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What to do with my account?

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  • #31
    Re: What to do with my account?

    Originally posted by Macht View Post
    (Personally could easily see a company offering a cheaper version of the game for those with a POL ID already and then charging more for those who don't, called loyalty benefits).
    They have more than 5 titles out for POL and NONE OF THEM OFFERED incentives to current POL holders. You pay the 4,800 yen for the software and install it. Incidentally, every iteration of a POL-compatible game comes with a fresh POL ID. In other words, they do not assume (as you might be) that people who buy Fantasy Earth already have FFXI or any other POL game.

    Looking outside of FFXI. there's virtually no reason for any NON-JP player to hold on to their POL ID if they don't EVER plan to play FFXI again.

    Edit: Need to also add that for security reasons, you best delete your POL account if you quit FFXI. Again, any new software that comes along for POL will have a new POL ID to use. Having an inactive but accessible POL account is dangerous, IMO, since it's just a short hack away from accessing old account information that may still be prevalent (Like a credit card account with a long expiration date)


    • #32
      Re: What to do with my account?

      IIRC, Dirge of Cerberus didn't include a PlayOnline Viewer install disc or a registration code for a POL Viewer account. You had to have FFXI or Front Mission Online to have the PlayOnline software to be able to use Dirge of Cerberus. (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
      My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


      • #33
        Re: What to do with my account?

        This is too easy.

        Delete your character, with all the sellables on it. don't sell & give shit away, it'll make some few people happy, but annoy a heck of a lot more players that DIDNT get anything from you - can't please all, and there will always be someone you forgot. IF you've got someone really close to you in-game, give'em all your stuff, or if your LS has meant alot to you, give all your stuff to the LS treasurer. IF the stuff is worth alot, make a legacy in your name

        The other option is to simply log out, and cancel all payment, keeping your gils and gear 100% intact. That way, should you want to come back, you'll have *some* stuff to start with, even though your gear may be outdated, you won't start with only rare/ex items and 0 monay.

        The bottom line is - nobody is going to miss you except for your RL friends that also play the game. Casual players don't know you well enough to be missing you, and your hard-core LS friends will be kinda envious because you got the gut to quit and they don't. I did my EQ time as well, being in a very very high ranking guild at the time. Even the best of our players, when they quit, they'd be remembered at best for a couple of lines of chat - "O, Aanya quit? who's our main tank now? Gwarg? ok, let's go!".

        You'll be welcomed and cheered back again tho, if/when you return to the game, but you won't be missed, so don't sweat too much about leaving.

        Kutch, the white mage
        Stratsky, the Thief
        Dust, the Red Mage
        Leviathan server


        • #34
          Re: What to do with my account?

          Sad to see you go. Frankly, just give out gil to your good friends, along with some equipment, and just leave everything else on your character. There's no reason to sell it, just your character take it to the grave with him. You worked hard for those items, selling them for 10gil would be diminishing that. You may be quitting, but I'm sure you had some good times with the game, so its best to respect your character and just let him keep his dignity. And moogle rod >_>.

          Only reason I play FFXI now, honestly, is cause its really the only MMO that seems appealing. RO was a big lol now that I think about the year I wasted on it, WoW was fun, but the most fun I had was 1-59, and 60 is just as boring as FFXI, only difference is I havent completed much of FFXI yet so it has that advantage at the moment. I got over Everquest, and went back to it for a few months after trying Everquest 2 and cursing Sony out for it. Star Wars Galaxies was destroyed thanks to the overhaul, and City of Heroes/Villains is pretty overwhelming in terms of the power sets and the combat system itself(IMO anyway). I've tried Eve, and while it did have some things I thought were nice, its nothing I can really commit too. And although its not an MMO, don't get me started on PSU. God. I'm glad I downloaded it, I would have been pissed had I bought the PC disk.

          So unless Warhammer Online or some other MMO comes along and it has something that intrigues me and pulls me in, FFXI at the moment is really the only one thats, well, 'it'. Which is pretty sickening when you look at the game -_-. It'd probably be just smarter to invest in a new video card and get Oblivion, and stick to my other games of Battlefield 2/CS 1.6/Warhammer 40k Dark Crusade. That and pick up console gaming again. I can afford that new Wii now.
          Cleverness - Hades
          DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs

