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If you could add one thing...

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  • #16
    Re: If you could add one thing...

    A type of PvP that's like one XP party vs another. The way FFXI runs this would be abit more ballanced than say 1 on 1.

    They tried this with teams but most random people lack...well..unity. I'd like to see a PvP game where running off on your own is a death sentance. You're literaly forced to work as a team to kill off the other team...maybe in the veign of Besigeged...
    Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
    (have fun MMO players ^^)
    Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


    • #17
      Re: If you could add one thing...

      A rework of the search system...

      basically have a menu system where you put in what you are looking for (equivalent to putting your flag up) pick from a list. Each mission, cap for ballista and brenner, exp party on each of your jobs, every assault, BCNM, NM's... etc., major quests in a big list. (maybe under submenus) You then go in and put a check against all the things you are interested in and this is saved. Then when ever you have your "flag up"you can be searched on for all these activities.

      Say i'm as i am but my RDM is 50
      So i'd have Quest- In Defiant Challenge (LB1), Exp BLM 25, Exp Drg 24, Exp War 18, Prom - Mea, Prom - Mea, Prom - Holla, Brenner 30, Brenner 40, BCNM 20, Mission rank 5-1, Item - Gold Orcmask (or Quest - A deal with Tenshodo), Assault 50 all listed as things i'd be interested in, all of these would be searchable by everyone.
      Doing your normal /sea all 24-25 inv would bring me up under both Drg and Blm. The lists would be browsable too so you could just leaf through the quests to see if anyone was looking for something you need too.
      But as well as being searchable for multiple things they would remain when you logged off or took your flag down, so when i log on tomorrow the same list appears (job levels would auto update) so i'd still be looking for my Engineers gloves, and gradually once enough people have it flagged (even though there was only me at first) we could put together a party adn go hunt orcs.
      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


      • #18
        Re: If you could add one thing...

        Can we have the option to change face or hair types?
        Getting tired to seeing myself in the auction house every day shouting for PLs and 'Will Dance For Gil'...


        • #19
          Re: If you could add one thing...

          The phoenix down idea was a good one.
          Maybe more range for leveling pts? Might help out melees stuck in the 50s or something, Idk.

          No /shouting under level 40. :D

          fk yes


          • #20
            Re: If you could add one thing...

            Originally posted by ikkleste View Post
            A bunch of really cool stuff
            While I don't think it's possible to incorporate this into the game at this point (I know, it's a dream thread), I do think this is something that the umm.. linkshell society thing? Wtf is that called again? Anyway, I could see that maturing into something like this. Now if only S-E would incorporate it's own Windower or something... At the very least, I think you should be able to do a partial logout in your mog house -- one wherein you're free to read Vana'diel Tribune (btw, did you guys know there's basically boards in there for posting things like this that you're looking for? Oo though it's not search-able.) look at the Community thing, read update notes, etc. The whole while, being able to stay logged in enough to recieve tells for invites for parties (even being Lfg), make stupid jokes in LS chat, run searches... basically, anything text or menu based instead of game-graphics based.

            I had (what I perceive to be) an awesome idea that I've been wanting to ask others' about, but my first paragraph is too long. I'm just going to hit Submit Reply now.

            Phoenix down ftw.
            "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


            • #21
              Re: If you could add one thing...

              Invite others into your mog house. And while we're at it - being able to sit on your chairs and sit/lay on your bed would be nice too. :x


              • #22
                Re: If you could add one thing...

                Oooo I forgot about that. Weird to have a house and being unable to do anything in it.


                • #23
                  Re: If you could add one thing...

                  I had (what I perceive to be) an awesome idea that I've been wanting to ask others' about
                  Then make a second post because I want to know what you're thinking of!

                  I think a train system would be a rather interesting addition to the game, I've always liked the train theme to the FF series. As to what else I'd like....


                  You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                  I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                  • #24
                    Re: If you could add one thing...

                    Maybe add option to log into 2 characters at once using the same content ID? -.- For me, two content IDs are out of the question due to lack of funds and willing to lvl another char up from scratch again @.@;. Naming reason, being able to get my AF for my mithra char's monk and exp with her, though....i still need the CoP and ToAU expansion for my ps2....yea >.>; /em predicts some backlash. Still be nice being able to in a sort play 2 at once *runs to one side of room and to the other for wsing and casting @.@ *

                    And I'm all for Chiren and raidenn's ideas to face features and invite others to your MH ^^
                    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                    • #25
                      Re: If you could add one thing...

                      Originally posted by ikkleste View Post
                      A rework of the search system...
                      basically have a menu system where you put in what you are looking for (equivalent to putting your flag up) pick from a list. Each mission, cap for ballista and brenner, exp party on each of your jobs, every assault, BCNM, NM's... etc., major quests in a big list. (maybe under submenus) You then go in and put a check against all the things you are interested in and this is saved. Then when ever you have your "flag up"you can be searched on for all these activities.
                      You know what would be really great! If you could add comments to this search mechanism. Give me a moment, I'll come up with some great descriptive name for it in a moment.

                      No one uses the existing system, what makes people think they would use one that requires more work?
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #26
                        Re: If you could add one thing...

                        I had an idea.

                        Union of Mog House Moogles New Service!

                        Kupo! As if having to fuss over your gardening and having to scramble around making sure I get your equipment to you half the world away before you materialize on the other side via Warp is enough, you still want more!

                        Well, don't fret about it, because we're too uber to be saddled with depressing stuffs like that. Kupo! What am I talking about?

                        Yes, now you're able to queue yourself up for all events in the game! Isn't that kupo-rrific?

                        First, pick from the list of events you want to attend and your name will be placed in queue for that event! Then, view this list and send a (ping) to a specific player who you want to invite! Kupo!

                        (At this time, we're unable to perform autogrouping until we iron out the bugs of that system)

                        Tentative lists of events:

                        -CoP Missions
                        -Zilart Missions
                        -Factional Missions (Categorized by rank and nation)
                        -ToAU Missions
                        -Experience Point Hunting
                        -General Quests/Limit Break (Genkai) (Note, includes things like Hakutaku)
                        -Artifact Armor
                        -Linkshell Recruitment (List of Linkshells who are taking in new members)

                        -New Adventurers (This will allow all new players who have not completed their subjob quest and who do not have one job above level 15 to seek out help from a list of mentors who are not presently engaged in an event and are flagged to be available for this option. Bonus of choice (Either Conquest Point or Imperial Standing) will be given as a reward to mentors who assist new adventurers using this system while new adventurers will be given a voucher coupon to choose from a list of rare/ex items from past events - only available for new adventurers once per account, not once per content ID!)


                        • #27
                          Re: If you could add one thing...

                          Ive been playing WoW a lot too, and some things in WoW i think would be nice to have in FFXI as well. A few good ideas i can think of right now:

                          - Temporary Trade
                          In WoW, the trade screen is much like in FFXI, except theres an additional slot in the trade-window, for synthing purposes. I think its a good idea to add that in the FFXI trade-window too, where you can put an item like any other slot, except the item won't actually be traded. Instead, the "taker' is able to use the item(s) to synth a new item, which will then be given to the person who had the synthing materials. I think this doesnt give any benefit, except for more safety for players searching for random people with a high crafting level.

                          - Custom keyboard shortcuts for macros
                          For example, instead of just being able to use CTRL, ALT, and 1-10, the option to enter your own shortcuts. Like CTRL+A? And if you enter a button combination that is already used by the game itself, such as CTRL+L, an error message. "That combination is unavailable."

                          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                          • #28
                            Re: If you could add one thing...

                            I have more ideas x.x

                            - Linkshell Additions
                            A special menu, accessable in a special way. (Like a special NPC, or maybe simply a new button in the "Linkshell" menu.
                            In the menu Linkshell leaders are able to setup more things for the linkshell.
                            1) Like a linkshell calendar! A calendar that can be viewed by all members, and lists(with a good yet simple interface) all the upcomming planned events. Linkshell leaders should also be able to enter names of the members(sackholders) who can add/delete things on the calendar.
                            2) Special permissions, such as... disabling some people to chat in linkshell for a certain time, but still being able to see what others say.
                            3) Notes, the leader can post a short message to each member name, in a list. For example: Sybilstar - Tends to spam.

                            War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                            • #29
                              Re: If you could add one thing...

                              While I don't think it's possible to incorporate this into the game at this point (I know, it's a dream thread), I do think this is something that the umm.. linkshell society thing? Wtf is that called again? Anyway, I could see that maturing into something like this. Now if only S-E would incorporate it's own Windower or something... At the very least, I think you should be able to do a partial logout in your mog house -- one wherein you're free to read Vana'diel Tribune (btw, did you guys know there's basically boards in there for posting things like this that you're looking for? Oo though it's not search-able.) look at the Community thing, read update notes, etc. The whole while, being able to stay logged in enough to recieve tells for invites for parties (even being Lfg), make stupid jokes in LS chat, run searches... basically, anything text or menu based instead of game-graphics based.

                              I had (what I perceive to be) an awesome idea that I've been wanting to ask others' about, but my first paragraph is too long. I'm just going to hit Submit Reply now.
                              This is from a thread I made awhile back...

                              The Linkshell Community could use some improvements. As it stands, it has little use for linkshells with websites. Consider the following. I will group things in to 3:"Universal", "Linkshell", and "Player", as what they change.

                              -Add a Message Board for each server. The Message Board will have three Forums: "General Chat", "Event", and "Market". Its pretty obvious what use these boards will have. Have them be moderated by GMs and all that jazz. Every update have a patch-note dicussion posted(with new information posted) as a sticky until the update becomes old news.
                              -Allow direct linking to Linkshell Pages, Linkshell Message Boards, and Player Profiles.
                              -Server Calendar. Records Limbus and Dynamis from Linkshell Calendars(see below). Also notes Vana'diel Holidays(beginnings and endings) and Server Maintenace.
                              -Can be accessed from PlayOnline.
                              -Can be accessed from Cell Phones / PSP.
                              -Can be accessed from Game, similar to Temp Logout.
                              -Improved Server. Less "Busy Server messages". Able to hold at least 200,000 active viewers at a time.
                              -Able to send and receive/check PlayOnline messages. An "Inbox" has been added to check this.

                              -Expand Purposes:
                              * Add the following: NM, HNM:Casual, HNM:Hardcore, Conquest:Windurst, Conquest:Bastok, Conquest:San d'Oria, Strategy:Missions - All, CONFLICT:All, CONFLICT:Ballista, CONFLICT:Brenner.
                              * Remove the following: Expditionary Force, Garrison, Notorious Monster, Strategy:Ballista, Strategy:Brenner.
                              -Add a Blog-like News section to the frontpage that can hold 3 updates/dates at a time(with a link to archive). The updates can contain 3 images(however must be hosted on another server).
                              -Optional Calendar. The 3 assigned moderators may set dates on an optional calendar that only members can see. Name/Type of event must be chosen from a list that can be a nonspecific as Event or Gathering or more specific as Apollyon-NW or Dynamis-Xarcabard. A time will be set(1-12/24, depending on what nationality is viewing it, example: 12:30pm~ or 1:00pm~, or 12:30 or 13:00). They can write a small note about the event. Limbus and Dynamis events(name and date) can also be recorded on the Server Calendar.
                              -Optional Attendance Point/Rank System: It is possible for the 3 assigned moderators to add/subtract ranking in an optional LS ranking system that can only be viewed by members. It won't directly count attendance and must be changed manually. It is also optional to include a point amount next to the name/rank. This rank will be included in the players profile if members of the same LS are viewing it.
                              -Able to set a "Looking for Members" status. A note of requirments will appear at the bottom of the frontpage and can be search able by players. Requirments that can be set include "Minimum Level", "Job(s)", "Race(s)", "Nation" and "Rank/Mission Progress". For example a LS based on Conquest might want Rank 3, level 25 min. An End-game LS might be looking for BLM SMN MNK BRD, level 70 min. Also possible to set a "All Welcome" mode. Can search for players who fufil the requirments and have a "Looking for Linkshell" status(however, players looking for a certain type of linkshell will not appear for "All Welcome"). The LS be picked by the "Looking for Linkshell" search.

                              -Can log in without a linkshell.
                              -Player profiles will now have a blog-like section that can hold 1 update at a time(with a link to archive) with same limitations as a linkshell news blog. A player can have the latest linkshell news be their latest update.
                              -Players can leave comments/post on the players profile(like a single thread). Players can manage this section(delete comments)
                              -A "Community Friendlist" will be added(seperate from the playonline friendlist). This will include a list of 20 or so(can expand the list into another page) friends that will be listed with their avatar image and their names as links to their page. Pretty much a Myspace's friendlist(not that I like Myspace or don't want to destroy it).
                              -Able to set "Looking for Linkshell" status which will appear at the bottom of the player's profile. Pretty much lets the player choose 2 to 5 "Linkshell Purposes" they are interested in. They can also do a Linkshell search a lot like a linkshell's member search.
                              -(In my opinion the most important change) Allow players to search players by their mission progress / jobs. This could allow them to find party members(not so much) and people they can do missions with(very useful).


                              Allow players to paste a banner(as in for forums) that would be an up-to-date status telling image of their character that would include:
                              -Current Mission of Player
                              -Current Title
                              -Current Location
                              -If Online or not
                              -Top 5 level jobs, or top 4 jobs and current job(if logged on).

                              When clicked it would link people to that player's community profile.

                              What these changes do:
                              -Make the whole system more blog-like, on a linkshell and player level. One can say, even a FFXI Myspace(maybe even allow music from the game/Final Fantasy games/related music on their page?).
                              -Allows Linkshells and Players to find each other easier.
                              -Allows the Community Site to be a strong base of operations for a linkshell.
                              -Simply be better.

                              Double Post Edited:
                              Also, allow different skins to view it all in.
                              I already see some ideas without reasonable explaination(and are impossible otherwise), but I don't care enough to comment on them. It would be a good idea to think as a dev, not a player who is just shouting ideas. Think how hard it would be to add the thing you are suggesting and think how players would react. If you are talking about changing the search system, then you will have to imagine how exactly the menu will change, how this data would be inputted, how SE would idenify whatever type of events, ect ect, if you want to explain it correctly. Otherwise, you are just clogging up the internet tubes.
                              Read my blog.
                              Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                              Entry 32: Death to Castro


                              • #30
                                Re: If you could add one thing...

                                I already see some ideas without reasonable explaination(and are impossible otherwise), but I don't care enough to comment on them. It would be a good idea to think as a dev, not a player who is just shouting ideas. Think how hard it would be to add the thing you are suggesting and think how players would react. If you are talking about changing the search system, then you will have to imagine how exactly the menu will change, how this data would be inputted, how SE would idenify whatever type of events, ect ect, if you want to explain it correctly. Otherwise, you are just clogging up the internet tubes.
                                Well I agree with that, it all has to stay within the limits.

                                Edit: Yeah, otherwise we can just add tons of ideas.. with endless fantasies. I think its better to stay reasonable. Or if youre not sure, ask how possible it is
                                Last edited by Kittyneko; 11-13-2006, 04:11 PM.

                                War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75

