll automatically drop to the person who doesn't have it (I think).
            Hm, so i don`t think he passed but maybe the thing that "If EVERYONE who can lot, passes", could you lot on it? or does you already had your O-hat?

            But i can`t explain it too, maybe the case treasure pool was full??
            Otherwise i never heared that you can obtain an item faster.



            • #7
              Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

              Oh ya, if you're at 60/60 (or whatever), it automatically drops to people who aren't full. Forgot about that.
              Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
              75 Summoner
              58 White Mage
              Pandemonium Server


              • #8
                Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                Even if you're 60/60 or already have the item it will still stay in the pool until you pass though.

                Maybe Quatermaster was set but the hat filled his last inventory slot, if that happens then I think the rest of the loot stays in the pool.


                • #9
                  Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                  What we do in BCNM's is set quartermaster to the guy who used his orb.

                  That way, they get everything that drops so we don't lose any items by forgetting to lot (we lost about 600k in items once because we zoned out without taking them from the pool).

                  Maybe that's what happened, and you just lagged a bit.
                  Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
                  75 Summoner
                  58 White Mage
                  Pandemonium Server


                  • #10
                    Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                    No the pool was not full. And since the alliance was totally random pickup one, I doub't we'd have 17 people with 60/60 inventory >.>
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                      If the player who had quartermaster has only one slot free then he would obtain the Optical Hat and the rest of the treasure would remain in the pool. The Optical Hat is always at the top of the treasure pool providing no other treasure is there from previous battles therefore it would be the first item to drop into the guy with quartermaster's free inventory space. You dont need 17 ppl to be 60/60 (only the player with quartermaster to have one free slot). If everyone has passed except one person that peron does not obtain the item until he lots.
                      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                      Woodworking 91.9+2
                      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                      • #12
                        Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                        I've seen this happen before, but I still have no explination other than m4d h4x y0.


                        • #13
                          Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                          Originally posted by Aeolus View Post
                          If the player who had quartermaster has only one slot free then he would obtain the Optical Hat and the rest of the treasure would remain in the pool. The Optical Hat is always at the top of the treasure pool providing no other treasure is there from previous battles therefore it would be the first item to drop into the guy with quartermaster's free inventory space. You dont need 17 ppl to be 60/60 (only the player with quartermaster to have one free slot). If everyone has passed except one person that peron does not obtain the item until he lots.
                          But still, Quartermaster explicitly does not affect R/EX items. I decided to pull out the instruction manual for the game to double check.
                          Even in Quartermaster mode, rare and exclusive treasure items will be placed directly in the treasure pool. When this happens, members must cast lots for the items.
                          The following types of items will not appear on the Quartermaster's inventory and will be stored in the treasure pool:
                          • You cannot carry more than one of any item classified as Rare
                          • Exclusive items that cannot be traded to other players
                          This makes sense, given the purpose of Quartermaster mode. The Quartermaster is supposed to be a "treasure manager". The loot first goes to the Quartermaster, and then the Quartermaster is able to distribute the loot to others. An EX item can never be traded, so it makes sense that an EX item should stay in the treasure pool long enough for all memebers to act on the item. An item that is just Rare can still be traded, as long as it also does not have the EX flag.

                          Certain members of the alliance may already have their O Hats. But according to the manual, it doesn't appear to automatically cause a "pass on item" to happen for those players.
                          Casting Lots.... (If you cannot take an item for any reason, you will not be allowed to cast a lot for it.).... Then, when either all members have cast lots for the item, or when the treasure pool is full and the item is about to disappear, the conditional winner will receive the treasure and it will appear in the inventory.
                          I suppose whether or not having an EX item in your inventory counts as an automatic pass can be tested. Just grab a friend and go farm for some Crab Aprons in Valkurm. They seem to drop often enough. Have one distribute to one of you, and then see if the next one goes right to the other member after he lots on it (without the first player passing on it).
                          lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                          Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                          Fishing 60

                          Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                          Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                          Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                          Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                          • #14
                            Re: There's a way to quickly force loot to some one?

                            Hmm I never relised that about quartermaster, I always thought everything went into the quartermasters inv. I can tell you however (tested wit coffer keys in quicksands, kuftal and boyahda from exping) that when one person doesnt have a coffer key and the other 5 do the person without key can still loose it if they do not lot. The amount of times this has happened when Ive been exping means if SE intended for the key to drop straight to the persons inv without that rare ex item their system to do so is completely broken lol. Also you always need to lot an item to get it and the others will need to pass it unless the 5min? timer is up on items sitting in pool. Once times up the item will drop to highest lot or if no lots have been placed it will be randomly distributed to a player in the PT.
                            75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                            Woodworking 91.9+2
                            ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27

