This isn't so much about FFXI as it is about Final Fantasy games'(including ones like Final Fantasy Tactics) relation to FFXI. I originally thought about posting it in the videogame section, but I realized most of what I was saying was just a varient of FFXI.
So in the 11 Final Fantasys and 2-4 spin offs outside FF, we had a lot of different combat, leveling, and class systems. The one FFXI picked seemed more of something right out of a traditional MMORPG, which probably has some roots in Final Fantasy/Dragon Warrior(and them, from Dungeon and Dragons) anyway.
If you could increase the number of traits from previous(and proceeding) Final Fantasys, which traits would you want to be involved? Remember, this isn't editting the game we know, but decisions made before Day 1. Presonally, I would rather talk about changing FFXI, but if you had in mind an entirelly new game, go for it. Maybe even a previous FF world made into a MMORPG.
As for me, I would keep FFXI mostly the same except the following.
Removing 2hrs for the most part, maybe converting them into weaker traits or abilities. Also removing Merit Points.
In the place the 2hrs and Merit points, players can align themselves with an avatar(why not call them Espers ;o). They would receive a new "2hr", which involves the player summoning that avatar and using it's "Astral Flow". In addition, from a certain level, early on, players can enhance themselves in a similar format to the Merit Points system. Instead of leveling, the player could choose to invest exp into limit points instead. The maximum amount of upgrades would be based on the highest level. Otherwise, it would work very much like Merit points, especially when the player switches his job. Other then that, each avatar might give a small stat bonus and elemental resistance(and weakness). Maybe a category of unique "merits" that would be unlocked at max level. Probably make it possible to switch the avatar the player is bonded to, however the merits would remain with that avatar and the player would need to switch back to get it.
Now this would put Summoners in a position to either be changed or removed. To be changed the Summoner would probably be able to only summon the one Celestial Avatar they are bonded with, however be able to summon all the possible Terestial Avatars more freely. Maybe, for the sake of balance, make additional Terestial Avatars. The Summoner would also probably have to more focused on keeping the Avatar out, like many people want it now. On the other hand, they could make Spirits more interesting and power and take the up the void left by this.
Even more groundshaking, I would probably include the removal of the concept of subjobs.
To take their place would be Relics, right out of FF6. Two Relics per character, maybe one or two more at the maximum level. Relics would give you a single trait or improvement such as: stat increasement, skill increasement, job trait bonus, other job traits(including Dual Wield and Spells), and completely unique abilities altogether. Doubling up would increase the power of it. This gives players a wide range of customization. Do they want to greatly increase their strength stats? Or be able to cast Cure, Protect, and Shell? Would they like to have Dual Wield? Or would they like to increase the potency of their previous choice of White Magic? Increasing movement speed might be most important of all to them. Relics could be changed on the go or maybe be restricted to the Mog House.
NMs and HNMs drops would be more focused on Relics and crafting materials than equipment drops. Players are more likely to receive a rare kind of leather that could make Leaping Boots than just the boots themselves. In addition, making most, if not all, equipment "Bind upon equip", which for those who do not understand what that means, is tradeable and sellable, but becomes "ex" once it is equiped. Most equipment in the game would have to be crafted, with exceptions(Relic Weapon and Relic Equipment, among others). This may seem mostly unrelated to the FF series, but I think it's completely neccessary for crafting if Relics were to be added.
Finally for balance's sake:
Add more job abilities/traits for each job. The lack of subjobs will make jobs that are more depended on their job become weaker than those that are not (like DRK vs WAR).
Take much longer before reaching the final cap of the game. If the original cap is 50, then slowly increase it so that, it's 55 or 60 at the start of Zilart. 60 or 70 at the start of Promathia. 70 or 75(final cap) at the start of Aht Urhgan. With each upgrade, add equipment that scales well for the level. That means no Attack+20 kotes at level 32 and no Gavial set at level 75(for those who don't understand what I mean, the former is too good for it's level and the latter sucks a lot for it's level). Plan ahead and set armor bonus limits for each level cap. It will become obvious that there is something called "Progression" in this manner. Once the final cap is in place, the groundwork for continued armor progression is already in place. Oh, and maybe lay off the Haste and Dual Wield Delay- gear a bit.
Your post doesn't have to be as "well-thought out" as mine. Just have fun with the idea.
So in the 11 Final Fantasys and 2-4 spin offs outside FF, we had a lot of different combat, leveling, and class systems. The one FFXI picked seemed more of something right out of a traditional MMORPG, which probably has some roots in Final Fantasy/Dragon Warrior(and them, from Dungeon and Dragons) anyway.
If you could increase the number of traits from previous(and proceeding) Final Fantasys, which traits would you want to be involved? Remember, this isn't editting the game we know, but decisions made before Day 1. Presonally, I would rather talk about changing FFXI, but if you had in mind an entirelly new game, go for it. Maybe even a previous FF world made into a MMORPG.
As for me, I would keep FFXI mostly the same except the following.
Removing 2hrs for the most part, maybe converting them into weaker traits or abilities. Also removing Merit Points.
In the place the 2hrs and Merit points, players can align themselves with an avatar(why not call them Espers ;o). They would receive a new "2hr", which involves the player summoning that avatar and using it's "Astral Flow". In addition, from a certain level, early on, players can enhance themselves in a similar format to the Merit Points system. Instead of leveling, the player could choose to invest exp into limit points instead. The maximum amount of upgrades would be based on the highest level. Otherwise, it would work very much like Merit points, especially when the player switches his job. Other then that, each avatar might give a small stat bonus and elemental resistance(and weakness). Maybe a category of unique "merits" that would be unlocked at max level. Probably make it possible to switch the avatar the player is bonded to, however the merits would remain with that avatar and the player would need to switch back to get it.
Now this would put Summoners in a position to either be changed or removed. To be changed the Summoner would probably be able to only summon the one Celestial Avatar they are bonded with, however be able to summon all the possible Terestial Avatars more freely. Maybe, for the sake of balance, make additional Terestial Avatars. The Summoner would also probably have to more focused on keeping the Avatar out, like many people want it now. On the other hand, they could make Spirits more interesting and power and take the up the void left by this.
Even more groundshaking, I would probably include the removal of the concept of subjobs.
To take their place would be Relics, right out of FF6. Two Relics per character, maybe one or two more at the maximum level. Relics would give you a single trait or improvement such as: stat increasement, skill increasement, job trait bonus, other job traits(including Dual Wield and Spells), and completely unique abilities altogether. Doubling up would increase the power of it. This gives players a wide range of customization. Do they want to greatly increase their strength stats? Or be able to cast Cure, Protect, and Shell? Would they like to have Dual Wield? Or would they like to increase the potency of their previous choice of White Magic? Increasing movement speed might be most important of all to them. Relics could be changed on the go or maybe be restricted to the Mog House.
NMs and HNMs drops would be more focused on Relics and crafting materials than equipment drops. Players are more likely to receive a rare kind of leather that could make Leaping Boots than just the boots themselves. In addition, making most, if not all, equipment "Bind upon equip", which for those who do not understand what that means, is tradeable and sellable, but becomes "ex" once it is equiped. Most equipment in the game would have to be crafted, with exceptions(Relic Weapon and Relic Equipment, among others). This may seem mostly unrelated to the FF series, but I think it's completely neccessary for crafting if Relics were to be added.
Finally for balance's sake:
Add more job abilities/traits for each job. The lack of subjobs will make jobs that are more depended on their job become weaker than those that are not (like DRK vs WAR).
Take much longer before reaching the final cap of the game. If the original cap is 50, then slowly increase it so that, it's 55 or 60 at the start of Zilart. 60 or 70 at the start of Promathia. 70 or 75(final cap) at the start of Aht Urhgan. With each upgrade, add equipment that scales well for the level. That means no Attack+20 kotes at level 32 and no Gavial set at level 75(for those who don't understand what I mean, the former is too good for it's level and the latter sucks a lot for it's level). Plan ahead and set armor bonus limits for each level cap. It will become obvious that there is something called "Progression" in this manner. Once the final cap is in place, the groundwork for continued armor progression is already in place. Oh, and maybe lay off the Haste and Dual Wield Delay- gear a bit.
Your post doesn't have to be as "well-thought out" as mine. Just have fun with the idea.